System Administration

Catalog Phrases H

Catalog Phrases V

Use this page to Add Phrases to Catalogs.

NOTE: Excel Integration has been enabled on this page. Refer to Use Excel Integration for more information.

To access this page:

  1. Select Admin > Translations > Catalogs in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Phrases icon for a Catalog.




Displays the translatable phrases. 


Displays the translated value of the phrase in the corresponding language.

While the Stewardship Tier adds a space after a capital letter in the middle of a column name (e.g., “SystemName becomes System Name”), it does not add this space for phrase translations. Add appropriate spaces between words.

Catalog Phrases V

Catalog Phrases H

Use this page to Add Phrases to Catalogs.




Displays the translatable phrases.

Phrase Out

Displays the translated value of the phrase in the corresponding language.

While the Stewardship Tier adds a space after a capital letter in the middle of a column name (e.g., “SystemName becomes System Name”), it does not add this space for phrase translations. Add appropriate spaces between words.

Dynamic Help

Displays the dynamic help text, which displays to users, in the Information pane below the Navigation pane..