Data Quality
Use this page to Configure
This page contains the following tabs:
To access this page, select Data Quality > Configuration > Parameters in Navigation pane.
General tab
Field |
Description |
Application Information |
Application Name |
Displays name of Stewardship Tier component: dspMonitor™. |
Version |
Displays current version of Stewardship Tier component. |
Date |
Displays date when Stewardship Tier component was released. |
Properties |
Report Directory Path |
Displays path on the file system (NOT the root of a disk drive) where reports are stored. |
Report Autogenerate Size |
Displays unique value limit for a field, so when the unique value count is less than or equal to this limit, the report is automatically generated. Default value is 50,000. |
Workflow Attach Record Limit |
Displays report threshold size to determine when a workflow link to a report is emailed instead of the actual report file. Default value is 20,000. |
Zip Record Count |
Displays minimum number of rows a report must contain in order to be automatically zipped before it is attached to the workflow message. If the report does not exceed this record count, the file is not zipped. Default is 30,000. |
Zip Delete Original File |
If enabled, original report is deleted from the file system after it’s zipped. |
Keep File Duration |
Displays number of days a file is kept on the file system before it is automatically deleted. Default value is 60. |
Default Report Filter |
Displays report filter used by default when registering reports to a new report repository. |
Default Opportunity View Filter |
Displays the view that filters the selection options in Opportunity View list box on the Repository Reports page. NOTE: The recommended value is tv*OptSel. If this value is entered, when configuring reports on the Repository Report page, only views that follow the naming convention of tv*OptSel are available to choose as an Opportunity View from the drop down list. |
Default Output File Type |
Displays type of file generated for reports. Values are: File Excel and File Delimited. Default value is File Excel. |
Default Output Delimiter |
Displays default extension (as in, type of Excel file) for generated reports. |
Build Xlsx Reports |
If checked, reports are generated using Excel 2007 and higher. If unchecked, reports are generated using Excel 97-2003. The Default Output File Type must be set to File Excel in order for Build Xlsx Reports to be used. |
Remove Date From File Path |
If checked, one copy of the report is stored for each user. If unchecked, a folder is created for reports and a file is generated for each date for each user. Check this field to control disk space usage when there are many users with large reports. Default value is Disabled. |
Delete Cache For Manual Rpts |
If enabled, Cache Tables are deleted and rebuilt based on information provided in the report view. This feature is useful to provide users with real-time reporting of the most recent information when groups of reports or individual reports are manually processed. Default value is Disabled. |
Process Filter Background |
If checked, filters are processed in the background to increase performance when creating Groups (Configuration > Groups). |
Cache Database Name Suffix |
Displays the suffix used for cache databases. Default value is _Cache. |
Metric Parameters tab
Use this tab to:
- Register Data Quality Score Thresholds.
- Customizing Group Metric Graph
- Use Data Quality Dashboard
- Configure the Business Value Dashboard
Field |
Description |
Metrics Settings |
Display Metrics Duration |
Displays number of days report metrics are displayed in Data Quality. |
Keep Metrics Duration |
Displays number of days report metrics are stored in the database. This value also displays the maximum number of days metrics could potentially display in Data Quality. Default value is 365. |
Keep Metrics Data Duration |
Displays number of days to maintain report metrics after an error has been corrected on the report. Default value is 20. |
Keep Workflow Duration |
Displays number of days to maintain workflow history. Default value is 20 days. |
Metric Report Day |
Displays number of days that display on the Report Day (Metrics) report. Default value is 10. |
Metric Report Week |
Displays how many weeks display on the Report Week (Metrics) report. Default is 5. |
Metric Report Month |
Displays how many months display on the Report Month (Metrics) report. Default is 12. |
Graph Directory Path |
Displays the path file to store the Excel report on the Group Metric Graph page. The path must be a valid directory on the WebApp server and is the same location where Stewardship Tier is stored. |
Data Quality Scoring Threshold |
Enable Sigma Level |
If checked, sigma levels are displayed to the user in the threshold list box options on any page that contains a Threshold ID field. The list box will also contain Critical and Warning percentage values. In addition, the Sigma Level based on data quality score calculation is display on the Your Groups, Your Objects, and Your Targets summary and report pages. If unchecked, sigma levels are not displayed on any page that contains a Threshold ID field. Only percentage values are displayed for Critical and Warning values. Sigma Level is not displayed on the Your Groups, Your Objects, and Your Targets summary and report pages. Whether checked or unchecked, the threshold list box options are supplied from the thresholds that have been created on the Data Quality Score Thresholds page. Refer to Register Data Quality Score Thresholds for more information. |
Threshold ID |
Displays the threshold ID used for data quality scoring. An initial default threshold is supplied at the Parameters level. The default Threshold ID may be changed to any custom threshold. Custom thresholds are added on the Data Quality Score Thresholds page. Refer to Register Data Quality Score Thresholds for more information. |
Business Value Parameters
Currency |
Displays the currency used in the Cost per Failure calculations on the Business Value dashboard. NOTE: If this field is updated, calculations at the report level are not automatically updated. A user must manually update the Cost Per Failure value set at the report level. |
Workflow Parameters tab
Use this tab to Configure Workflow Content.
Field |
Description |
Workflow Content |
Subject |
Displays subject line of email notifications. |
Email From |
Displays email address from which email notifications are sent. |
Email Attachment Body |
Displays email body template for workflow emails with attachments. Do not change any values with a # prefix and suffix (for example, #SWAPNAME#). |
Email Notification Body |
Displays email body template for workflow emails sent as notifications. Do not change any values with a # prefix and suffix (for example, #SWAPNAME#). |
Email Summary Body |
Displays email body template for workflow summary emails. Do not change any values with a # prefix and suffix (for example, #SWAPNAME#). |
Email Empty Body |
Displays email body template for workflow emails sent as notifications for empty reports. Do not change any values with a # prefix and suffix (for example, #SWAPNAME#). |
Table Header |
Displays HTML for table header row in workflow emails that contain a summary table. |
Table Line |
Displays HTML for each summary report line within workflow emails that contain a summary table. |
Email Threshold Body |
Displays email body template for threshold workflow emails sent as notifications. Do not change any values with a # prefix and suffix (for example, #SWAPNAME#). |
Threshold Table Header |
Displays HTML for table header row in threshold workflow emails that contain a summary table. |
Threshold Table Line |
Displays HTML for each summary report line within threshold workflow emails that contain a summary table. |
Odd Row BG Color |
Displays color code for background of odd rows on the summary report. |
Even Row BG Color |
Displays color code for background of even rows on the summary report. |
Misc Parameters tab
Use this tab to Configure SAP Client Name for Data Quality Reports.
Field |
Description |
SAP Parameters |
SAP Client |
Displays name of SAP client in which Data Quality interacts. Default value is 0, which must be updated before reports can be processed. |
SAP Language |
Displays language used when SAP interfaces with Data Qualtiy. Default value is E (English). |
Dashboard |
Max Report Count |
Displays the acceptable number of error records for reports listed on the dashboard pages for the Status to be green. Default value is 10. |
Report Parameters |
Displays the maximum component of scrap (in percent) allowable on a Bill of Material. Default value is 0. |
Min Mat Desc |
Displays the minimum length of a material description for the description to be considered valid. Default value is 4. |
Min Cust Name |
Displays the minimum length of a customer name for the description to be considered valid. Default value is 4. |
Min Vend Name |
Displays the minimum length of a vendor name for the description to be considered valid. Default value is 4. |