Changes in Previous Versions 7.0 to 7.5.1

Changes in versions 8.0 and later

Changes in previous versions 6.0.1 to 6.7.1

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.5.1

Release Date: 7/27/22

This release contains:


Stewardship Tier


Fixed an issue where, when Stewardship Tier was installed or a new data source type was added, users had to change the RAW and VARBINARY data types to convert properly to character fields or the Collect extracts would fail. This issue also occurred when extracting data from SAP using RFC packages. To fix this, we modified source database RAW and VARBINARY data type conversions for ODBCHANA and ODBCOracle database types. We also resolved a problem with extracting binary fields through RFC extracts into VARBINARY fields on the target database.

Master Data Management

  • On the My Positions page, added a link called Position Reportthat provides display of the User Position Business Processes and User Position Roles pages for a specific position.

  • On the Task Page page, we added a new field ON VALIDATE EVENT CREATED that will provide status of the On Validate Event requirements for that page.

  • Users can now use Excel Integration as a part of the Scenario Role Task Colum page.

  • The Workflow Logging has been changed to run after Audit Detail Reports and after custom rules. This change increases the benefits of the workflow process logging.

  • To streamline request rejection, the Reviewer Workbench feature and the Request Review Task page have been removed. Rejecting a request is now performed on the Request Role Task page. Refer to Reject a Request for more information.

  • Added the ability to quickly and easily access the Scenario Role Task Column page from the Vertical View of the Category, Scenario, Role and Task pages. The Scenario Role Task Column page displays the columns relevant to the selected asset (i.e., when accessed on the Scenario page, all columns in the selected scenario display).

  • Removed the feature to automatically generate control views from the Scenario Role Task Page as the functionality was not implemented correctly and was not used.

  • The Workflow Logging has been changed to run after Audit Detail Reports and after Custom Rules. This change increases the benefits of the workflow process logging.

  • Updated the Scenario Role Task page with icons that allow users to generate and update control tables for all pages in a task. Refer to Generate a Control Table for Content WebApp Pages and Update Control Table Data for more information.

  • On the Request Role page, the Users icon has been moved to the record level. Adding and removing a role owner can now be performed on multiple users at once, as these icons have been moved to the Page toolbar.

  • Designers can now use Navigation tasks to gain finer control of task definitions. Users can now set the tasks that display as buttons on the Request Role Task page quickly and easily using Navigation tasks. Refer to Enable Navigation Tasks for more information.

    NOTE: New installations and upgrades of the Stewardship Tier where no scenarios have been created have the Navigation Task parameter enabled by default. Upgrades that already have scenarios defined have this parameter disabled by default.

  • When adding new tasks to a role, the scenario role task records are initially set to Inactive.

  • Users can now run custom business rules when a request is rejected or when a request fails because a conditional dependency is not met. Refer to Add Custom Business Rules for more information.

  • Added a pre and post message when the user clicks the Notify button on the Request Role User page to send an ad hoc message to a user that a role is ready to be worked on. The pre message confirms the message should be sent, and the post message confirms that the Stewardship Tier has sent the message.

  • Added the AddedBy, AddedOn, and AddedVia columns to the ttRequestWorkflowParam table to facilitate request auditing. Additionally, the API stored procedure apiInsertRequestWorkflowParam has two new optional parameters of @RuleName and @boaUserID, which will be used to fill in the AddedVia and AddedBy columns on the ttRequestWorkflowParam table.

  • Added a new field to pages Scenario, Scenario (Roles) and Scenario Role Task that will Copy Column Properties from one scenario to another. The new button links to a new page Copy Scenario Role Task Column that provides fields for Source Scenario and Target Scenario for use in the copy feature.

Resolved Issues

Stewardship Tier


When filtering the table records in Collect by selecting and right clicking the Duration value and the Filter option in the drop down menu the expected results were not returned. To correct this issue, we have removed the value in the Duration field for all DBMotoMirror Package Types to allow the user to enter the value for the correct filter process. [DSP70-1791]

System Administration

  • On any page that has an object definition, clicking the name of the object leads to the Definition page. The Definition field did not display properly (showed as ??) when the where clause contained Unicode characters such as Japanese or Chinese. This issue has been fixed by changing the format for the Definition field from varchar(max) to Nvarchar(max) so that the correct value displays for all languages. [DSP70-1856]

  • Fixed an issue where when the user clicked on the Vertical view of the WebApps Headerpage the link may have connected the user to a Vertical view from a different WebApp. If the page names are the same within two or more WebApps, the filter could open the Vertical View of another WebApp page. With this fix, the system filters as expected. [DSP70-1890]

Master Data Management

  • In large MDM environments, the Task Page loading performance showed signs of degradation. To improve performance, a new index has been added to the underlying table. [DSP70-1753]

  • Fixed an issue on the Roles page where if a stored procedure was added to an event, and then the Role Type was changed, it would provide duplicate records for the events. The fix adds a field Clean Scenario Role Event Rules that will activate after the Role Type is changed. This field clears the events from the old Role Type when changed to a new Role Type. [DSP70-1806]

  • Fixed an issue on the Scenario Role Task Column page where all columns across all categories were displayed. With the fix, only columns in the selected category display. [DSP70-1906]

  • Fixed an issue on the Request Role page where the order of rules on the Finish event was preventing the Custom Workflow parameters from being included in the ttWorkflowMessage. With this fix, the order of events is correct and working as expected. [DSP70-1918]

  • Corrected issues that happened in versions 7.1.4 and 7.4.3 when adding a Final Finish table in MDM that used a BOA RFC Collect Package Type. In 7.1.4, the where clause was not formatted correctly and caused an error in the Final Finish download. In 7.4.3, the where clause override was not added to any of the commands in the Final Finish download. With the fix, the Final Finish table in MDM that used a BOA RFC Collect Package Type downloads the data as expected. [DSP70-1851]

  • Fixed an issue where workflow notifications were not sent to roles without any owners when a request had:

    • more than one role ready to be worked on because a dependency was complete, and

    • one of those ready roles had a user marked as an owner.

    With the fix, the notifications are sent to all roles in this case as expected. [DSP70-1870]

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.5.0

This release contains:


Stewardship Tier


The following security definitions and associated keys have been created to further define security rights in Assemble:

  • Assemble.DataSources—limits users to creating packages with the specified data sources as targets.

  • Assemble.WorkingDataSources—allows users to create packages with all working (non-delivered application) data sources.

  • Assemble.ApplicationDataSources—displays delivered application data sources. Packages that read from or write to tables in the delivered databases are not standard nor recommended and can cause functional issues. This key allows Power Users to access existing packages created with delivered application data sources.

NOTE: If a security role exists and has an Assemble WebApp group assigned, the Assemble.WorkingDataSources security key is assigned by default in a post-install step. The other two keys must be configured by administrators, depending on what database access the user needs. Refer to Set Up Security for Assemble for more information.


In order to accommodate users' ability to provide a variety of information related to the review/approval Package Groups, the following field names were updated:

Master Data Management

  • Messages sent along with MDM workflows are now logged for analysis later. The logs can be accessed in Common on the Vertical View of Debug Log page. Refer to View Workflow Messages for more information.

  • Shared mailboxes can now be used to receive request-based email notifications. Administrators can register mailboxes and then assign the mailbox to one or more positions. If a new request is created or a subsequent request role to which the position has access becomes ready, then an email is sent to the mailbox address. Refer to Set up a Mailbox for Position-Based Workflow Notifications for more information.

  • Using position-based assignment, users and administrators can quickly set how users receive workflow notifications for request events, such as when a request is ready for review or when a request is late. Users receive the notifications based on the positions they have access to through their request roles. Users can select to receive notifications through email, popup, or both. Users can also choose to receive no notifications. Refer to Set User Workflow Receipt Preferences by Position for more information.

  • Users can update the workflow receipt preferences for multiple positions for multiple users either manually or through Excel integration on the new All User Positions page. Refer to Edit Workflow Receipt Preferences in Bulk for more information.
  • A role owner can now be assigned easily to a request role, either directly on the Request Role page, or using API procedures delivered with MDM. Role owners receive notifications when a request they own is canceled, deleted, posted, posted with errors, rejected, reset, and finished. Role owners also receive all SLA notifications. Refer to Add Role Owners for more information.
  • A user who finishes a request role is set as the role owner automatically. Owners receive email workflow notifications about request events during request processing. Refer to Set Workflow Notification by Position for more information.

  • Users can update the workflow receipt preferences for multiple positions for multiple users either manually or through Excel integration on the new All User Positions page. Refer to Edit Workflow Receipt Preferences in Bulk for more information.

