
Waves H

Waves V

To access this page:

  1. Select Advanced Data Migration in the Navigation pane, or select Console in the Context bar.
  2. Click Waves in the Navigation pane.



Copy Wave

Click to open the Copy Wave page to create a Wave based on the selected Wave.

Build Comparison

Click to open the Build Wave Comparison page to compare and sync target designs across Waves.

NOTE: This icon only displays if the current user is a member of the WebApp group Wavesynchronizer in Console or is assigned to a security role with access to the page. Refer to Set Security in System Administration for more information.


Displays the name of the Wave, which categorizes the migration project. Examples of Wave names include country names or specific work locations where the migration will be rolled out.


If checked, the Wave is active and will display in the Context bar. The Wave is associated with an active Process Area to create a context. A user selects the context in the Context bar to work in and it displays the associated ADM components. If unchecked, any context that uses the Wave does not display in the Context bar and cannot be used in other ADM components.

NOTE: If this wave is included in Syniti’s Migration dashboard and this value is then unchecked, the wave continues to display on the dashboard until the current date is greater than one month from the wave’s end date, but no metrics data is sent to the dashboard for this wave.


Displays a description of the Wave.

Process Area

Click to open the Wave: Process Areas page to add, edit or delete a Process Area for the selected Wave.

Load Cycles

Click to open the Wave Load Cycles page to add, edit or delete a load cycle for the selected wave.

Planning Groups

Click to open the Wave - Planning Group page to add, edit or delete a planning group for the selected wave.


Click to open the Migration Milestone page to add, edit or delete a milestone for the selected wave.

Planning Data

Click to open the Wave Process Area Object Planning Data page to view the object planning data for the wave.

Summary Construction

Click to display the Field Construction charts which display a summary of construction status by the number of fields that are expected, the number of fields that are in process, and the total number of fields for the target.

Refer to Field Construction by Wave for more information.

Summary Field Mapping

Click to display the dashboard for a summary of field mappings for the selected Wave ID.

Refer to Field Mapping by Wave for more information.

Summary Value Mapping

Click to display the Value Mapping by Wave chart for the selected Wave ID to view Value Mapping progress.

Refer to Value Mapping by Wave for more information.

Waves V

Waves H

This page has the following tabs:

General tab



Execution Group Values

Click to open the Wave Execution Groups page to configure values for a Wave’s Execution Groups. Refer to Manage Execution Data for an Object for more information.


Displays the name of the Wave, which categorizes the migration project. Examples of Wave names include country names or specific work locations where the migration will be rolled out.


Displays a description of the Wave.

ERP Settings

Target System

Displays the data source that contains the Target tables downloaded from the ERP system. This data source must be registered in Common  and the tables downloaded in Collect. Refer to Register a Data Source in Common for more information.

Multiple target systems can be added to a Wave. Refer to Add Multiple Target Systems at the Wave-Process Area Level for more information.


Displays the ERP system client name. This value should match an entry in T000 and a single client should be used.


Displays the ERP system language. This value should match an entry in T002 and is used to update the description of Target check table values.

Start Date

Displays the date that work on the migration for this wave begins. This date is used as a milestone by default in the Migration dashboard. Refer to Configure the Syniti Migration Dashboards for more information.

NOTE: If there are multiple instances of the Stewardship Tier, and a wave's name, start and end dates are identical in multiple instances, data from only one wave displays on the dashboard.

End Date

Displays the date that work on the migration for this wave ends. This date is used as a milestone by default in the Migration dashboard. Refer to Configure the Syniti Migration Dashboards for more information.

NOTE: If the current date is one month or later past this end date, the wave does not display on the dashboard.

NOTE: If there are multiple instances of the Stewardship Tier, and a wave's name, start and end dates are identical in multiple instances, data from only one wave displays on the dashboard.

Documentation tab



Execution Group Values

Click to open the Wave Execution Groups page to configure values for a Wave’s Execution Groups. Refer to Manage Execution Data for an Object for more information.

External Reference

Displays hyperlinks and supporting commentary that demonstrate the connection from data-related assets in the Stewardship Tier to external references in other platforms and applications.

Syniti recommends a Wave be linked to an Initiative, Goal or Term in the Knowledge Tier.