Master Data Management
Generate a Control Table for Content WebApp Pages
A Designer can create a control table for a scenario > role > task combination for all pages for a task or for a single task (page). The table(s) is created and stored in the Content WebApp’s database. If the control table(s) already exists, clicking the Create Control Table icon in the steps below drops the existing table(s). When the table(s) is created, control data for all roles in all scenarios that have this task assigned is added to the table(s).
Data stored in the control tables are based on the Content WebApp page’s column settings for control status (Hide, Enable, Disable) set in MDM. Refer to Configure Column Status for a Task for a Scenario Role Combination for more information.
When generating control tables for scenario roles, the Stewardship Tier creates tables for both active and inactive tasks. As part of this process:
All scenario role task column entries for all scenarios that use the same task have their column list updated to the latest set of columns for pages under that task.
Columns that were added to a page under the task are added to every scenario role that has that task.
Columns that were removed from the page are removed from every scenario role that has that task, regardless of whether or not that task is marked as inactive in any scenario role.
NOTE: When a table is generated, it follows the naming convention [Control table prefix]_[Page View’s Root Name]_[variant column name]. The Control Table Prefix for the task is set on the Task Page page’s Vertical View.
The tables are created with ScenarioID, RoleID, and TaskID as the key fields, along with the column used for defining the task variant.
NOTE: When building a list of scenarios > roles > tasks to update when generating control tables, the rules that build the control tables look for every task that has the same page and then updates the column information and inserts data for every scenario and role that have any of those tasks.
NOTE: If multiple pages use the same table, MDM builds different control tables for each page.
NOTE: Refer to Create Tables and Views for Content WebApp Pages Overview for general information.
NOTE: If Navigation tasks are enabled, only tables for top-level pages are generated.
To create multiple control tables for all pages in a task:
- Click Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Scenarios icon for a category.
- Click the Roles icon for a scenario.
- Click the Tasks icon for a role.
Select the task and click the Create Control Table icon in the Page toolbar.
NOTE: Use discretion when selecting multiple records for processing because there can be system limitations on how many tables are processed simultaneously.
To create a control table for a specific task (page):
- Click Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Scenarios icon for a category.
- Click the Roles icon for a scenario.
- Click the Tasks icon for a role.
- Click the Pages icon for a scenario > role > task combination.
Select one or more page records, and then click the Create Control Table icon in the Page toolbar.
NOTE: Use discretion when selecting multiple records for processing because there can be system limitations on how many tables are processed simultaneously.