Master Data Management
Scenario Process H
Use this page to Add a Process to a Scenario.
To access this page:
- Select Master Data Management >Design in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Scenarios icon for a category.
- Click the Processes icon for a scenario.
Field |
Description |
Displays the Integrate process ID associated with this scenario. NOTE:
Displays the priority of the process. NOTE: This value determines the order the process displays on the Scenario (Processes) page and the order in which the processes are executed for posting. |
If enabled the process is active in the scenario. If disabled the process is not active in the scenario. |
Target Connection |
Click to open the Scenario Process Target Connection page to edit the connection ID for process template associated to the scenario. Refer to View and Configure External Target Systems for a Scenario for more information. |
Rules |
Click to open the Scenario Process Rule page to view the default rules assigned to the process at the category level, and to add rules to the process. Refer to Add Process Rules at the Scenario Level for more information. |
Scenario Process V
Use this page to Update Posting Options at the Scenario Level.
Field |
Description |
BOA Function Module Upload Options NOTE: The settings in this section are not used when the BDC Post Method is StandardSAPPosting. |
Keep Session |
If enabled, the session is saved in an SAP SM35 session even after a successful post. Saving a session is useful in the event it needs to be rerun. This option is used with the BDC Post Method BOASessionCreation and BOAPostingWithErrorSessionCreation. |
Continue on Commit |
If enabled, the script continues with processing after a commit has occurred. Whether this option is used depends upon the transactions being played back in the recording. |
No Data Symbol |
Displays a symbol to represent "no data" in the post. If the field is blank, Integrate uses an empty string to represent no data. |
BDC Post Method |
Displays the method used for posting the request. Refer to BDC Post Methods and Settings on the Advanced tab for more information. |
Group Name |
Displays the name that appears in the Group Name column of the SAP SM35 session. If the field is blank, Integrate uses >BOA. |
BOA BDC File Options NOTE: The settings in this section are only used when the BDC Post Method is BOAFileCreation. |
Session File Path |
Displays the location on the web server where Integrate creates files to be used in the /BOA/ZBDCPROCESS program in SE38. |
Session File Name |
Displays the name of the file Integrate creates. |
File Split Interval |
Displays an interval to indicate the number of transactions in each file created during the posting process. |