  • Users can now view all users assigned to a request role on the Request Role Users page, and send a user an email from that page notifying them that a request is ready to be worked on. Refer to View a Request’s Roles, Tasks and Users and Send Ad Hoc Notifications to Request Role Users of Request Readiness for more information.

  • Users can now use views to create custom Audit reports to generate the audit details, and can use this custom report instead of the delivered Audit report. These reports are sent in the notification email as an Excel spreadsheet attachment, and they provide more opportunities to show drop down values, and other validation features. Refer to Assign a Custom Audit Report for more information.

  • Users can add two columns, one containing the role owner and the other the SLA minutes late for the request roles, to the Requests page in the Content WebApp using an API view included with the Stewardship Tier. Include the view apiRequestAllOwnersMinutesLateSel.sql using an outer join in the Content WebApp’s Request page view to show Minutes Late and Role Owner for each request.

  • Auto Post and Auto Finish roles no longer receive Role Ready or Reset/Reject workflow notifications when preceding roles are reset or rejected.

  • Added another level of escalation for SLAs at the category level with SLA Late Cycles, which are the number of cycles a request can be late before escalation notifications are sent. The SLA Late Cycles value ranges from 1 to N, where the number indicates how many multiples of the role's SLA level pass before an Escalation notification is sent.

    For example, a role with an SLA of 1 day and 6 hours in a category where this SLA Late Cycles value is set to 5 would result in SLA notifications being sent:

    • At 1 day and 6 hours for the Late SLA notification

    • At 5 days and 30 hours for the Escalation notification

    If this value is 1, the Late SLA notification and the Escalation notification are sent at the same time.

    All users assigned to the role that have the workflow notification settings set for ESCALATION on the My Settings and User Settings pages are notified on the escalation date.

Resolved Issues

Stewardship Tier


Fixed an issue with the way Pass Through tables worked. A rule runs to set all data in a Pass Through table to ignore the Sync action. However, this rule did not work correctly for Not in Host records, causing values that only existed on the Destination system to be marked for deletion. The rule now works as expected where Not In Host records in Pass Through tables on the Destination system are no longer marked for deletion. Users still need to use caution with Pass Through tables because child records of Not In Host records can still be marked for deletion. [DSP70-1548]

Master Data Management

  • Fixed an issue where a non-key Column was selected as “Include in Record Key” that caused the Audit Details import to fail. With the fix, for new record creations and deletions, the field marked as “Include in Record Key” displays as part of the concatenated key. Also, for changes, due to the way the #AuditColumn table stores the updated data, the value for a non-key field is only available if that field is changed. [DSP70-1745]

  • Fixed an issue that occurred when a user clicked the Validate or Finish button for a role from the Request Role page. The validation message that displayed had the incorrect role name in the title bar. This role name was always the first role name in the request by priority order, instead of the role name that validated or finished the role. With the fix, the validation message displays the name of the role that validated or finished the role in the title bar. [DSP70-1754]

  • Fixed an issue related to auditing data that was imported into MDM using Excel integration. If a user enabled auditing for a category, created and submitted a new request, and designed the content page to use Excel integration, any records imported using this method did not display on the Review Role Audit Details page as they should have. With this fix, records added using Excel integration are tracked for auditing as expected. [DSP70-948]

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.9

Release Date: 3/17/22

This version of the Stewardship Tier includes important architectural changes that provide the foundation for tighter integration with the Syniti Knowledge Platform.

It also resolves this issue:

Fixed a problem that occurred when the Stewardship Tier was communicating with S/4 HANA 2021 application via RFC. This issue impacted data extracts and integrate BAPI template creation and postings. With this fix, the Stewardship Tier is able to integrate with S/4 HANA 2021 applications as expected. [DSP70-1792]

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.8

Release Date: 1/24/2022

This release contains:

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

INSTALLATION NOTES FOR Stewardship Tier 7.4.8 AND LATER: The SAP transports for Stewardship Tier installations are now split into 2 packages and are documented separately.

  • Core—contains the functions and programs required by Stewardship Tier to extract data via RFC and load via BDC. These transports are distributed with the Stewardship Tier installation in versions 7.4.8 and later.

  • Supplementary—miscellaneous functions, programs, and utilities for supporting SAP-based projects. Contact Syniti Support and raise a support ticket to get this transport.

The code in the Core transports has been modernized to adhere to latest ABAP coding standards. Both the Core and Supplementary transports are compatible with SAP installations of EHP 7 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 [SAP_APPL 617] (based on SAP NETWEAVER 740 [SAP_BASIS 740]) or higher.

NOTE: Customers using older versions of SAP can contact Syniti Support who will assist in locating versions of the required programs and functions that are compatible with their SAP Instance.

Refer to Support Article SAP Transports for 7.4.8 and Above for SAP Transports available when running version 7.4.8.


NOTE: If psaCollate is installed on the instance you are upgrading, you must uninstall it before upgrading to this version. The collation technology is included in the product in 7.4.5 and later. To uninstall psaCollate refer to the Knowledge Base article psaCollate Incompatible with SST 7.4.5+.

NOTE: When upgrading to Stewardship Tier 7.4.5 AND LATER, data sources are automatically assigned with the Collation Type of General Latin Case-insensitive. This ensures that the ADM AutoGen continues to create SQL tables whose text columns have a case-insensitive collation.

NOTE: When upgrading to Stewardship Tier 7.4.6 AND LATER, open a support ticket with Syniti Support to request a new license in order to use Entity Validation and Migration Reports. If using Entity Validation, you must also request a Melissa license.

NOTE: A new, critical step has been added to the Post Upgrade section of the Installation process. After an upgrade to Stewardship Tier, users must re-create their BAPI templates. Failing to do so will cause the posting of a BAPI template to fail. Refer to Re-create BAPI Templates in the Install Manual for more information.

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 7.0.6 OR BELOW: You may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to this version. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in this version and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to this version, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING TO 7.4.2 OR HIGHER: Please be aware that any JavaScript content added is stripped away and any remaining, safe HTML is displayed to users. In Stewardship Tier versions 7.4.1 and earlier, users were permitted to enter HTML and have it rendered in the UI or included in file downloads from the UI. There were no restrictions in place on what HTML/JavaScript text was permitted, leading to potentially dangerous cross-site scripting attacks. Refer to the Unsafe HTML/JavaScript removed in Stewardship Tier 7.4.2 Knowledge base article for more information.



Previously, when assigning a WebApp group to a role, the ROLE ID list box on the Security Roles page only displayed the description of each role. Now, the ROLE ID list box includes both the role name and the role description.


Connection to SAP systems using SAP Router with and without the usage of a Message Server is now supported. When SAP router is used with SAP Message Server, the SAP Gateway Host and SAP Gateway Service attributes must also be populated.

SQL Auto Gen

While viewing the Automation tab in the Quick Panel, if the Create Target Table icon is clicked, a Target Table is created within SQL Server. If one or more columns are considered "Utility," this action would fail with an Incorrect syntax error due to missing column formatting. The automation process is updated, and the target tables will create as expected without error.

Master Data Management

  • To better capture workflow message auditing information, all procedures that create workflows now capture data in the AddedOn, AddedBy and AddedVia columns in the ttWorkflowMessage table. Refer to Set up SLA Notifications for more information.

  • Date timestamps generally display in Stewardship Tier based on the time zone of the database server. Based upon client feedback, there are certain instances where users / auditors could benefit from viewing the dates / times based upon their time zone. Therefore, the following pages / field support date/time display based upon a user’s time zone:

To support this functionality, additional parameters have been added to the Stewardship Tier to store time zone settings:

  • Parameters page contains a field - Server Time Zone to hold the database server’s time zone.

  • User Settings page contains a field - User Time Zone to store the user’s default time zone (defaults to database server time zone if blank).

In conjunction with standard MS SQL function, these parameters determine the specific date/time for the pages specified above.

System Administration

This version contains updates to improve how the Stewardship Tier displays information about column encryption for a data source. The Stewardship Tier indicates when data is in a state of mixed encryption on a single column, and sends an email notification with details on these columns.

These updates include:

  • To track a table’s unencrypted columns, the columns NOT ENCRYPTED COUNT (the total number of unencrypted columns in the table) and TOTAL COUNT (the total number of columns in the table) have been added to the following pages:

  • If the values in the NOT ENCRYPTED COUNT and TOTAL COUNT are not equal, indicating that there is a mix of encrypted and unencrypted data in the column, the Stewardship Tier sends the Data Source Table Column Encryption Report workflow email to the relevant user(s).

  • The Status field on these three pages displays a warning icon when both encrypted and decrypted records exist in a column. The tooltip for this icon has the message Mixed Encryption.

