Data Quality
Register Reports to a Report Repository
Reports are registered to a report repository and then to a group for individual users (group members) to view.
To register a report:
- Select Data Quality > Configuration > Report Repositories in Navigation pane.
- Click Reports for Repository.
Click Add.
View the field descriptions for the Repository Reports page's Vertical View
- Select a report from Report list box.
Select an opportunity view from the Opportunity View list box.
NOTE: An opportunity view is only applicable to Error reports.
NOTE: An OnValidate event inserts Opportunity Views assigned to reports into the table behind the Opportunity Views page. Users can then manually add a description to an Opportunity View in the DESCRIPTION field on the Opportunity Views page to provide a definition of the scope of data that the Opportunity View represents.
Select a type from Report Type list box.
A Report Type helps users organize output reports. There are three options:
Enter text in Implication field.
NOTE: The Implication field describes the consequence of the error, as in, what the report means to the business.
- Enter a report description in Comment field.
- Enter a user-friendly report name in Title field.
Select a categorization from Quality Dimension list box. Stewardship Tier-supplied values are:
- Accuracy – The degree to which data correctly describes the "real world" object or event being described.
- Completeness – The proportion of stored data against the potential of 100% complete.
Consistency – The absence of difference, when comparing two or more representations of a thing against a definition.
Validity – Data is valid if it conforms to the syntax (format, type, range) of its definition.
- Timeliness – The degree to which data represent reality from the required point in time.
Uniqueness – No thing is recorded more than once based upon how that thing is identified.
NOTE: Additional Quality Dimensions can be added. Refer to Register Quality Dimensions for more information.
Update Status field if default value is not applicable. Values are:
- Approved – Report has been approved by the business user.
- Not Approved – Report has not been approved by the business user.
NOTE: Only reports with a status of Approved are available to group members and are processed based on the configured schedule.
Verify Allow Manual Run check box is enabled to permit the report to be manually run.
NOTE: Disable this feature if the report can only be run on a schedule.
Update Output File Type list box if default value is not applicable.
NOTE: There are two Output File Type options: File Excel and File Delimited. File Excel refers to Excel 2003 (xls files). To use Excel 2007 (xlsx files), enable the Build Xlsx Reports check box under Configuration > Parameters. Use File Delimited to generate a text file, which is much smaller than an Excel file.
Update Output File Delimiter list box if default value is not applicable.
NOTE: The Output File Delimiter determines how the columns in the report are separated.
Enter a sort order in Report Order By field. Do not include “ORDER BY” in the sort order.
NOTE: The Output File Delimiter determines how the columns in the report are separated. The Report Order By field is used to build the final report file. Data Quality dynamically rebuilds the SQL code to support User Filters and then applies this parameter to sort the data in the final output.
Select data quality scoring thresholds from the Threshold ID list box. (optional)
NOTE: If no threshold is selected the threshold ID set on the Parameters page is used in the data quality score status calculation. Refer to Register Data Quality Score Thresholds for more information.
- Click Metric Data Information tab.
Click Report Metric Data Build check box to track and maintain metric data.
NOTE: Metric data can be tracked in order to determine how long an error exists in a report. Refer to Track Error Records on Reports for detailed information.
- Click Save.