What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.1

Release Date: 12/10/2020

This topic contains:

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct), and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.4.1. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.4.1 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.4.1, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.


Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

A change has been made in version 7.4.1 and later to improve performance. In previous versions, the compilation debug setting in the web.config file on the Stewardship Tier Installation directory (Program files (x86)\BOA\DSP\Web) was set to true. In some situations, this setting resulted in noticeable degradation of Stewardship Tier performance. It also allowed foreground events to potentially run for extended periods of time.

For 7.4.1 and later, the compilation debug setting is set to false. This update will cause all foreground events to timeout after 1 minute and 30 seconds. (A message displays in the Quick Panel on the right of the Stewardship Tier if a foreground event times out). In previous versions, foreground events would not time out unless the user session expired.

NOTE: In large Stewardship Tier installations, there is a possibility that foreground events that previously took more than 1 minute 30 seconds will now terminate before they complete.

To prevent this from happening, a new property (executionTimeout) has been added to the web.config file. To override the default 90 seconds timeout, users can provide their own value. Syniti recommends changing this value to 300 seconds. In the case of a custom application, users could also choose to change specific foreground events to run in the background.

Another update to the web.config file was added to help ensure the proper permissions are applied. The new tempDirectory setting is located after the compilation debug setting in the web.config file. In previous versions the temp directory was in the OS .NET folder structure and not guaranteed to have the correct permissions for the web site to operate. By defining the temp directory, the user can ensure the appropriate Stewardship Tier site permissions are applied. By default, this setting is set to the installation directory, but can be updated.


  • A new source connection type called ODBCPostGreSQL is available to help set up a PostgreSQL connection for data extraction.

  • If the WHERE clause for a SAP RFC or a BOA RFC is greater than 72 characters, the WHERE clause is now broken down into several lines based on the last white space character before the 72-character limit on each line. If there are no white spaces, a new WHERE clause line after the 72 characters is created. In addition, a validation error has been added to the Tables page to warn the user if they have a WHERE clause with 72 adjacent characters and no spaces. To troubleshoot, enable debug logging for Collect to see how the WHERE clause was split into several lines.

  • In order to better support the extraction of large datasets, changes have been made to the Stewardship Tier platform to ensure that datasets in excess of 2.1 billion records can be handled correctly. Notable changes to the product to support this change include the use of BIGINT (instead of INT) data types for fields containing record counts and the use of COUNT_BIG (instead of COUNT) to get table record counts.


  • New Structure Data, Structure Objects and Template Groups are now delivered for Data Quality and Custom WebApps. In addition, the following updates have been made to existing configurations:
    • Structure - Data:

      • Administration—Data Source: DataSourceName is now a Simple Selection value for DataSource

      • Assemble—Package: PackageName is now a Simple Selection value for the CPPPackage table

    • Template Groups: <ADM Configuration>
      • Common—System Type is now part of this Template Group

  • A new security role for Promote has been added, called Promote User. This role can perform basic functions within Promote, such as create, compare and transport packages, but does not have any administrative permissions. Refer to Set Up Security for Promote for more information on security roles.

  • A new service page, called Remove Temp Host Dest Records, is available for Promote. When a Package Group or a Package is deleted, this service page deletes the data in the following tables:
    • PackageObjectDependent_TempDest
    • PackageObjectDependent_TempHost
    • PackageStructureData_TempDest
    • PackageStructureData_TempHost

    This new service page (and all Stewardship Tier service pages) can be viewed from the Services Pages page in System Administration.

  • The Structure Object Focus Database field was removed from the Packages Template page because it was obsolete.

  • Several unused or duplicate pages were removed:
  • Two updates were made to the Structures - Data page:
    • The Vertical View was removed because the associated fields had no functional use.
    • The Packages icon was updated to solely a record count because the previous icon was not linked to an underlying page nor did it need to be linked.
  • To separate application settings by functions that are only performed by a Promote Code Promotion Manager, various fields were moved from the Application Parameters page to a new page, called Advanced Promote Actions. In addition, this new page also contains a new field: Transform Object Template. This field allows users to select a custom template to be used when the Crawl All Transform Objects button is clicked. The Advanced Promote Actions page is available to Promote Code Promotion Managers and Promote Users; the Application Parameters page is only available to Promote Code Promotion Managers.