  • In the Data Source Table Column Encryption Report workflow email, the Email From and Email To values were the same in previous versions. The Email From value name now displays the system instance, taken from the Instance field on the Parameters page.

  • The email includes the tables and columns that have mixed encryption and the mixed state indicator.

  • In cases when a column has data in a mixed state, and the encryption state is Not Encrypted, additional steps must be taken to encrypt these unencrypted records. Refer to Resolve Columns with Data in a Mixed State of Encryption for more information.

Resolved Issues

Advanced Data Migration (ADM)

  • Fixed an issue within ADM where the key columns of the Error Aggregate tables were exceeding the max length of 500 characters causing the process to fail due to a truncation on the SQL statement. With the fix, the key columns are now set to NVARCHAR(MAX) and the tables are created without issues. [DSP70-1643]

  • Previously, when multiple users attempted to import target fields in Design concurrently, there was the possibility that lookup tables were not added. With this fix, clicking Execute Import on theSystem Types Import page allows one import to run at a time, ensuring lookup tables are added. [DSP70-1665]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))


  • Fixed an issue that occurred when attempting to create certain BAPIs (known examples include RCP301_RECIPES_SAVE and RCP301_RECIPES_WRITE) on the Template page within Integrate. After clicking the Create BAPI Template button, the button would remain in a processing mode and the BAPI template would not be created. With the fix, the template is now created as expected. [DSP70-1703]

  • Fixed an issue that occurred with Integrate processes using conditionals when running the Stewardship Tier on an application server using antivirus software that calls the Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI). The posting was running at over ten times the time of the same template on a system where the AMSI scan was not running. With the fix, the posting of an Integrate process with conditionals now completes in roughly the same amount of time regardless of whether antivirus software calls the Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI). [DSP70-1608]

WARNING: Customizations made to any component of the delivered Syniti Solutions will be overwritten in the next upgrade. To preserve customizations, make a copy of the customizations prior to applying any upgrade.

A customization is a change to the underlying source code, which differs from configuration – normal setup of the software, such as setting up workflows and defining parameters via the configuration pages.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.7

Release Date: 11/23/2021

This release contains:

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.


NOTE: If psaCollate is installed on the instance you are upgrading, you must uninstall it before upgrading to this version. The collation technology is included in the product in 7.4.5 and later. To uninstall psaCollate refer to the Knowledge Base article Uninstalling psaCollate Prior to Upgrade.

NOTE: When upgrading to Stewardship Tier 7.4.5 AND LATER, data sources are automatically assigned with the Collation Type of General Latin Case-insensitive. This ensures that the ADM AutoGen continues to create SQL tables whose text columns have a case-insensitive collation.

NOTE: When upgrading to Stewardship Tier 7.4.6 AND LATER, open a support ticket with Syniti Support to request a new license in order to use Entity Validation and Migration Reports. If using Entity Validation, you must also request a Melissa license.

NOTE: A new, critical step has been added to the Post Upgrade section of the Installation process. After an upgrade to Stewardship Tier, users must re-create their BAPI templates. Failing to do so will cause the posting of a BAPI template to fail. Refer to Re-create BAPI Templates in the Install Manual for more information.

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 7.0.6 OR BELOW: You may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to this version. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in this version and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to this version, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING TO 7.4.2 OR HIGHER: Please be aware that any JavaScript content added is stripped away and any remaining, safe HTML is displayed to users. In Stewardship Tier versions 7.4.1 and earlier, users were permitted to enter HTML and have it rendered in the UI or included in file downloads from the UI. There were no restrictions in place on what HTML/JavaScript text was permitted, leading to potentially dangerous cross-site scripting attacks. Refer to the Unsafe HTML/JavaScript removed in Stewardship Tier 7.4.2 Knowledge base article for more information.


Master Data Management

  • The Where Used Report is now available at the scenario, role and task level. This report displays the associated business processes, scenarios, roles and tasks for the selected item and provides further insight than the Where Used graphical interface available in previous versions. For more information, refer to View a Role's Scenarios and Tasks, View the Roles and Tasks Assigned to a Scenario and View a Task's Scenarios and Roles.

  • Though the Stewardship Tier runs on a case insensitive database collation, SAP Language is now case sensitive. Changes have been made throughout the Stewardship Tier to reflect this change, including modifying the SAP Language field on the Languages page in System Administration to be case sensitive. Content, custom applications, construction server pages or queries that use any of the following objects may need to be modified to align to the case sensitive collation:

    • webSAPLanguageList view in DSPCommon

    • apiCranSoftLanguageSel view in DSPCommon

    • dspMonitor_AccPak

  • To address queue contention when multiple MDM categories were processing requests concurrently, users can now control the queue (and services) that is used to process each MDM WebApp/category. Set the queue on the Category page's Vertical View in the Posting Job Queue list box. Refer to Set Posting Options at the Category Level for more information.

  • User access to request roles has been updated to tighten security. Users with configured permissions can set a further level of restricted security that affects request role access across MDM. Using Restricted positions, a user can only access a request if that user is assigned to a position with both a role in that request and the business process for that request. Refer to Set Restricted Position Access for more information.

  • The #instance# value can now be added to the subject and body of workflow notification emails allowing recipients to know which system has sent the workflow. The instance is set on the Parameters page within System Administration in the Instance field and must be set on-site. By default, the Instance field is blank. Refer to Use System Values for Dynamic Substitution at Run Time for more information.

  • Use an API procedure now included in the Stewardship Tier to create any parameter with any value required in a workflow. Refer to Use an API Procedure to Create Custom Workflow Parameters and Values for more information.

  • Users can add roles to scenarios more quickly than in previous versions of MDM. Before, all of the role’s associated tasks were set as active and assigned to the scenario, even though many of these tasks were not needed. This required the user to inactivate the unwanted tasks manually. With 7.4.7, when a role is assigned to a scenario, that role’s tasks are inactive by default. The user must activate the role’s associated tasks by enabling the ACTIVE IN SCENARIO ROLE check box on the Scenario Role Task page.

  • Corrected an issue where when users added a role to a scenario, all fields accessed from the role’s tasks via the Link to Page button were added as columns, even though most were not relevant. To decrease the time to configure tasks, after a user activates the task for the scenario role, only relevant task columns are added to the table.

  • We have changed how columns were automatically added to the Content WebApp. By default, if an inactive task is added to a scenario role, the task’s columns are not added. Additionally, when a role is added to a scenario, the columns on all of that role’s tasks are not added by default. The Fetch Columns feature allows users to select a task and retrieve columns. Refer to Fetch All Columns for a Task for more information.

Stewardship Tier

  • AWS RDS is now supported as a database server with certain configurations. Refer to the section Hyperscaler - AWS Hardware Requirements in the Requirements Guide for more information.

    NOTE: For the 8.0.6 version of the Stewardship Tier, the source and target for CTS and Promote must both be RDS or both be non-RDS databases.


  • Users can now import a large number of target source tables using Excel Integration on the Tables page. Refer to Use Excel Integration for more information.

  • The ODBCHANA connection type (on the Source Connection Types page) now supports downloading data from a view. This enhancement enables the users to download views via Collect in order to gather the required metadata for the SAP HANA scanner to run. As a result, the Fetch Tables action that is run for a Collect target source where the Connection Type is ODBCHANA now fetches tables and views on a HANA system.


TheDebug Logs page was enhanced to provide a limit to the amount of time that debugging is active along with the start and stop times and the number of hours for retention of this log. This will reduce the risk for system slow downs due to this process running.


  • An error displayed when attempting to use the Structures-Data “Administration-Role” because the Sub Table “RoleWebAppGroup'' only had key fields set up for the comparison process. This Sub Table now includes non-key fields in the comparison process, allowing the “Administration-Role” Data Structure to work as expected.

  • A new setting on theApplication Parameters and the Packages page is available, called Default Include dgSAP Views. This check box either includes or excludes objects dependent on SQL objects in databases prefaced with “dgSAP” (such as dgSAP_Dev, dgSAP_QE, etc.) from the transport. While the Parameter configuration is applied to all new packages, this setting can be overridden at the package level.

  • When a package is compared, differences are queued to identify what to transport. If any object within the package failed, all objects in the package were excluded from the transport, which made it impossible to tell which objects failed and which transported successfully. The error process has been improved so that if an object fails to transport, another comparison is run so only objects that failed remain queued to transport.

  • Previously, it was mandatory for a table being compared to have at least one non-key column. However, use cases existed where tables that only contained keys needed to be compared and transported. Now, tables that only have key columns (i.e., the KEYS check box on the Structure - Data Table Columns page is enabled) can be Compared and/or Synced.

