Synchronize Target Designs Across Waves
A System Administrator can compare the target design across Waves, identifying differences between Waves and synchronizing a baseline Wave with one or more child Waves. They can also sync target designs at the Process Area, object, target or field level across Waves, making target design a global, efficient and streamlined process.
Once the comparison is processed, the differences between elements in the compared Waves display on the Vertical View of the results page at each element level. Comparisons list any elements that exist in one Wave but not the other and field changes (add, update or delete) that are in one Wave and not the other.
To make comparisons easier to review, hide all matching comparisons (i.e., those comparisons that do not need to be synced) using the Hide Identical icon on the Page toolbar at each element level.
The status icon on the Horizontal View of each results page provides a summary of the comparison. Hover a cursor over this icon for details.
Synchronizations can be performed for all migration elements or for a single element (i.e., all Process Areas in a Wave or a selected Process Area). To sync Target Designs, the user either clicks the Sync All [Element Name] in the page toolbar, or selects a record and selects Sync [Element Name] in the Page toolbar.
NOTE: A user must be assigned to Console's Wavesynchronizer WebApp group in System Administration or granted security through a security role to access the icon and pages related to synchronizing target designs.
At a high level, to compare and synchronize target designs, the System Administrator :
- Selects the baseline Wave and child Wave and runs the comparison process.
- Reviews the differences between the Waves at any level of the migration hierarchy.
- Syncs the target designs between the baseline and child Wave at the element level or at the single record level.
To compare target designs in Console:
- Click Advanced Data Migration in the Navigation pane, or click Console in the Context bar.
- Select the baseline Wave and click the Build Comparison icon in the Page toolbar on the Waves page.
Click Add in the Build Wave Comparison page in the child pane.
View the field descriptions for the Build Wave Comparison page
- Select the child Wave to compare to the baseline Wave in the Wave ID list box.
- Click Save.
- Click the Process icon on the Page toolbar.
Click the icon corresponding to the level in the migration hierarchy to compare the baseline Wave with the child Wave.
Once the comparison is processed, the differences between elements in the compared Waves display on the Vertical View of the results page at each element level. For example, to view the comparison results for a target, on the Build Wave Comparison page, click the Targets icon, then click theVertical View icon for a target.
For example, a user compares a baseline Wave and a child Wave that both contain material data. On the Vertical View of the Wave Compare Process Area Results page, the Process Areas are named the same but have different data sources. The user does not want to synchronize the data sources, so continues the review at the object level.
The Material object name is also shared by both Waves and does not need to be synced.
At the target level, both Waves contain the ttMARA target, so the user clicks the Hide Identical icon in the page toolbar and these targets that do not need to be synced no longer display. The ttADRC target exists in one Wave and not the other. The user views this detail by hovering over the Status icon on the Horizontal View of the Wave Compare for Target Results page for the record. The user selects the ttADRC record and clicks the Sync Target icon on the Page toolbar to sync the targets in both Waves.