Online Help

We have added video tutorials for the following Promote topics:

Advanced Data Migration


A status indicator has been added to the Vertical View of the Process Area: Object page to track the Unit Test status of objects. This indicator will be used in a future release of the Migration dashboards. Refer to Track Report and Load Program Status for more information.

Master Data Management

RFC-based extracts for final finish tables have been added to MDM. Finish Type CranPort has been renamed Collect and users can now use the Collect Finish Type to extract data using SAP RFC or BOA RFC. These new extract methods support the passing of a WHERE clause to reduce data extraction times. The Collect Finish Type continues to support extraction using CranPort.

Resolved Issues

Master Data Management

In scenarios where Stewardship Tier users are logged in using Windows Authentication and Managed Pipeline Mode is set to Integrated in IIS manager, users experienced failures when a request containing validation error was Finished. This issue has been fixed by including an updated version of the RazorEngine.dll in the software installation package. [DSP70-454]

Mass Maintenance

Previously, users received an error message when trying to save an electronic signature record if the Comment exceeded 200 characters. The record was saved when the error was disregarded, but the Comment itself was not saved. Now, a validation message displays when the record is saved if the comment exceeds 200 characters. Users must reduce the Comment to fewer than 200 characters in order to save the record. [DSP70-1189]

Advanced Data Migration


  • An error occurred when syncing from Target Design to Map if the user followed this particular navigation path:

  1. Click Design in the context bar.

  2. Click the Sources icon for a target.

  3. Click the Mapping icon for a source.

  4. Click the Sync from Target Design icon in the Page toolbar.

    The issue has been corrected and the sync process runs as expected when the user follows this navigation path. [DSP70-1101]

  • An issue occurred in Map and a validation warning was thrown when:

  1. Target Design had been completed for a table and a source was added to the table in Target Design.

  2. The target was then synced to Map.

  3. In Map, the user selected a source table from the assigned source to assign to the target on the Target Sources page.

NOTE: The selected sources table had at least 1 primary key and was not currently in the source System Type.

  1. The user saved the record.

NOTE: The validation warning “No key was found for this Source Database Object” displayed.

With the fix, the record saves successfully in this scenario. [DSP70-1177]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

Fixed an issue that occurred when adding a translation to a page in a custom WebApp that had no custom catalogs registered to it. The issue occurred for a user who was not using a Design license. Previously, when the user clicked the Edit Page Help icon for a column on the Pages page, a record could not be added, as the Stewardship Tier required the user to select a catalog from the Catalog ID list box. Because the custom WebApp did not have any catalogs registered to it, the list box was empty. With the fix, users can add a translation to a column property on a page in a custom WebApp by clicking the Edit Page Help icon on the Pages page. [DSP70-365]

Stewardship Tier Upgrade Impact:

  • When upgrading from DSP 7.0.6 or below to Stewardship Tier 7.4.1 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source. After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]


  • Fixed an issue in Collect when adding new tables (on the Tables page) to a Target Source that was configured to use the SAPAPPSERVER Source Connection type. If the default Collect Package Type was set to BOA RFC, newly added tables were being incorrectly created with the "SAP Data Services using RFC" package type. With the fix, the correct "default" package type is used when adding new tables to SAPAPPSERVER Target Sources. [DSP70-1188]

  • Fixed an issue when using SAP RFC or BOA RFC package types to download tables. Even though the Refresh was marked as successful in Collect and in the Job Queue, the process ended with errors that were not displayed. The value in the Record Count field on the General Information tab on the Vertical View of the Tables page and the number of records in the Table in SQL did not match the record count that should have been extracted when the Refresh process successfully completed. With this fix, if there is a failure during the extraction, the extract will terminate and the reason for error will be available. [DSP70-1226]


  • The comparison functionality failed when comparing a table with 40 or more columns. With this fix:

Enhancement Requests From Users

WARNING: Customizations made to any component of the delivered Syniti Solutions will be overwritten in the next upgrade. To preserve customizations, make a copy of the customizations prior to applying any upgrade.

A customization is a change to the underlying source code, which differs from configuration – normal setup of the software, such as setting up workflows and defining parameters via the configuration pages.

Changes in Previous Versions

Previous Versions of Help

Help Build Date:November 27, 2024 12:01:41 PM