  • Users may now transport data within a SQL table to the destination server. This feature allows users to move data in mass by clicking the Send Data Toggle icon on the Package - Object Comparison page.

  • Power Users may now temporarily unprotect a database in order to transport SQL Object changes made to delivered applications for a package. Enable the Allow Delivered Database SQL Changes check box on the Application Parameters page and the same check box becomes available on the Packages page. Both settings must be enabled to transport core modifications.

Syniti Data Replication

This version of the Stewardship Tier is compatible with Syniti Data Replication 9.8.1.

Resolved Issues

Master Data Management

  • In previous versions, when users added a role to a scenario, all fields accessed from the role’s tasks via the Link to Page button were added as columns, even though most were not relevant. To decrease the time to configure tasks, after a user activates the task for the scenario role, only relevant task columns are added to the table. [DSP70-1594]

  • Corrected an issue that allowed requests in the wrong status to display on SLA Summary Notification workflows. Requests in a Cancelled, Deleted, or Duplicate status no longer display on these notifications. [DSP70-1625]

  • Previously, the Auto Extend Display feature did not work. Now, it works correctly. If this check box is checked on the Role page’s Vertical View, the tasks within the role display as read-only to all other users within the scenario not assigned to this role. [DSP70-1623]

  • Corrected an issue that caused the Late Notification workflow to be repeatedly sent in error. Now, when a request is late, the workflow is only sent when the Late Notification Service page is run. [DSP70-1606]

  • Previously, if multiple CalendarIDs were associated with a role, multiple workflow emails were sent. Now, if there are multiple calendars, workflow emails are sent in order of the SLA deadline, starting with the earliest SLA deadline. [DSP70-1422]

  • Previously, an excess number of records in the audit tables prevented workflow emails from being sent. To fix this issue, we added a new field to the Parameters page: Workflow Max Aggregate Records. This field controls the number of records included in the audit workflow emails. The default value is 200. [DSP70-1624]

Stewardship Tier

  • Previously, when directly linking to another page’s Vertical View, and then attempting to filter and select a value from a combo box, instead of populating the filtered results, the page redirected to the Horizontal View of the original linking page. The Filter function on combo boxes in the Vertical View now works as expected. [DSP70-1607]

  • Previously, when a role was assigned to a user with no other roles on the User Roles page, security to that role was not granted until a second role was added. Now, security to the role is immediately granted as expected. [DSP70-1588]

  • Previously, a page rendering with lazy load did not display all records when viewing the screen at a resolution of 100%. Now, a scroll bar is available to allow users to scroll and access all records on the page. [DSP70-1605]


An issue occurred when posting data using a template with an After Post rule. The system always used a default timeout of 30 seconds for processing, regardless of the Command Timeout setting set for the data source. To correct the issue and minimize timeouts, postings that use After Post rule templates now use the timeouts set on the Data Source Registry page for the data source. [DSP70-1587]

Advanced Data Migration (ADM)


Fixed an issue that occurred when adding a new Migration Milestone to the Waves page. While saving the new milestone, if the field NAME was left blank, the system would save the milestone. With the fix, the NAME field is required and the milestone saves as expected. [DSP70-1463]

Enhancement Requests From Users

  • Updated the Password Require Special field on the Parameters page in System Administration to include the special characters.

  • Corrected the description of the Show in Navigation functionality in multiple topics throughout help, including the field description, which was updated to: “If checked, this column displays in the failed records Bulk Execution results. By default, only the first column on the page displays in these results. Refer to View Bulk Execution Results for more information.“


WARNING: Customizations made to any component of the delivered Syniti Solutions will be overwritten in the next upgrade. To preserve customizations, make a copy of the customizations prior to applying any upgrade.

A customization is a change to the underlying source code, which differs from configuration – normal setup of the software, such as setting up workflows and defining parameters via the configuration pages.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.6

Release Date: 9/16/21

This release contains:

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.


NOTE: If psaCollate is installed on the instance you are upgrading, you must uninstall it before upgrading to 7.4.6. The collation technology is included in the product in 7.4.5 and later. To uninstall psaCollate refer to the Knowledge Base article Uninstalling psaCollate Prior to Upgrade.

NOTE: When upgrading to Stewardship Tier 7.4.5 AND LATER, data sources are automatically assigned with the Collation Type of General Latin Case-insensitive. This ensures that the ADM AutoGen continues to create SQL tables whose text columns have a case-insensitive collation.

NOTE: When upgrading to Stewardship Tier 7.4.6 AND LATER, open a support ticket with Syniti Support to request a new license in order to use Entity Validation and Migration Reports. If using Entity Validation, you must also request a Melissa license.

NOTE: A new, critical, step has been added to the Post Upgrade section of the Installation process. After an upgrade to Stewardship Tier users must re-create their BAPI templates. Failing to do so will cause the posting of a BAPI template to fail. Refer to Re-create BAPI Templates in the Install Manual for more information.

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 7.0.6 OR BELOW: You may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.4.6. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.4.6 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.4.6, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

New Features

Entity Validation

Stewardship Tier 7.4.6 introduces Entity Validation - a new platform component that provides a way to standardize data. This initial release currently supports address verification using Melissa. Utilize the component to manually add and verify addresses or adapt the tables to any address cleansing solution.

Refer to the online help for more information about this new component.

NOTE: To use Entity Validation, users must have a valid Melissa license and must obtain a new Stewardship Tier license. Request a new Stewardship Tier license and/or a Melissa license by opening a support ticket with Syniti Support.

Migration Reports

The Migration Reports WebApp provides a simplified and improved version of Report Delivery. Report Delivery in Transform allows users to access reports for objects in the currently selected wave and process area in the Context bar. The new Migration Reports WebApp allows users to access reports across all objects. Using this WebApp, Business Contacts can quickly navigate to reports and drill down and select reports to add to their Favorite Reports page using a variety of methods. Administrators can easily grant user access to reports by object. Refer to View Migration Reports for more information.


AWS RDS is now supported as a database server with certain configurations. Refer to the section Hyperscaler - AWS Hardware Requirements in the Requirements Guide for more information.

NOTE: For the 7.4.6 version of the Stewardship Tier, the source and target for CTS and Promote must both be RDS or both be non-RDS databases.

Syniti Data Replication

The 7.4.6 version of the Stewardship Tier is compatible with Syniti Data Replication 9.8.

Advanced Data Migration (ADM)



On the Target Reports and Target Source Reports pages, on the Vertical View, on the Business User Settings Tab, the Sensitive check box and the Business Users Assignment icon are no longer hidden until the report is published. Report administrators can now use these settings to configure granular user access to a report before publishing it. Refer to Grant Users Access to Reports and Sensitive Data for more information.

System Administration

To better support decryption of encrypted data, on the Decrypt page of System Administration, the field Encrypted Data has been increased from 255 characters to 1024 characters.

Resolved Issues

Master Data Management

  • Corrected an issue that occurred after validation message phrases were added to a catalog in a language other than English. These phrases were not translated when the validation message displayed. Now, these phrases display using the correct phrases. The phrases can either be translated:

  • Fixed an issue that occurred when downloading data on the Request Role Audit Details page. When the Review role attempted to download the request data, the CreatedOn and CreatedBy fields were not included in the download. With the fix, these two fields are included in the download as expected. [DSP70-1475]

  • Fixed an issue for pages that required scrolling in the grid to view additional information. If these pages allowed download, no download occurred when the user clicked the Download button. With the fix, these pages now properly download, as expected. [DSP70-1476]

Advanced Data Migration (ADM)


  • Several metrics related to Field Mapping were returning incorrect statistics when a target had multiple target sources including inactive ones. The metrics views did not exclude inactive target sources. Incorrect statistics were also returned when there were multiple target sources for the same source. These issues have been fixed and the metrics are now calculated correctly. [DSP70-1480]

  • Fixed an issue where creating a new wave as a copy of two different source waves that contained segmented target reports was failing to complete the background job. With this fix, both waves are copied correctly and the status in the source wave shows as Procedures Completed as expected. [DSP70-1482]


To support copying of a template or a process on the Copy page, the lengths of the following fields were updated. The Copy To Template Name field had a length of 50 which has been updated to 150. The Copy To Process field had a length of 50 which has been increased to 255 characters. [DSP70-901]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

  • Fixed an issue with RFC extracts running on an SAP HANA database that caused the extract to duplicate data. This happened because HANA databases do not sort data in the same way as typical databases. To fix this, a Transport has been added that sorts the order of the records based on primary key once the selection is complete. This new Transport is included in the Stewardship Tier installation. [DSP70-1519]

  • An error message displayed erroneously when creating a Service message for a Service page. The error was "Please ensure that the Service User ID listed below has permission to access this page." The requirement for a Service User to have access to the Service page is no longer in the Stewardship Tier and the error message no longer displays. [DSP70-1429]

  • Fixed an issue where multiple clicks on a page link in the site menu caused the links on the displayed page to not respond. With the fix, the links function as expected. [DSP70-1339]


WARNING: Customizations made to any component of the delivered Syniti Solutions will be overwritten in the next upgrade. To preserve customizations, make a copy of the customizations prior to applying any upgrade.

