Value Mapping Monthly by Wave
This chart displays the number of daily changes made to value mappings for all check tables associated with the Wave and Process Area selected on the Value Mapping by Wave and Process Area chart (accessed from Console) or the Wave and Process Area in the Context bar (accessed from Map).The number in the x-axis is the number of the month in the year. For example, 201401 is January.
Hover a cursor over a data point to view the number of changes to value mappings for that month.
Click a data point to open the Value Mapping page to view the status of each check table’s value mapping. The MAPPED PERCENT field displays the mapping status for each check table.
Refer to View Dashboards in Map for general information about chart features.
To access this chart in Console from the Value Mapping by Wave and Process Area chart:
- Click Waves in the Navigation pane, or click Console in the Context bar.
- Click the Process Area icon for a Wave.
- Click the Summary Value Mapping icon for a Process Area.
- Click the bar for a Wave and Process Area.
To access the chart in Map:
- Click Map in the Context bar.
- Click the Mapping Values icon on the Process Area Launch page.