Master Data Management
View Archived Requests
An Administrator adds users to WebApp groups. Archived request data does not display for a user unless that user is assigned to one of these WebApp groups.
Requests are archived when:
- A request remains in a request status longer than the number of days set on the Category Request Status page
- An event runs in the Content WebApp that archives the request
NOTE: A Designer must register stored procedures to an event in the Content WebApp to manage the archiving process. The process must archive Content Request-related table data and also call MDM process to archive MDM Request-related table data.
Use the following pages, accessed for a request on the Archived Request page, to view details.
- Archived Request Roles page displays roles assigned to the archived request.
- Archived Request Role Task page displays the tasks assigned to a role for the selected archived request.
- Archived Request Role Log page displays log records that detail when Request/Request Role activities occurred, such as whether a request was ever reset or rejected, or the date a role was finished.
- Archived Request Post Process page displays the Integrate process(es) assigned to the archived request at the scenario level.
- Archived Request Post Message page displays the posting message returned for each record from the target system.
- Archived Finish Download Messages displays every action that took place during the Post role’s Final Finish download for the archived request.
- If an active request had SLA details, the Archived Request Role SLA page displays the SLA details once the request is archived.