A customization is a change to the underlying source code, which differs from configuration – normal setup of the software, such as setting up workflows and defining parameters via the configuration pages.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.5

Release Date: 08/02/2021

This release contains:

NOTE: If psaCollate is installed on the instance you are upgrading, you must uninstall it before upgrading to 7.4.5. The collation technology is included in the product in 7.4.5 and later. To uninstall psaCollate refer to the Knowledge Base article Uninstalling psaCollate Prior to Upgrade.

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 7.0.6 OR BELOW: You may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.4.5. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.4.5 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.4.5, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

NOTE: A new, critical, step has been added to the Post Upgrade section of the Installation process. After an upgrade to Stewardship Tier users must re-create their BAPI templates. Failing to do so will cause the posting of a BAPI template to fail. Refer to Re-create BAPI Templates in the Install Manual for more information.

New Features

Advanced Data Migration (ADM)

ADM is now delivered with a new Collation Aware Migration feature, which simplifies the handling of case-sensitive data through the end-to-end migration process.

The Stewardship Tier runs on MS SQL Server using databases that have a case-insensitive collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS). To avoid collation conflicts, Syniti historically required that all project-specific databases use the same case-insensitive collation and for consultants to handle case-sensitive data on a case-by-case basis. This new feature is now delivered with ADM so users can decide at the wave level whether the wave’s data is case insensitive or case sensitive, which makes for a much simpler process.

To aid users through collation decisions, there are several new validation messages where new data sources can be introduced to a wave, such as:

  • Adding a new data object on the Process Area: Object page in Console

  • Adding a new process area on the Wave: Process Areas page in Console

  • Changing a data object’s Data Source ID or Report Cache Data Source ID on the Process Area: Object page in Console

  • Changing a process area’s Target System Data Source ID, Data Source ID or Construction WebApp ID on the Wave: Process Areas page in Console

  • Changing a wave’s Target System on the Waves page in Console

  • Adding a new source data to a target table on the Target Sources page in Collect

  • Changing the Collation Type on the Targets page in Collect if the data source has a Collation Type in the Data Source Registry that is different from the one assigned to the target.


When upgrading to Stewardship Tier 7.4.5, data sources are automatically assigned with the Collation Type of General Latin Case-insensitive. This ensures that the ADM AutoGen continues to create SQL tables whose text columns have a case-insensitive collation.


To support the Collation Aware Migration feature, the following new fields are available on the Waves page to change the collation for a wave:

  • Wave Data Sources—Click to open the Wave Data Source Collation page to view any collation mismatches between the wave and the assigned data sources.

  • Collation Type—Displays the intended collation of data used in the wave. Options are:

    • General Latin Case-insensitive

    • General Latin Case-sensitive

  • Collation Issue—An indicator that displays if there is one or more conflicts between the wave’s Collation Type and the Collation Type of the assigned data source. Navigate to the Wave Data Source Collation page to use the generated report to fix the issues.

  • Toggle Collation—Click to switch the Collation Type between General Latin Case-insensitive and General Latin Case-sensitive.

NOTE: It is recommended that the Collation Type of all data sources assigned to a wave is aligned with the Collation Type of the wave. Refer to Change Collation for a Wave for more information.

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)


To support the Collation Aware Migration feature, the following two new fields have been added to the Data Source Registry page:

  • Collation Type—Displays the anticipated collation of text columns of tables in the associated database. It also controls the collation of table text columns that are created by the ADM AutoGen functionality. Options are:

    • General Latin Case-insensitive

    • General Latin Case-sensitive

    This field is available for the following data source types:

    • Migration Object Database (dsw%)

    • Target System Database (dg%)

    • Migration Source Database (sdb%)

    NOTE: The default value is General Latin Case-insensitive, which means the collation uses Latin characters and is case insensitive. Case-sensitive collation is only supported for Advanced Data Migration.

  • Toggle Collation—Click to switch the Collation Type between General Latin Case-insensitive and General Latin Case-sensitive.

    NOTE: It is recommended that the Collation Type of all data sources assigned to a wave is aligned with the Collation Type of the wave. Refer to Change Collation for a Data Source for more information.


Advanced Data Migration (ADM)

Target Design

In previous versions, when Utility fields were appended to tables, they were only identified by their column name, and did not include the corresponding, user-friendly Description field. Users can now add the Utility field’s description on the Append Utility Columns page. When the Append Utility columns are added to the target table, the description is added to the column Display Name. Refer to Append Utility Columns to All Tables for more information.


It is now possible to update empty legacy Description fields to include the description to assist while value mapping. Refer to Include Legacy Value Descriptions for more information.


The Copy Wave process now also copies the wave’s Collation Type.


If a wave and its associated dsw* have a case-sensitive Collation Type, Data Construction table text columns and columns in list boxes are also case sensitive.


With the new ADM Collation Aware Data Migration feature, reports need to be segmented to allow for case sensitivity. Since Windows does not consider case sensitivity, a new Segment Suffix field is available on the following reports so when Transport creates a new folder or reform name, the name is unique:

Mass Maintenance

External Data processing can now use the IMAP email protocol to connect to the account used for both External Request Scenarios and for External Data Processing with an External Data role. By default, the email protocol is POP3. The setting is configured in the new PROTOCOL field on the External Data Email Accounts page.

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®


With the new addition of category values to Syniti’s REST API, category values can now be:

  • downloaded from data sets, goals, initiatives, missions, policies, rules, systems, terms and visions.

  • uploaded to new rules, terms, systems and data sets.

  • changed on existing rules and terms.

Refer to Integrate the Stewardship Tier with the Knowledge Tier for more information. New use cases and page descriptions are listed in the Online Help section of these release notes.


The Compare event now considers the case sensitivity of data when code is compared across two environments.

Online Help

The following new use cases are available:

The following new use cases are available for Common:

  • Add or Change Category Values for a Rule

  • Add or Change Category Values for a Term

  • Add or Change Category Values for a Data Set

  • Add Category Values for a System

The following new field description topics are available in Common:

Resolved Issues

Advanced Data Migration (ADM)


Corrected an issue on the Load Cycle Execution Plan page that allowed users to enter a higher number in the DEFECT COUNT field (the number of records that failed to load) than in the OPPORTUNITY COUNT field (the total number of records). With the fix, a validation has been added to prevent users from saving this invalid record. [DSP70-1293]

Target Source SQL Automation

Fixed an issue that caused an error to display when a user clicked the Map Source icon on the Automation SQL Target Source page. With the fix, when the user clicks the Map Source icon, Map’s Target Sources page displays with details about the source selected on the Automation SQL Target Source page. [DSP70-1290]


Fixed the hardcoded timeout that caused issues when rules with large amounts of data ran in Transform. The hardcoded value of 9999 has been removed. The stored procedures use the value in the Command Timeout field on the Vertical View of the Data Sources page in System Administration. [DSP70-1461]

NOTE: After upgrading to 7.4.5 and later, clients may need to increase their data source timeouts if there are timeout issues when executing rules in Transform.

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))


Corrected an issue when using multi-threading on a source refresh that caused the processing to hang. If the number of records in the CranPort package was large (6 million records) and the package was segmented, sometimes, the segmented table's job never left the job queue. Even though the table's extract completed, the refresh job remained "spinning" in Collect. The cause was Assemble writing logs out of order. With the fix, when Assemble writes logs, it waits until the rest of the log entries, run by background threads for that task, have finished before writing the next log entry. [DSP70-1330]


Corrected an issue introduced in 7.4.4 that caused the DURATION field on the Download Metrics page to always display 0 after a table refresh. The value in this field should be identical to the value in the DURATION field on the Tables page. With the fix, the DURATION field displays the correct amount of time it took to complete the table refresh. [DSP70-1473]


Fixed an issue that caused the Status icon on the System Types page to remain in Processing status after a System Type import, even after the import had completed successfully. Now, the correct status displays when the import is complete. [DSP70-1102]

Enhancement Requests from Users

Online Help

  • In Data Quality corrected the names of the industry-standard Quality Dimensions included with Data Quality on pages where the QUALITY DIMENSION field is described.

