Master Data Management

Business Process Request Duration

This chart displays the average duration in days to finish requests for all Business Process within a selected Category. A request's duration is based on its earliest role start date and latest role finish date. The calculated duration excludes the lead time between a request being submitted and the first role being started. The average duration calculation uses both Active and Archived requests that have a status that is considered to be completed and were created within the number of preceding weeks that are specified by the Preceding Weeks Count set on theParameters page.

NOTE: Requests that are considered complete are configured on the Request Status page.

Click a bar to drill down to the Scenario Business Process Request Duration chart.

Refer to View Charts for general information about chart features.

To access the chart:

  1. Select Master Data Management > Dashboards in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Duration Metrics.
  3. Click the bar on the Category Request Duration chart.:


  1. Select Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Vertical View for a category
  3. Click Metrics tab.
  4. Click Duration Business Process.


  1. Select Master Data Management > Design in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Business Process for a category.
  3. Click Vertical View for a business process.
  4. Click the Metrics icon.