System Administration
Use this page to:
This page contains the following tabs:
- Site Parameters tab
- Security Settings tab
- Workflow Parameters tab
- Timeouts tab
- Page Parameters tab
- Search Options tab
- Language Support tab
- Service Options tab
- Naming Conventions tab
- System Chart Options
- Logging Options
Site Parameters tab
Use this tab to:
To access this page:
Log in to the Stewardship Tier source instance.
Select Admin > Configuration > Parameters in the Navigation pane.
Field |
Description |
Application Name |
Displays name of the application: CranSoft. |
Instance |
Displays the logical application instance (e.g., Dev, QA, Production) that this physical instance of the application represents. |
Web Site Root |
Displays URL of the home directory. If the field is not populated, any workflow emails sent that contain links will fail. |
Email Server |
Displays outgoing email server name that the Stewardship Tier uses to send email (e.g., workflow notifications). |
Default Email Address |
Displays email address used when sending a test email (i.e., clicking Test Email button). This email address is also used when the From field on a workflow is not specified AND the current user does not have an email address defined. |
Default Style ID |
Displays the default style that is applied to the site for users that do not have a style specified. |
Default Language ID |
Displays the default language that is applied to the site for users that do not have a language specified. |
Test Email |
Click to send a test email to the current user. |
License Expiration Warning Days |
Displays the number of days prior to license expiration that the user receives a notification of the expiration date. |
Clear Cache |
Click to clear various data caches maintained by the Stewardship Tier from the time of its last startup. These caches exist to aid performance, but can become “stale” due to errors or database operations that can cause issues, such as newly created views not showing up in page design lists or new WebApps not showing up on the Site menu. These issues are often stale cache problems that can be fixed by using the Clear Cache button, which avoids the need to restart the Stewardship Tier or obtain additional assistance. |
Security Settings tab
Use this tab to:
Field |
Description |
Maximum Password Age |
Displays number of days before user account passwords expire. Enter 0 for the password to never expire. Default value is 30 days. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Support Anonymous |
If enabled, anonymous users can access the Stewardship Tier. When an anonymous user first enters the Stewardship Tier, instead of a login page, the user is automatically logged in as an anonymous user. A user is anonymous when the Anonymous checkbox is enabled for the user (Security > Users). NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Support Basic Authentication |
If enabled, only Stewardship Tier user IDs are used to log in to the Stewardship Tier. No reference to corporate system user IDs is used. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Support Integrated Authentication |
If enabled, corporate system user IDs are permitted by the Stewardship Tier. For example, after a user has successfully been authenticated by the corporate system and logged into a computer, the Stewardship Tier can be started without an additional login. This requires: 1) IIS Enable Anonymous Access is disabled, 2) IIS Integrated Windows Authentication is enabled, and 3) Stewardship Tier User ID includes the user’s corporate ID (as entered in the Windows User Name field on the Userspage's Vertical View). The Stewardship Tier uses the corporate ID and cross-references it with the local Stewardship Tier ID. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Support Custom Authentication |
If enabled, the CustomAuthentication.dll is used to authenticate the user. This library is not shipped by Syniti and allows the client to define any authentication routine they choose. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Support Workflow Authentication |
If enabled, workflow messages contain disclaimer text to inform the email recipient that any user who clicks the workflow link is automatically authenticated based on the email recipient’s user account. Users are automatically logged into the Stewardship Tier when the workflow link is clicked. If disabled, users who click the workflow link must log into the Stewardship Tier. It is checked by default. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Enable Single Sign On Authentication |
Click to enable the Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication. |
Disable Single Sign On Authentication |
Click to disable the Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication. |
SKP Tenant |
Click to open the Knowledge Platform Tenant page to enable Single Sign On (SSO) settings. |
Secure URL |
Displays SSL URL to which the Stewardship Tier directs the user when Force Secure Connection is enabled. |
Force Secure Connection |
If enabled, the site automatically redirects to the HTTPS protocol, securing the transmission of data between the client and the web server. This selection requires that an SSL certificate is installed on the web server. |
CTS Password |
Displays masked password used to secure the connection between two Stewardship Tier instances when exporting a CTS package. |
Maximum Login Attempts |