  • In Data Quality added links from the Manage Groups page to the Set Up Security page to make finding information about granting users access to reports easier

  • In Integrate updated the Create a Basic Template topic to include BDC Script and GUI Script in the list of template types

  • In Integrate added a note to the Import a BDC Script from a File topic to clarify functionality: "NOTE: The ability to record a BDC script has been removed from the Stewardship Tier 7.3 and later. BDC scripts can be created using the SHDB transaction in SAP and imported as described in this section or copied from an existing BDC script."

  • In Collect clarified functionality for the Table Rename and the Rename Table Template fields. Refer to Register Sources to Target and Manually Register Tables to Source for more information.

WARNING: Customizations made to any component of the delivered Syniti Solutions will be overwritten in the next upgrade. To preserve customizations, make a copy of the customizations prior to applying any upgrade.

A customization is a change to the underlying source code, which differs from configuration – normal setup of the software, such as setting up workflows and defining parameters via the configuration pages.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.4

Release Date: 06/08/2021

This release contains Enhancements.

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 7.0.6 OR BELOW: You may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.4.4. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.4.4 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.4.4, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

NOTE: A new, critical, step has been added to the Post Upgrade section of the Installation process. After an upgrade to Stewardship Tier 7.4.4 users must re-create their BAPI templates. Failing to do so will cause the posting of a BAPI template to fail. Refer to Re-create BAPI Templates in the Install Manual for more information.


Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))


When packages with package types BOA RFC or SAP RFC are extracted, the Stewardship Tier now removes all trailing empty spaces in columns by default. The Remove Trailing Spaces option has been added to the Vertical View of the Tables page in Collect to allow users to select the desired behavior. When upgrading, extracts using BOA RFC or SAP RFC package types will have Remove Trailing Spaces set to false. This will ensure that extracts continue to function as before the upgrade.


Online Help

Added the topic Add a Custom Message to the Login Page.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.3

Release Date: 04/27/2021

This topic contains:

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 7.0.6 OR BELOW: You may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.4.3. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.4.3 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.4.3, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

NOTE: A new, critical, step has been added to the Post Upgrade section of the Installation process. After an upgrade to Stewardship Tier 7.4.3, users must re-create their BAPI templates. Failing to do so will cause the posting of a BAPI template to fail. Refer to Re-create BAPI Templates in the Install Manual for more information.


Advanced Data Migration

Target Design

The processing time when importing fields related to Lookup tables has been improved with the addition of a WHERE clause specifying wave, process area and object.

Construct Source Relevancy Pages

Source Relevancy pages are installed as part of new installations of the Stewardship Tier. These pages, available in Construct, support a common approach to implement data relevancy within an Advanced Data Migration project. Essentially, the pages allow consultants to document the criteria used in their relevancy rules and to then drive the transformation rules they create from this data. For further information about the Source Relevancy pages, including how upgrading customers can obtain these pages refer to the article Advanced Data Migration Source Relevancy in the Knowledge Base.

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))


A new check box, Large Data, is available on theStructures - Data Table Column page to allow columns with large amounts of data (e.g., 1 MB) to work with the comparison process. If checked, the text “Large Data” displays for the Large Data column on thePackage - Data Comparison Records page instead of attempting to display the field’s content. If unchecked and a column being compared contains large amounts of data, thePackage - Data Comparison Records page will fail to load.


  • The structure of the dgTargetSouceTable has changed. The key fields for this table were previously Target, Source and Table. Starting with version 7.4.3, the table uses a key field that has a unique ID and the table now has a unique constraint for Target, Source, Table and TableRename. All child tables that have foreign key relationships to the dgTargetSourceTable have been updated to use the new unique id.

    Using Table Rename functionality, users can register multiple tables with large data sets (for example, BSEG) but with different Table Renames (for example Company Code). This allows users to extract data from target sources on a more granular level, pulling the correct data into tables named, for example, for BSEG_Company One, BSEG_Company Two, and so on.

    NOTE: These changes to table structure will cause CTS packages, DBVT packages or any scripts used to populate the target source tables built on previous versions to fail. To fix the CTS issue, upgrade, then rebuild the package. Scripts and DBVT packages will need to be modified to use the updated key fields and table structures.

  • On the Target Source Table Index Columns page, the page is now sorted by the Index ID.

  • On the Data Source Table Columns page, the page is now sorted by the Column Order

  • On the Copy Targets page, the “Target To” list box excludes the target in the “Target From” list box, as this scenario is not valid .

  • On the Table Errors page, added a link to the TABLE column to the Table page.

  • The following changes have been made to the Collect Tables page:

    • The Table Rename column was added to the Horizontal View.

    • The page order was changed to the updated key field, Target-Source-Table-Table Rename.

    • The Package Type field and the Table Rename field were moved from the Advanced Settings tab to the General tab on the Vertical View

    • The Build and Refresh and “Build Package” buttons will now be disabled if the selected table is marked as inactive


  • SAP Application Server data sources allow available RFC Enabled Functions to be extracted. This extract process ran a foreground process that had the potential to timeout. To prevent this, the extract process has been updated to run in the background.

  • The following user experience improvements were made to the Knowledge Tier Connect pages:

    • A Record Count field now displays on theKnowledge Tier Download page to show the number of assets downloaded.

    • Record Counts are now included on all relationships, sponsors, contacts, supporting documentation and field icons to clearly display the number of asset details assigned to the asset.

    • The ID list box on the asset relationship upload pages now includes a friendly description of the relationship.

    • Previously, in order to use Excel integration to add system fields on the System Field Upload page, users must have first manually entered a system field before the Excel Upload icon was available. The functionality on this page has been streamlined where a system field does not have to be manually added before Excel integration can be used.

    • Many fields in the Knowledge Tier Connect were imported from the API and did not meet design standards. To align these fields to Syniti design standards, various field names were updated by adding capitalization and spaces, and removing underscores

    • For UI consistency, the Asset Support Documentation page was renamed toAsset Supporting Documentation.

    • Various fixes were made to column length issues and validations, including:

      • The Definition field on the Policy page is now set to nvarchar(max) to account for the 30,000 character limit allowed by the API.

      • The Value field for supporting documentation across all assets is now set to nvarchar(max) to account for the lack of a character limit in the API.

      • The Classification field on the Data Set Field Upload page is now hard required.

  • The following functionality enhancements were made to the Knowledge Tier Connect:

    • Users may now change existing rules and terms, and change fields on existing data sets, and publish them to the Knowledge Tier. For rules and terms, the latest draft version of the asset is updated. For data sets, this feature copies data from the Knowledge Tier; it does not consider endorsement status of the asset.

    • Users may now add fields to existing systems and data sets that were downloaded from the Knowledge Tier and add fields in order to expand the system’s and data set’s definition.

    • Users may now download system fields by utilizing the Download System Fields icon added to the System page. Be aware that systems with a large amount of fields can take a long time to download.

    • The menu links under Knowledge Tier Upload have been renamed to allow for a distinction between creating and changing rules, terms and data sets:

      • Rule > Create Rule

      • Term > Create Term

      • System > Create System and Fields

      • Dataset > Create Data Set and Fields

    • The Asset Mapping field on theSKT Sub Assets Mapping page has been updated to include the action (GET, PUT or POST) along with the asset name to clarify the action being performed on the asset.

    • An Asset URL icon is available on the asset download pages. Click the icon to launch the Knowledge Tier and view the downloaded asset is linked to the asset in the Knowledge Tier.

    • The following new pages are available in Common:

      • Select Existing System for Adding New Fields

      • Select Existing Data Set for Adding New Fields

      • Select Existing Rule for Change

      • Change Rule Relationship

      • Change Rule Sponsor

      • Change Rule Supporting Documentation

      • Select Existing Term for Change

      • Change Term Relationship

      • Change Term Sponsor

      • Change Term Supporting Documentation

      • Change Rule

      • Change Term

      • Select Existing Data Set for Change

      • Change Data Set

      • Change Data Set Field

      • Change Data Set Relationship

      • Change Data Set Contact

      • Change Data Set Supporting Documentation

  • In this release, it is not possible to add or change category values on new or existing rules and terms. If you need to do this, please contact Syniti Support who will advise how this can be done.

  • Syniti is now delivered with API stored procedures to post assets. Refer to Use API Stored Procedures to Post Assets for more information.

