
Tables H

Tables V (All Tabs)

NOTE: Bulk Execution has been enabled on this page. Refer to Use Bulk Execution for more information.

NOTE: To receive a workflow email that a table download has failed in Collect, a user must be assigned to a security role that has the Collect WebApp group WorkFlowFailureAll or WorkFlowFaiureByTargetAccess assigned. Refer to Set Security in System Administration for more information.

To access this page:

  1. Click Collect > Targets in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Sources icon for a target.
  3. Click the Tables icon for a source.



Build And Refresh

Click to build the package and download active tables from the source. If the package already exists, the table is refreshed (i.e., data is downloaded from the source database). If the package does not exist, a package is immediately scheduled to be built and the table is refreshed. The Refresh icon is disabled for Syniti Data Replication package types because the refresh is run by Syniti Data Replication instead of by Collect.

NOTE: If the data in the table has been purged manually, or the retention expiration date for that object has passed, it cannot be refreshed and this icon is inactive. Refer to Purge Data for more information.

NOTE: If the selected table is inactive, this icon is dimmed.


Click to reset a running refresh. This process activates the Refresh icon and triggers batch job schedule to calculate new run dates for next scheduled refresh. Reset source if the download process backs up due to network problems.

Build Package

Click to build a package to download active tables from the source.

NOTE: If the data in the table has been purged manually, or the retention expiration date for that object has passed, it cannot be refreshed and this icon is inactive. Refer to Purge Data for more information.

NOTE: If the selected table is inactive, this icon is dimmed.


Click to manually extract a copy of data from the source and load into the target.

NOTE: If the data in the table has been purged manually, or the retention expiration date for that object has passed, it cannot be refreshed and this icon is inactive. Refer to Purge Data for more information.


Displays the database where tables are refreshed with source data.


Displays the database where data is refreshed from and stored in the target.


Displays table name in the source database.


Displays package type to refresh target table with source data. Default value is CranPort. Refer to Package Types for a description of each package type available.

NOTE: The component is referred to as Assemble in the help. The package type is still CranPort.

NOTE: When the package type is CranPort package, the package name is hyperlinked to the CranPort package in Assemble in the view.

NOTE: If source has an SAPAPPSERVER connection type, only the following RFC package types are available in the Package Type list box:

  • SAP Data Services using RFC
  • SAP Text


Displays the target source table’s rename. The Table Rename is part of the primary key on the target source table in Collect.

Using Table Rename functionality, users can register multiple tables with large datasets (for example, BSEG) but with different Table Renames (for example Company Code). This allows users to extract data from target sources on a more granular level, pulling the correct data into tables named, for example, for BSEG_Company One, BSEG_Company Two, and so on.


If enabled, table is active. Only active tables are downloaded from the source during refresh. Default value is Active.


Displays the Excel file name from which data is used in a package. The field only displays when the Package Type is Excel Import.

NOTE: The filename format is limited to the standards of the user’s operating system. Unallowed characters are converted to underscores.

NOTE: The file name format is limited to the standards of the user’s operating system. Characters not allowed by the user’s operating system are converted to underscores.

NOTE: If no file name is entered, the page name is used as the default.

Excel Sheet Name

Displays the name of the worksheet (in the Excel file indicated in the Workbook Filename field) that is downloaded. The field only displays when the Package Type is Excel Import.

NOTE: The worksheet name format is limited to 31 characters and is filtered for characters not allowed in an Excel worksheet name. Unallowed characters are converted to underscores. If the name entered is longer than 31 characters, it is truncated to 31 characters.

NOTE: If no worksheet name is entered, the page name is used as the default.


If enabled, package for table has been built. This setting cannot be updated from within Collect.


Displays amount of time (in seconds) it took for the table to download from the source. This field is protected and updated by Collect when the table refresh process completes.


Displays number of records in the table. This field is protected and updated by Collect when the table refresh process completes.


Displays order that tables are refreshed with source data and sorted on the page. Default value is 99999.


Displays date and time when the manual refresh completed.


Displays next scheduled date and time when the refresh process is scheduled to run.


Click to open the Table (Rule) page to register rules to table.


Click to open the Table (Indices) page to register indices to table.

View Data

Click to open the Tables page to view table data downloaded from source.

NOTE: This field does not display for Excel Import package type

Tables V (All Tabs)

Tables H

This page contains the following tabs:

General tab




Click to reset a running refresh. This process activates the Refresh icon and triggers batch job schedule to calculate new run dates for next scheduled refresh. Reset source if the download process backs up due to network problems.

