Master Data Management

Manage Positions

A position is a security template defined by a Security Administrator to which multiple users can be assigned. With positions, a Security Administrator can create a template for security once and assign multiple users to the template as needed.

Position security is used to establish security for users in the Content WebApp.

A user is assigned to a position through:

  • Assignment to a Content role that contains the position, or
  • Assignment of the position’s Security Definition Key Value to the user

Refer to Set Security for more information.

When a user is assigned to a position, the position establishes the business processes, roles, and for each role through org units, the subset of data users can access in the Content WebApp.

Based on categories and the governance elements set up within a category, business processes, roles, and org unit values for a role category level can be included or removed from a position. Org unit values can also be included or removed from a role at the role level.

NOTE:When positions are changed by either unassigning the user from the security role containing the position, or removing the position’s Security Definition Key Value from the user in MDM, the changes automatically result in changes to what business processes, roles, and data the users can access in the Content WebApp.

To work with positions: