Mass Maintenance
Configure Retention Parameters
Retention Parameters control how many days a request is retained before it is archived.
The retention interval is configured within a request status on the Request Status page (accessible by clicking Configuration > Request Status in the Navigation pane).
This status is copied into each template when the template is created; however, it can be modified per template.
NOTE: To modify a retention parameter, the template must not be active or must be in Developer Mode. Refer to Modify an Active Template in Developer Mode for more information.
To configure retention parameters for a template:
- Click Team in the Navigation pane.
- Click Templates for a team.
- Click Vertical View for a template.
- Click Configuration tab.
- Click Retention Params.
Click Edit for a request status.
View the field descriptions for the Template (Request Retention) page.
Enter a value in RETENTION INTERVAL field.
NOTE: The RETENTION INTERVAL is the number of days a request in the selected status is retained before it is archived.
- Click Save.
Refer to Archive Requests for more information.
Request statuses used by active requests are:
- Request in Process – The request has been created, but has not yet been posted by the Post role.
- Posting Scheduled – The request is scheduled to be posted using the Schedule Post posting option. Refer to Post Request Data to the Target ERP System for more information.
- Posting – The request is currently being posted to the Target ERP system.
- Posted – The request has been posted successfully to the Target ERP system.
- Posted with Errors – At least one record in the request has not posted successfully to the Target ERP system. Refer to Correct and Post Failed Records for more information.
- Finish Processing – The posting process for the request is finished. The Post role has clicked the Finish button for the request on the Request (Roles) page after it has posted. The tables from the Target ERP system with the data changed by the request is in the process of being downloaded from the source database.
- Finish Failed – The posting process for the request is finished. After the Finish button for the Post role has been clicked to initiate the download process, the download of tables encountered an error during the process.
Request statuses used by inactive requests are:
- Finished – The posting process for the request is finished. The Post role has clicked the Finish button for the request on the Request (Roles) page after it has posted. The tables from the Target ERP system with the data changed by the request have been downloaded from the source database.
- Cancelled – The request has been cancelled. A cancelled request can be archived, but cannot be reset. Refer to Change Request Status for more information.
- Deleted – The request has been deleted and cannot be reset. The data entry records for the deleted request cannot be archived and are deleted from the Data database once the Service (Archive Requests) runs. Refer to Change Request Status for more information.