Displays number of login attempts before the user ID is locked and is therefore unable to log in to the Stewardship Platform. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Login Attempt Lockout Period |
Displays number of minutes to wait before the user can re-try to log in after password lockout is activated. Default value is 300 minutes. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Disable Inactive User Period |
Displays the number of days a user account will remain active if the user has not authenticated, i.e., logged in. Once the period has passed, the user account is set to inactive. The user cannot log in until the account is unlocked by an Administrator. For example, the Disable Inactive User Period is set to 10. The user TJones is added in the Stewardship Tier, but does not log in for 10 days. The user account for TJones is set as inactive. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Min Password Length |
Displays minimum password length accepted for new or changed passwords. Zero allows any password length. Default value is 0. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Password Require Alpha |
If enabled, users' passwords to log in to the Stewardship Tier require an alpha character. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Password Require Numeric |
If enabled, users' passwords to log in to the Stewardship Tier require a numeric value. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Password Require Special |
If enabled, users' passwords to log in to the Stewardship Tier require a special character. NOTE: The special characters are hard-coded and cannot be configured. They are - ! @ # $ % ^ & * ? _ ~ £ ( ) ,! NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Password History |
Displays the number of user passwords retained. During the password rename process, the Stewardship Tier compares history names – no duplicates are allowed. Zero retains no passwords except current one. Default value is 0. NOTE: This field is hidden when SSO is enabled. |
Suppress User ID |
If enabled, the current user’s ID does not display in various places where it would normally display (for example on the Electronic Signature page or when the user hovers over the Gear icon on the Toolbar). |
Workflow Parameters tab
Field |
Description |
Workflow Continue On Error |
If enabled, the Stewardship Tier does not fail events due to SMTP errors that occur when sending workflows. Errors can be viewed in the logs. |
Workflow Log Retention Days |
Displays number of days that records in the User Workflow Log are retained. Default value is 2 days. |
Default Workflow Expire Days |
Displays number of days a workflow link is active for the receiver of the email. Default value is 14 days. |
Maximum Email Attachment File Size |
Displays the maximum file size (in bytes) allowed for email attachments. Default value is 5000000 bytes. |
Timeouts tab
Field |
Description |
Session Timeout |
Displays the number of minutes with no activity from the logged in user before the session times out. Once the minutes have passed, the session ends and the user is logged out. For example, the Session Timeout is set to 5 minutes. A user navigates in the Stewardship Tier for 2 hours then stops using the keyboard and mouse. After 5 minutes, the user is logged out. Recommended default is 20 minutes. NOTE: When a user re-authenticates, i.e., logs back in, the page the user was on when the session timed out displays, if that page is available. |
Request Timeout |
Displays number of seconds before request times out. This field represents the time for a web page to render the results after a request. Recommended default is 30 seconds. |
Full Page Record Lock Timeout |
Displays time (in seconds) that a page is locked when full page edit mode is invoked. When a user edits a record, a lock icon displays to all other users, preventing them from modifying records on the page. The recommended default is 1200 seconds. |
Record Lock Timeout |
Displays time (in seconds) that a record is locked when being edited. When a user edits a record, a lock icon displays to all other users, preventing them from modifying the record. Default value is 90 seconds. |
Page Parameters tab
Field |
Description |
Records Per Page |
Displays number of records per page before additional pages are added. Default value is 16 records. |
Maximum Hint Length |
Feature is deprecated. |
Number Of Page Range Characters |
Displays number of characters to include in the range portion of the page selection menu. Enter 0 to use the entire field. Recommended value is 3. |
Page Trace Retention Days |
Displays the number of days in which trace logs are retained. After the retention days are reached, the trace logs are deleted from the Stewardship Tier. Default value is 5 days. |
Quick Panel Resource Allocation |
Displays the number of milliseconds of processing time allocated, per-second, for each Quick Panel Resource. This can be used in conjunction with the Quick Panel Performance Monitor to balance server performance versus Quick Panel count refresh frequency. NOTE: This field is not relevant to Bulk Execution or Excel Integration. |
Bulk Execution Limit |
Displays the number of records which a user can Bulk Execute against on any page. If this value is exceeded, a message will be displayed to indicate the result set needs to be filtered to reduce the number of records visible before a Bulk Execution can be performed. This is to reduce load on the server when under load while remaining highly responsive while not under heavy usage. Note: Serialized events will always run in 1 thread. |