Build Package

Click to build a package to download active tables from the source.

NOTE: If the data in the table has been purged manually, or the retention expiration date for that object has passed, it cannot be refreshed and this icon is inactive. Refer to Purge Data for more information.

NOTE: If the selected table is inactive, this icon is dimmed.


Click to manually extract a copy of data from the source and load into the target.

NOTE: If the data in the table has been purged manually, or the retention expiration date for that object has passed, it cannot be refreshed and this icon is inactive. Refer to Purge Data for more information.


Displays the target database where tables are refreshed with source data.


Displays the database where data is refreshed from and stored in the target.


Displays table in the source database.

Table Rename

Displays the target source table’s rename. The Table Rename is part of the primary key on the target source table in Collect.

Using Table Rename functionality, users can register multiple tables with large datasets (for example, BSEG) but with different Table Renames (for example Company Code). This allows users to extract data from target sources on a more granular level, pulling the correct data into tables named, for example, for BSEG_Company One, BSEG_Company Two, and so on.

Package Type

Displays package type to refresh target table with source data. Default value is CranPort. Refer to Package Types for a description of each package type available.

NOTE: The component is referred to as Assemble in the help. The package type is still CranPort.

NOTE: When the package type is CranPort package, the package name is hyperlinked to the CranPort package in Assemble in the view.

NOTE: If source has an SAPAPPSERVER connection type, only the following RFC package types are available in the Package Type list box:

  • SAP Data Services using RFC
  • SAP Text


If enabled, table is active. Only active tables are downloaded from the source during refresh. Default value is Active.


Displays information about table, for example, data contained within table.

Excel File Name

Displays the name of the file imported from Excel.

NOTE: This field only displays for package types of Excel Import.

Excel Sheet Name

Displays the name of the worksheet that contains the table’s data.

NOTE: This field only displays for package types of Excel Import.


Displays a description of the table’s contents.

NOTE: This field only displays for package types of Excel Import.

Remove Trailing Spaces

If checked, when packages of type BOA RFC or SAP RFC are extracted, any trailing empty spaces in columns are removed.

This column is checked by default.

If unchecked, trailing empty spaces in columns are retained when data is extracted from the table.

NOTE: This column only displays for tables with package types of BOA RFC or SAP RFC.

Advanced Settings tab



Where Clause Override

Displays a Where Clause that is used to limit data downloaded during a refresh process.

NOTE: Delimiters must be excluded for field names for RFC package types.

Table Schema Owner

Displays the database’s schema for the table.


Displays next date and time when the refresh process is scheduled to run.

Package Name

Displays name of package that refreshes target table with source data.

NOTE: The package name is set automatically and displays after the package is built for the package types CranPort and SSIS. The package must be manually built and the package name must be entered into Collect for package types ManualCranPort, ManualSSIS or Manual Data Services.

NOTE: The package name must follow the naming convention #Database#%#Source#%. Refer to Create Packages for more information.

NOTE:If the package type is Manual Data Services, this list box displays the list of available jobs, which is populated from the Data Services Repository assigned to the target on the Targets page’s Vertical View.

Do Not Delete Data

If checked, data is not deleted in the target SQL Server table when the table is refreshed in Collect.

This check box displays for the following package types:

  • SAP Data Services
  • SAP Data Services using RFC
  • Manual Data Services
  • Syniti Connect

NOTE: Checking this check box could produce duplicate data and/or primary key errors in the target SQL Server table if the package is not designed appropriately for appending data.

Queue ID

Displays queue used for all Collect table downloads for the selected table.

To prevent processing backlogs and inefficient Stewardship Tier usage during the execution of large Collect refreshes, the queue ID can be set at the target, target source, or table level. Refer to Assign a Queue to a Refresh for more information.

If this field is blank, the Stewardship Tier assigns the queue ID in this priority order:

1. Target source

2. Target

3. Default (set on the Parameters - Collect page)

Schedule ID

Displays schedule for when target tables are refreshed with source data. Options are controlled in Common > Configuration > Schedules. Default value is Use Source Schedule setting. No Table Override Requested.

Schedule Group

Displays schedule to build packages, refresh or filter on tables in a group. Schedule Groups are managed in Configuration > Schedule Groups. Default value is No Group.

