Mass Maintenance

Set Target Role for Request Rejections

A target role is the role that will receive rejected request data. It could be the Data role or a custom role.

The Template Administrator can set a target role for a request when a Review role rejects all or part of a request’s records. The rejected request records are then assigned to the target role.

The target role is set at the template role level, and can be configured only for the Review role. This option can be set while configuring the template or while the template is in Developer Mode.

In the workflow, if a Review role rejects all records in a request, the request is assigned to the target role. If Mass Maintenance has been configured to allow partial approvals for a request, when the Review role rejects some records in a request, Mass Maintenance creates a new request and assigns it to the target role.

Refer to Perform a Partial Approval for more information.

NOTE: To set a target role at the template level, the template must not be active or must be in Developer Mode. Refer to Modify an Active Template in Developer Mode for more information.

To set a target role for request rejections:

  1. Click Team on Navigation pane.
  2. Click Templates for a team.
  3. Click Roles for a template.
  4. Click Vertical View for the Review role.
  5. Click the Approve and Finish Settings tab.
  6. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the Template (Role) page’s Vertical View.

  7. Select a role from the Reject Role Target list box.

    NOTE: When a Review role rejects all records in a request based on this template, the request is assigned to this role. If the field is blank, Mass Maintenance assigns the request to the lowest priority role in the request.

  8. Select a role from the Partial Approval Reject Request Role Target list box.

    NOTE: If Mass Maintenance has been configured to allow partial approvals of requests, and a Review role rejects some of the records in a request, Mass Maintenance creates a new request for the rejected records and assigns it to the role selected in the Partial Approval Reject Request Role Target list box. If the field is blank, Mass Maintenance assigns the request to the lowest priority role in the request.

  9. Click Save.