Bulk Execution Thread Limit |
Displays the number of multi-threads available for the use of Bulk Execution. When performing a Bulk Execution, if asynchronicity is supported, half of the available threads will be allocated for the job. Meaning, if the limit is 32, the first Bulk Execution will be given 16 threads. If another Bulk Execution is invoked during this, it will be allocated 8,
and so on. There will always be at least 1 thread granted to ensure the job is processed. NOTE: This is the number of concurrent threads that can process Bulk Execution logic. Each invocation of Bulk Execution will use half of the remaining threads with a minimum of 1. |
Excel Import Record Limit |
Displays the maximum number of records that can be inserted per worksheet upload. This may be useful when page designers know that either the OnValidate event is very resource intensive or the data set can be very dense. |
Auto Refresh |
Auto Refresh Min |
Displays minimum or starting refresh rate in seconds. Default value is 999 seconds. |
Auto Refresh Max |
Displays maximum or ending refresh rate in seconds. Default value is 30 seconds. |
Auto Refresh Increment |
Displays number of seconds to increment the refresh rate until the Auto Refresh Max is reached. Default value is 5 seconds. |
Search Options tab
Field |
Description |
Display Record Limit |
Displays number of records available in a web view before the filter option is activated. Recommended value is 1000. |
Download Record Limit |
Displays number of records allowed in a download before the filter option is activated. Recommended value is 10000. |
Report Record Limit |
Displays number of records displayed in a report before the filter option is activated. Recommended value is 1000. |
List Record Limit |
Displays upper limit on the number of records that can be displayed in a list box. If this limit is reached, the list box reports an error and fails to populate. The Designer should change the column to use a combo box instead of a list box. |
Full Page Edit List Record Limit |
This feature is obsolete. Refer to List Record Limit. |
Search String Wildcard |
Displays wildcard character used when performing text-based searches. Default value is *. |
Default Search Word Limit |
Displays number of words to index out of each column during search indexing. Default value is 64. |
Language Support tab
Use this page to Assign a Custom System Catalog.
Field |
Description |
System Catalog ID |
Displays system catalog name used throughout the Stewardship Tier for all translations. In typical page translation, this is the lowest priority catalog, either a custom system catalog or the delivered .System catalog. If a custom system catalog displays, the Stewardship Tier searches through the custom system catalog for a phrase translation before it searches through the .System catalog. |
Support Translation |
If enabled, the Language field is available on the Settings page, providing users with the option of selecting the language that is used for their session. |
Support Localization |
If enabled, the Locale field is available on the Settings page, providing users with the option of selecting the local that is used for their session. |
Service Options tab
Field |
Description |
Service User ID |
Displays Stewardship Tier user ID that the service uses to log in to the Stewardship Tier. |
Service Record Limit |
Displays number of records on which the service page operates. If this record count is exceeded, the service page is not executed and an error is logged. |
Default Queue ID |
Displays the default queue to be used in background events. |
Default Service Page Queue ID |
Displays the default queue to be used by service pages. |
Naming Conventions tab
Field |
Description |
Table Filter |
Displays filter applied in the table combo box when selecting a table. Default value is * indicating there is no filter for a table name. |
Horizontal Filter |
Displays filter used to reduce the number of elements shown in Horizontal View combo boxes. Default value is web*Hor, where the view name begins with “Web” and ends with “Hor.” Horizontal Views must be named in the database following this naming convention or they do not display as options in combo boxes in the Stewardship Tier. |
Vertical Filter |
Displays filter used to reduce the number of elements shown in Vertical View combo boxes. Default value is web*Ver, where the view name begins with “Web” and ends with “Ver.” Vertical Views must be named in the database following this naming convention or they do not display as options in combo boxes in the Stewardship Tier. |
Report Filter |
Displays filter used to select views shown in report page views. The default registered value is usr*, where the view name begins with “user” and the remaining text may be any character. Report views must be named following this naming convention or they do not display in the Stewardship Tier. |
Chart Filter |
Displays filter used to select views shown in chart page views. The default registered value is web*Chart. Chart views must be named following this naming convention or they cannot be selected when adding a chart in the Stewardship Tier. Refer to Add a Chart for more information. |
List Filter |