Syniti Data Replication

The 7.4.3 version of the Stewardship Tier is compatible with Syniti Data Replication

Resolved Issues

Advanced Data Migration

SQL AutoGen

The Rebuild – Alter Table and Drop & Rebuild Views And Stored Procedures option for the AutoGen Level on the Automation page has been updated (and renamed) to no longer drop and alter the source table and target tables. Only views and stored procedures are dropped and rebuilt. [DSP70-1218]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

Fixed issues that caused slow Excel Import performance when inserting and updating records on a page with a large number of records already added to the page. For example, before the fix, an Excel import to update 10k records over a table with 20k records took 2 mins 28 secs. With the fixes, this import process now takes 23 secs. [DSP70-1281]


Fixed an issue that caused a posting to fail and a Timeout error to display when posting large data sets. The error occurred if:

  • The process post’s underlying view contained a number of records that took longer than 30 seconds to process, and

  • The process post’s WHERE clause did not limit the maximum posting time to 30 seconds

With the fix, the Timeout error does not display in this situation and large data sets can be posted. [DSP70-1278]

System Administration

When a report is executed in Transform with the Publish option enabled, .xlsx files are generated in the Transform directory and in the C:\Windows\Temp folder on the application server. Previously, these files were not deleted, which caused the system to run out of space quickly. Now, these temporary .xlsx files are deleted from the C:\Windows\Temp folder after the report is generated. [DSP70-1229]

Known Issue

In Collect, on the Tables page, the Package Type of Syniti Connect displays as IG Universal Connect in the Package Type list box. This option will be updated in a future release.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.2

Release Date: 2/25/21

This topic contains:

NOTE IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 7.0.6 OR BELOW: You may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.4.2. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.4.2 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.4.2, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

NOTE: The Stewardship Tier is now certified with MS SQL 2019 with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) activated. Note that enabling TDE has a measurable performance impact. According to Microsoft, TDE has an estimated performance impact of 3-5% ( Syniti testing has confirmed this, and in some cases an even higher impact on performance.

New Features

S/4 HANA Right Sizing Analysis

SAP S/4 HANA is revolutionary. Its in-memory platform, real-time analytics and applications deliver unrivaled speed, efficiency, and scale leading to significant business benefits. Without effective data management, the potential benefits of migrating to S/4 HANA can be reduced or even lost. Right Sizing for SAP S/4 HANA streamlines the data you put into S/4 HANA, to ensure it runs simply, powerfully, and efficiently. In this release, Syniti is delivering analysis software that will help customers to right size their data prior to migration.

Our S/4 HANA Right Sizing Analysis software will help you to:

  • Evaluate all your Business Suite data Identify old or infrequently accessed data for archiving

  • Test ‘what if’ scenarios to confirm what data can be safely delete

  • Accurately specify your S/4 HANA appliance requirements

By streamlining your data:

  • The cost of migrating to S/4 HANA will be reduced

  • Ongoing hardware costs will be significantly lower

Integrate the Knowledge Tier and the Stewardship Tier

With the aid of Synit’s REST API, the Stewardship Tier and the Knowledge Tier can be integrated. Integration between these two tiers could be very useful on a project, such as to:

  • Jump start Data Quality. Download Jump Start Rules into the Stewardship Tier and tie the implementation of the rule in Transform to the Knowledge Tier rule.

  • Migration Harvesting. Upload systems, data sets, terms, rules, etc from a migration initiative run on the Stewardship Tier into the Knowledge Tier to seed data governance initiatives moving forward or moving from a migration project to business-as-usual initiatives.

  • Data Catalog Population. Systems and data sets produced on the Stewardship Tier can be ingested into the Knowledge Tier to seed the catalog for Data Governance-based initiatives.

Common is now delivered with a new set Knowledge Tier Connect pages used to:

  • Configure a connection to a Knowledge Tier tenant

  • View asset mappings that detail how the SwaggerHub endpoint definitions are linked to the object structure

  • Download assets from the Knowledge Tier

  • Create and upload assets to the Knowledge Tier

For detailed information, refer to Integrate the Stewardship Tier with the Knowledge Tier.


Advanced Data Migration


The process for removing unused source values when value mapping has been improved. A user can now access a Remove Values button at the wave, check table and wave / check table / source level to quickly remove all source values that have:

Refer to Remove Unmapped Source Values for more information.

Stewardship Tier Advanced Data Migration Content

To help accelerate migration projects, Syniti is focused on bringing its experience to every project. One of the ways Syniti does this is through the deployment of content via Knowledge Packs.

This content is shipped with Stewardship Tier 7.4.2 and above.

ADM Process Areas and Objects

From Stewardship Tier 7.4.2 and above, Advanced Data Migration (ADM) is delivered with a set of process areas and objects that are most commonly used across the migration projects that Syniti works on. This list of objects is independent of target systems and is based on decades of experience across a wide range of systems.

The specific process areas and objects that are delivered are listed in the following sections.

Process Areas

The following process areas are included in new installations (not upgrades) of the Stewardship Tier version 7.4.2 and above:

  • SAM01CF - Cross Functional

  • SAM01CRM - Customer Relationship Management

  • SAM01EHS - Environmental Health & Safety

  • SAM01FM - Financial Management

  • SAM01GTS - Global Trade System

  • SAM01HCM - Human Capital Management

  • SAM01JVM - Joint Venture Management

  • SAM01MM - Material Management

  • SAM01P2P - Procurement

  • SAM01PLM - Product Lifecycle Management

  • SAM01PM - Plant Maintenance

  • SAM01PP - Production Planning

  • SAM01PRA - Production Revenue Accounting

  • SAM01PROJ - Project Management

  • SAM01QM - Quality Management

  • SAM01RE - Real Estate Management

  • SAM01SD - Sales & Distribution

  • SAM01SM - Service Management

  • SAM01TM - Transportation Management

  • SAM01WM - Warehouse Management


The following objects are included in new installations (not upgrades) of the Stewardship Tier version 7.4.2 and above:

  • CF0020: Classification

  • CF0030: Business Partners

  • CF0040: Customer Master

  • CF0050: Business Partner Contacts

  • CF0060: Site Master

  • CF0080: Vendor Master

  • CRM0010: Customer Relationship Management

  • EHS0010: Phrase Master

  • EHS0020: Substances

  • EHS0030: Hazardous Substance Master

  • EHS0040: Dangerous Goods Master

  • EHS0050: MSDS

  • EHS0060: Specification Management

  • FM0010: G/L Account

  • FM0020: Cost Elements

  • FM0040: Credit Management (BP)

