Master Data Management
Assign a Custom Audit Report
MDM is delivered with a data source called dspConduct, which contains the view webReviewRoleAggregateSel. This view is used for the review roles in previous versions of MDM to generate a table of record changes in the email body of role ready notifications for review roles.
A Designer can replace this standard Audit report with a custom Audit report which allows for additional validations and mapping of specific field drop down values. If the custom Audit report is set up at the role level, the values are defaulted at the scenario role level.
The Audit report at the scenario fole level then generates an Excel file for the attachment within an email notification. This file is saved to the location specified in the MDM_AuditDetails_FilePath data source.
Rather than relying on a role type of Review to determine if audit details are generated, the system relies on values being populated in the Audit Details tab of each scenario role.
Before performing this task, the Designer builds a view in the database using Syniti naming standards that are used for the Audit report. This view must contain a RequestID column that filters the results. If the data returned from the view includes an AuditDetailsOrderByColumn column, the view sorts the data based upon this column.
When the Designer updates the fields Audit Details Data Source ID and Audit Details View on the Role page’s Vertical View, the view identified from the data source becomes the default audit report for this role.
NOTE: The file that is produced from this Audit report remains in the location specified in the MDM_AuditDetails_FilePath data source for a period of 1440 minutes (one day) by default. Users can update the retention minutes on the Parameters page. Refer to Parameters for more information.
A Custom Audit Report may be defined at the Role Level. When new Scenario Roles are created, they inherit the assigned Custom Audit Report:
To define the Custom Audit report at the role level:
Select Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
Click the Roles icon for a category.
Click the Vertical View for a role.
Click the Audit Details tab.
Click Edit.
View the field descriptions for the Audit Details tab on the Role page's Vertical View
Select a value in the Audit Details Data Source ID field.
Select a value in the Audit Details View.
Click Save.
When the Designer creates a new Scenario Role the fields Audit Details Data Source ID and Audit Details View on the Scenario (Roles) page’s Vertical View inherit the values from the associated Role. Users are able to apply a specific Scenario Role Audit Report by updating these field.
To attach a custom audit report at the scenario role level:
Select Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
Click the Scenarios icon for a category.
Click the Roles icon for a scenario.
Click the Vertical View for a role.
Click Edit.
Select a value in the Audit Details Data Source ID field.
Select a value in the Audit Details View.
Click Save.