Use Advanced Options
Advanced Options include:
- Manage SAP Text Lists
- Manage Syniti Data Replication Table Rules
- View Build Skip SPRAS Table List
- View Workflow Download Failures
- Configure Workflow Summary User Settings
- Send Workflow Summary On Demand
- View Workflow Summary History
Manage SAP Text List
To create custom downloads:
- Select Administrative > SAP Text Lists in the Navigation pane.
Click Add.
- Enter SAP Text table name in TABLE field.
- Enter object for table in TEXT OBJECT field if an object is used.
- Enter object key for table in OBJECT KEY field if a key for the object is used.
- Enter text ID for table in TEXT ID field if an ID must be specified.
- Enter default language in LANGUAGE field if the language must be specified.
- Click Save.
- Click Vertical View to further configure the SAP Text List.
Click Edit.
View the field descriptions for the SAP Text List page's Vertical View
- Enter SQL used to build the custom table in Build SQL Command field.
- Enter SQL used to alter the table SQL command used to build primary keys for table in Build Primary Key field.
- Click Save.
- Add table to the Target Source. Refer to the Register Tables to Source section for more information.
Manage Syniti Data Replication Table Rules
To run Syniti Data Replication Table Rules:
- Select Administrative > DBMoto Table Rules in Navigation pane.
Click Add.
- Enter source table in TABLE field.
- Enter column name to include in rule in COLUMN field.
- Enter function to apply to rule in DB MOTO FUNCTION field.
- Verify ACTIVE check box is enabled, allowing Collect to include the field in the build package process.
- Click Save.
View Build Skip SPRAS Table List
Language tables and international clients do not want SPRAS filters put on view for tables. This page provides a user with a configurable entry point to control which views will not contain a language filter.
To skip filters:
- Select Administrative > View Build Skip SPRAS Table List in Navigation pane.
Click Add.
View the field descriptions for the View Build Skip SPRAS Table List page
- Enter table to include on SPRAS filters in TABLE NAME field.
- Click Save.
View Workflow Download Failures
To view workflow emails for table download failures, select Administrative > Workflow Download Failures in the Navigation pane.
NOTE: To receive a workflow email that a table download has failed in Collect, a user must be assigned to a security role that has the Collect WebApp group WorkFlowFailureAll or WorkFlowFaiureByTargetAccess assigned. Refer to Set Security in System Administration for more information.
Configure Workflow Summary User Settings
Users receive workflow emails as notifications for various processes, such as when a table fails to download or when a table completes a download. The summary email is sent once daily at a user selected time, but can be sent on demand. Refer to Send Workflow Summary On Demand for detailed information.
To configure workflow summary settings for a user:
Select Administrative > Workflow Summary User Settings in Navigation pane.
Click WORK FLOW SUMMARY check box for the TARGET and USER NAME combination to enable the summary for that user.
Send Workflow Summary On Demand
The workflow summary email is sent to users with WORK FLOW SUMMARY enabled on the Workflow Summary User Settings page once daily. However, this summary email can also be sent on demand.
To send the workflow summary email on demand:
Select Administrative > Build Summary Workflow in Navigation pane.
Click Build Summary Workflow.
The Workflow Summary Time displays the next date and time when the summary email is scheduled to send. This date and time can be modified as needed.
To modify the date and time when the workflow email will send next:
Select Administrative > Build Summary Workflow in Navigation pane.
Click Edit.
View the field descriptions for the Build Summary Workflow page
- Update the Workflow Summary Time field.
- Click Save.
View Workflow Summary History
To view summary workflow emails, select Administrative > Workflow Summary History in the Navigation pane.