Project Distribution Rule Bindings

To access this page:

  1. Click Information Steward Accelerator > Project Summary in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Distributions for a project.
  3. Click Rules for a distribution.
  4. Click Bindings for a rule.



Toggle Inherit

Click to change the ‘Column Change Mode’ mode of the selected Rule Binding.

  • Inherit—Resets the priority value set in ISA to the IS priority value from the ISFailedData table. Users cannot change column settings on the Activate Columns page.

  • Inherit Ins / Dels only—Does not update existing ISA column settings, but adds or deletes columns in ISA based on IS updates. Users can manually update column settings on the Activate Columns page.

NOTE: Toggling from Inherit Ins / Dels only to Inherit will automatically reset the columns on the Activate Columns page based on the order in the failed data table. Inactive columns will be set to active.


Displays a comma-delimited list of the table and columns to which the rule is bound.

Click the link to open the Rule Binding Detail page to update the rule binding.

NOTE: Rule Bindings are only displayed if the rule has been scored.


If enabled, the failed results of this rule binding will be captured and workflowed to the users who have been added to the Distribution.


Displays the description of the rule binding if specified on the Rule Binding List page.


Displays how the columns on the Activate Columns page are treated when the IS failed data table is changed.

Values are

  • Inherit—Resets the PRIORITY value in ISA to the IS PRIORITY value from the ISFailedData table. Users cannot change column settings on the Activate Columns page.

  • Inherit Ins / Dels only—Does not update existing ISA column settings, but adds or deletes columns in ISA based on IS updates. Users can manually update column settings on the Activate Columns page.


Displays the connection name of the table or view to which the rule binding is bound against.


Displays information about how to resolve records that fail for this rule and rule binding.


Displays information about the implication of failed data for this rule and rule binding, including downstream issues or other rule and rule binding combinations that may be affected.

Field Activation

Click to open the Activate Columnspage to activate and deactivate columns on the table. The values in these columns will display for the rule binding.

NOTE: The number on this icon is the count of active columns in the table.