NOTE: If building a group with a Syniti Data Replication package the following applies: 
If Schedule Group is set to NO GROUP, both Download and Mirror package will be built as an individual replication in Syniti Data Replication.
If Schedule Group is set to AUTO and if it is a Download package, the replication will be part of a group named <GroupPrefix>_Downloads. Otherwise, if it is a Mirror package the replication will be part of a group called <GroupPrefix>_<number> where number is an incremental value to count the number of groups. Groups cannot contain more than <Group_Size> replications. 
If Schedule Group is set to "existing group name" with no restriction to the <Group_Size> parameter the replication is built into that group. 

NOTE: The Replication Mode must be consistent with the Replication Group Mode (e.g a download package cannot be grouped with a mirror package). 


If enabled, packages for Data Services jobs execute synchronously.

If disabled, packages for Data Services jobs execute asynchronously.

With synchronous execution, the build package jobs respect the queue and wait until jobs are finished before starting another job.

This option applies to the Data Services Package Types.

Schedule Single Thread

If enabled, table is downloaded from the source in a queue with all other single-threaded tables. Default value is Disabled.

Pooled Table Name

Displays name of SAP pooled table. Collect automatically changes the download RFC for pooled tables (i.e., SAP tables that store a list of tables, for example, ATAB stores 200 tables within a single table). Refer to SAP documentation for more information about pooled tables.

Rfc Records Per Call

Displays number of records returned in a single block for Collect background process to parse and insert into database. Default value is 5000.

Encrypted Columns

Click to open the Target Source Table Column Encryption page to edit column encryption for the table.

General Information tab



Job ID

Displays unique identifier of the Stewardship Tierjob that ran the package.


Displays date and time when manual refresh completed.

Record Count

Displays number of records in the table. This field is protected and updated by Collect when the table refresh process completes.

If the number of sources registered exceeds the Max Record Sources For Union View parameter threshold set on the Parameters – Collect page, no Record Count is calculated and the field is set to 0.

Table Record Count

Displays number of records currently in the table. Ideally, this count is the same as Record Count.  If there is no primary key or unique index, this count may display zero but the table could have data.


Displays amount of time (in seconds) the table took to download from the source during the refresh process.

Refresh Message

Displays the last process that ran against the table, e.g., build package, download or reset.


Click to open the Data Source Table Columns page to modify the configuration of data source table columns. The count on the icon displays the number of columns in the source table.

SQL Command

Click to open the Data Source Table Create Download SQL page to view the configuration of data source table SQL commands. The count under the icon displays the number of SQL commands used in the download package.

View Metrics

Click to open the Download Metrics page to view and download metrics for the table.

View Job Tasks

Click to open the Table Download Task List page to view job tasks used to download the table.

Action tab

Use this tab to purge data for tables.



Truncate Table

Click to delete all data in the table. Table can then be deactivated if it is no longer required.

Data Protection tab



Data Controller

Displays the user responsible for the processing of personal data in the table

Any user or group who is assigned the Data Controller role must have a user account in the Stewardship Tier. Data Controller must have access to the target based on their assigned security role and security key.

NOTE: The Collect Administrator must check the WORK FLOW SUMMARY check box for the target and Data Controller on the Workflow Summary User Settings page. The Data Controller is added to this page automatically. If the check box is not checked, the Data Controller will not receive a warning email that data is going to be purged.

Data Classification

Displays the nature of the data in the table, identifying whether it contains personal data and so must be purged for regulatory compliance.

Options included with the Stewardship Tier are:

  • Personal — This object contains data that must be purged by a certain date. The Retention Expiration Date field must be completed for this object (for example, Customer Addresses, Employee Records, Business Partner Tax IDs).
  • Public —This object contains data that does not need to be purged (for example, Units of Measure, Material Descriptions, Country Codes).
  • Restricted — This data does not need to be purged, but is marked as restricted access (for example, Company Chart of Accounts, Recipes, Work Orders).

NOTE: These options are delivered with the Stewardship Tier and cannot be updated; however, a Common Administrator can create custom classifications on the Data Classification page in Common. Refer to Add Custom Data Classifications and Information Types for more information.

Retention Expiration Date

Displays the date when the data in the table will be automatically purged when a Service page runs.

A Collect Administrator must enter a date for a table with a data classification of Personal or for any custom classification with the Retention Period Warning feature enabled.

A different retention expiration date can be set at the target and target source level.

If no date is set for the object, the data is not purged.

NOTE: Updates to this field are audited. An e-signature is required.

NOTE: Once this data has passed, the Refresh and Build and Refresh icons on the Targets, Target Sources, and this page are inactive. The table can no longer be refreshed either manually or automatically.

Data Collection Reason

Displays reason for extracting the data. Any time the table is processed, the data should only be used for the reason identified in this field.