Displays filter used to reduce the number of elements shown in Value fields or the Descriptive fields when building a list box with Column Properties. Default value is web*List, where the view name begins with “Web” and ends with “List.” Refer to Add List Boxes and Combo Boxes for more information. |
System List Filter |
Displays the filter used to reduce the number of elements shown in search combo box. The default registered value is web*Search, where the view name begins with "Web" and ends with "Search". |
Procedure Filter |
Displays filter used to help identify procedures. Default value is web*, where the filter name begins with “web" and the remaining text may be any character. Due to the complexity in naming a procedure, only the prefix is defined. |
Validation Filter |
Displays filter used to reduce the number of elements shown in Validation combo boxes. Default value is web*Val, where the view name begins with “Web” and ends with “Val.” Refer to Register a Validation Rule for more information. |
Workflow Filter |
Displays filter used to reduce the number of elements shown in workflow combo boxes. Default value is web*Flow, where the view name begins with “Web” and ends with “Flow.” Refer to Register Workflow Views for more information. |
Event Parameter Filter |
Displays filter used to select views applicable to event parameters. Default value is web*Evt, where the filter begins with "web" and ends with "Evt." |
Defaults Filter |
Displays filter used to define the naming convention for Default Views, and is used to populate the Default View list box on the Pages page. Default value is web*Def, where the filter begins with "web" and ends with "Def." |
Search Filter |
Displays filter used to reduce the number of elements shown in search combo boxes. Default value is web*Search, where the view name begins with “Web” and ends with “Search.” |
Index Filter |
Displays filter to search registered table names. Default value is *#Search, where * is a wildcard prefix. For each search initiated, the table selected becomes the prefix, e.g., Employee table search = Employee#search. During user selection, table is populated with records and indexed. |
Service Filter |
Displays filter used to select views for service pages. Default value is web*Ser, where the filter begins with "web" and ends with "Ser." |
Hover Filter |
Displays filter used to define the naming convention for Hover Views, and is used to populate the HoverView list box on the Pages page. Default value is web*Hov, where the filter begins with "web" and ends with "Hor." |
User Control Filter |
Refer to User Control Views for more information. |
Page Control Filter |
Displays filter used to define the naming convention for Page Control Views, and is used to populate the Page Control View list box on the Pages page in System Administration (on the Vertical View > Control Views tab, where the Page Type is "Dynamic"). Default value is web*Pcv, where the filter begins with "web" and ends with "Pcv." Refer to Page Control Views for more information. |
Data Control Filter |
Displays filter used to define the naming convention for Data Control Views, and is used to populate the Data Control View list box on the Pages page in System Administration (on the Vertical View > Control Views tab, where the Page Type is "Dynamic"). Default value is web*Dcv, where the filter begins with "web" and ends with "Dcv." Refer to Data Control Views for more information. |
List Control Filter |
Displays filter used when selecting list control views. Default value is web*Lcv, where the filter begins with "web" and ends with "Lcv." |
Parameter Filter |
Displays filter used when selecting page parameter views. Default value is web*PV, where the filter begins with "web" and ends with "PV." |
Tooltip Filter |
Displays filter used when using the tooltip feature. Refer to Add a Tooltip for more information. NOTE: This field is hard coded to limit the number of characters displayed to 32. |
Watermark Filter |
Displays filter used when using the watermark feature. Refer to Add a Watermark for more information. |
Control View Field Prefix |
Field is deprecated. |
System Chart Options tab
Field |
Description |
Metric Report Hours |
Displays the number of hours to display on the hourly reports in System Administration. |
Metric Report Days |
Displays the number of daysto display on the daily reports in System Administration. |
Logging Options tab
Use this tab to Log Events and Access to Personal Data.
Field |
Description |
Enable Page Logging |
Click to turn on logging of all events. The logs are created daily as .CSV files. |
Disable Page Logging |
Click to stop logging all events in the Stewardship Tier. |
Logging Retention Days |
Displays the number of days logs are kept before they are deleted. The default value, 0, indicates that the logs will never be deleted. These logs track all events related to personal data, and are written to the data source configured by the user in the Logging Data Source ID field. |
Logging Data Source ID |
Displays the data source where logs are written. NOTE: Though this data source's path can be local on the web server or on a network, it is highly recommended that the logs be stored on a remote server. |
Enable Logging By Page |
Click to open the Enable Logging By Page page to enable or disable logging for specific pages. |
Download Most Recent Log File |
Click to download the log file for the current day. |