Export Translations to a Catalog
An Administrator performs this task so that translations of fields using the Language ID selected appear throughout any application that uses the catalog.
To export translations to a catalog:
- Select System Types in the Navigation pane.
- Click Vertical View for System Type.
- Click Import From Data Sourc or Modele on the Page toolbar.
Click Edit.
Select the data source from Data Source ID list box.
NOTE: The data source selected must be a database on the local sql server (i.e. a dg* or sdb* data source).
Select the System Type model from the System Type Model list box.
NOTE: An SAP System Type model is delivered with the product.
Select the language from the Language ID list box.
NOTE: If the Language ID is not set, the default value defined in System Administration Parameters is used.
- Select the catalog from the Catalog ID list box.
- Click Save.
- Click Export to send information related to the selected System Type to the catalog; a confirmation message displays.
- Click Ok.