
Add Fields to Tables

Once system tables are added, configure fields for the table.

A user can set a static value for the field as well. Refer to Set Values for System Types Table Fields for more information.

To add fields to tables:

  1. Click Common > System Types in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Tables icon for System Type.
  3. Click the Fields icon for Table Name.
  4. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the System Types Table Fields page

  5. Enter a unique display order of fields in system table in the FIELD ORDER field.

    NOTE: The display order cannot exceed 1600.

  6. Enter a unique name of field in the FIELD field.

    NOTE: There cannot be multiple fields of the same name assigned to a table. The validation will fail if the field name is not unique.

  7. Enter a brief description of field in the DESCRIPTION field.

    NOTE: The field description is brought into Map to facilitate the mapping process.

  8. Click the KEY FIELD check box to enable it, indicating the field is the primary key on the table.
  9. Enter data type of field in the DATA TYPE field.
  10. Enter the number of characters permitted by the field in the LENGTH field.

    NOTE: Enter 0 if the length is greater than 4000 characters.

  11. Click Save.
  12. Click Vertical View icon for field to further configure table field.
  13. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the System Types Table Fields page

  14. Enter SAP help text from the corresponding SAP screen in the Help Text field.
  15. Enter number of decimal places allowed by field in the Decimals field.
  16. Click the Active For Mapping Default check box to enable it, indicating table field will default to require a mapping action (as in, ACTIVE is enabled for a field on the Target Fields page in Map). The field automatically displays on the Field Mappings in Map.

    NOTE: Active For Mapping Default is automatically enabled for manually entered fields. This check box must be manually checked for system-imported fields.

  17. Click the Rule Field check box to enable it, marking the field as Rule Only (if applicable).

    NOTE:A Rule Only field is part of the table creation process, but is excluded from being moved between the Source Table to the Source Table in the Object database, or between the Source Table in the Object database to the Target Table in the Object database.

  18. Click Save.