  • FM0070: Internal Order

  • FM0080: Bank Master

  • FM0120: GL Balances

  • FM0130: GL Open Items

  • FM0140: Open Accounts Payable

  • FM0150: Open Accounts Receivable

  • FM0160: Allocation Cycles

  • FM0300: Asset Management

  • FM0410: Cost Centre

  • FM0420: Profit Centre

  • FM0430: Activity Type

  • FM0450: Cost Centre Group

  • FM0460: Profit Centre Group

  • FM0470: Statistical Key Figures

  • FM0600: Treasury Managment

  • FM0700: Grant Managment

  • GTS0100: ECCN Assignments

  • GTS0200: GTC Assignments

  • GTS0300: HTS Assignments

  • GTS0400: Schedule B Assignments

  • HCM010: Organizational Management

  • HCM020: Personnel Administration

  • HCM030: Recruitment

  • HCM040: Payroll

  • HCM050: Travel Management

  • HCM060: Personnel Management

  • HCM070: Time Management

  • HCM080: Compensation Management

  • HCM090: Training & Event Management

  • HCM100: Wages

  • HCM110: Personnel Development

  • HCM120: Workforce Administration

  • JVM100: Joint Venture Management

  • MM0010: Material Master

  • MM0020: Article Master

  • MM0030: Batch Masters

  • MM0040: Batch Strategy

  • MM0050: Article Brands

  • MM0060: Article Listing

  • MM0070: Article Merchandise Category

  • P2P0030: Purchases Info Record

  • P2P0080: Purchase Order

  • P2P0090: Scheduling Agreements

  • P2P0120: Outline Agreement

  • P2P0130: Purchasing Pricing Agreements

  • P2P0150: Receipts

  • P2P0350: Source Lists

  • P2P0360: Conditions for MM Output Determination

  • P2P0370: Quota Arrangements

  • P2P0380: Purchasing Contracts

  • PLM0010: Material Master

  • PLM0030: DIR

  • PLM0040: Material Classification

  • PLM0050: Equipment Master

  • PLM0070: Interchangeability

  • PM0400: Work Centers

  • PM0410: Functional Locations

  • PM0420: Equipment Master

  • PM0430: Equipment BOMs

  • PM0440: Maintenance Catalog Codes

  • PM0450: Task Lists

  • PM0470: Maintenance Plans

  • PM0480: Open PM Orders

  • PM0490: Measuring Point

  • PP0210: Manufacturing Work Centers

  • PP0220: Bills of Material

  • PP0230: Routing

  • PP0240: Production Versions

  • PP0250: Planned Independent Requirements

  • PP0260: Recipes

  • PP0270: Open Production Orders

  • PRA0010: Production

  • PRA0020: Ownership

  • PRA0030: Contractual Allocations

  • PRA0040: Revenue Accounting

  • PROJ0010: Project Planning

  • PROJ0020: Project Preparation

  • PROJ0030: Project Tracking

  • PROJ0040: Project Reporting

  • PROJ0050: Project Costs

  • PROJ0060: WBS Elements

  • PROJ0070: Project

  • PROJ0080: Project Artists

  • QM0010: Inspection Methods

  • QM0020: Inspection Plans

  • QM0030: Master Inspection Characteristics

  • QM0040: Info Records

  • QM0050: Catalog Codes

  • QM0060: Inspection Setting

  • QM0070: Quality Notifications

  • QM0080: Quality Level

  • RE0010: Real Estate Management

  • SD0010: Customer Contacts

  • SD0020: Billing Output Conditions

  • SD0030: Sales Contract

  • SD0040: Open Sales Orders

  • SD0050: Open Quotations

  • SD0060: Scheduling Agreements

  • SD0070: Customer Material Info Record

  • SD0080: Price Conditions

  • SD0090: Rebate Agreements

  • SD0110: Material Determination

  • SD0120: Listing & Exclusion

  • SD0150: Open Quantity Contract

  • SD0160: Service Plans

  • SD0180: Batch Determination

  • SD0190: Unloading Points

  • SM0010: Repair Orders

  • SM0020: Service Contracts

  • SM0030: Service Notifications

  • SM0040: Service Orders

  • SM0050: Service Quotations

  • SM0060: Warranties

  • TM0020: Freight Order Management

  • TM0030: Freight Settelment

  • TM0040: Org Management

  • TM0050: Planning

  • TM0060: Transportation Network

  • WM0020: Distributed Order Management

  • WM0030: Inbound Management

  • WM0040: International Trade & Customs

  • WM0060: Outbound Management

  • WM0070: Pick to Sequence

  • WM0080: Warehouse Tasking

  • WM0100: MM Ext to EWM

  • WM0110: Storage Bins

  • WM0120: Control Cycles

  • WM0130: Production Supply Areas

  • WM0140: Control Cycles IM

  • WM0150: Packaging Instructions

  • WM0160: Inventory Balances

  • WM0170: Last Bin Count Date

  • WM0190: Supersession

  • WM0200: Reference Product

  • WM0210: Handling Units

  • WM0220: Inbound Deliveries

S/4 HANA Target Design Knowledge Pack

Refer to the section S/4 HANA Target Design Knowledge Pack in the Installation and Upgrade Manual for information about the S/4 HANA Target Design Knowledge Pack.

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

The executionTimeout property has been updated to 300 seconds in the web.config file. In 7.4.1, it was set to a 90 second default. This update will cause all foreground events to timeout after 300 seconds. For more information about this setting, refer to the Knowledge Base article Foreground Events Time Out After 300 Seconds.


  • Syniti has added Promote configuration (Structure Data, Structure Objects and Package Templates) to support the comparing and transporting of Integrate code. With this change, users are now able to easily transport Integrate Categories, Templates and Processes across their Stewardship Tier landscape.

  • There were two SQL field data types that could not be transported due to limitations in Promote: varbinary and image. A new field was added to the Structures - Data Table Columns page, BINARY DATA, which if checked, signifies that binary data exists in the designated column within the source database and Promote applies specific logic to convert these binary columns to an encoded format that is able to be transported to the target. Specifically, this new field fixes an issue in Integrate where some BAPI connection data is stored in an image column.

Syniti Data Replication

The 7.4.2 version of the Stewardship Tier is compatible with Syniti Data Replication

Online Help

The Installation and Upgrade Manual and the Software Requirements and Hardware Sizing Guide been moved online.

The following new use cases are available for Common:

  • Integrate the Stewardship Tier with the Knowledge Tier

  • Set Up Security for Stewardship Tier and Knowledge Tier Integration

  • Download and View Assets from the Knowledge Tier

  • Upload Rules to the Knowledge Tier

  • Upload Terms to the Knowledge Tier

  • Upload Systems to the Knowledge Tier

  • Upload Datasets to the Knowledge Tier

  • Plugin Troubleshooting

The following new field descriptions topics are available in Common:

  • Asset Contact

  • Asset Relationship

  • Asset Sponsor

  • Asset Support Documentation

  • Category

  • Category Value

  • Dataset

  • Dataset Contact Upload

  • Dataset Field

  • Dataset Field Upload

  • Dataset Relationship Upload

  • Dataset Supporting Documentation Upload

  • Dataset Upload

  • Goal

  • Initiative

  • Knowledge Tier Download

  • Knowledge Tier Tenant

  • Mission

  • Policy

  • Program

  • Rule

  • Rule Relationship Upload

  • Rule Sponsor Upload

  • Rule Supporting Documentation Upload

  • Rule Upload

  • Knowledge Tier Asset Mapping

  • Knowledge Tier Asset Mapping Fields

  • Knowledge Tier Sub Assets Mapping

  • System

  • System Contact Upload

  • System Field Excel Upload

  • System Field Range Value Upload

  • System Field Tags Upload

  • System Field Upload

  • System Information

  • System Relationship Upload

  • System Supporting Documentation Upload

  • System Upload

  • Term

  • Term Relationship Upload

  • Term Sponsor Upload

  • Term Supporting Documentation Upload

  • Term Upload

  • User

  • Vision

Data Quality

Lingering references to “dspMonitor” in workflow messages, SQL statement and stored procedures have been updated to “Data Quality.”

Resolved Issues

Master Data Management

In large Master Data Management implementations, there is a tendency that the processes determining user access to request roles to suffer from performance problems. In this release, Syniti has made several important changes to the process to prevent issues from occurring and to give users a better experience. The most notable change made involves pushing the main SQL stored procedure (webRequest_SecurityIns) that rebuilds request security into a job that runs in the background. This change has been implemented everywhere except in the apiFinalizeRequest procedure. To reduce the frequency that the webRequest_SecurityIns procedure runs, logic has been added to the process that creates the backgrounds so that a job is added only if there is not another job that would result in the same security rebuild waiting in the job queue. Additionally, there has been some optimization of SQL code to ensure better overall performance and significantly reduce the occurrence of deadlocks.

Since the request security update process is now moved to the background, a control parameter Security Job Queue (on the MDM Parameterspage) has been added to the Master Data Management application to allow customers to select which job queue and ultimately which Windows services are used to process the jobs that update request security. The default job queue is ‘General’; however, since other jobs run on this queue, Syniti recommends that customers monitor the queue traffic and time taken for security updates to run to ensure the updates are not queued to run for too long. If there are delays, customers can create a dedicated queue with a higher priority than other queues. The number of allowable parallel running request security updates processes can also be set using the Master Data Management parameter (Security Job Threads, also set on the Parameters page). The recommendation is to use the default value of 2, but this can be raised if there is often a backlog of entries that take time to run. Increasing this too far could result in deadlock, so any increases should be monitored.

Summary of Important Changes

  1. Direct calls of procedure webRequest_SecurityIns now result in the creation of background jobs. Previously, this procedure was run as a foreground event. Refer to the Knowledge Base article Stewardship Tier 7.4.2 MDM Request Security Changes for more information.

  1. Adding / removing of Position Category Org Units may result in a background job being created that updates Read Only status of Role Level Org Units.

  2. Two new Parameters have been added to control the processing of MDM background security jobs:

    • Security Job Queue

    • Security Job Threads

  3. Multirow action has been removed from the Assign All Org Units on the Category Org Units for Position page.

IMPORTANT! If any local, core modifications have been made to the way any of the MDM Security related procedures run, it’s recommended that the changes are reviewed BEFORE upgrading. [DSP70-731]

Advanced Data Migration


Corrected an issue that occurred when the Generate Documentation check box was checked on the Transform tab of theParameterspage in Console and a target with a long table or object name was processed in Transform. An error displayed: "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. EndTargetSource: 7d602a5d-2b69-4069-9fbe-12183d17045e failed to execute." The field length was updated, and this error no longer displays. [DSP70-1190]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

System Administration

Corrected an issue with Excel import functionality when importing more than 10k records. Prior to the fix, the Excel Results panel failed to appear at the end of the import. With this change, the import runs to completion, and the Excel Results panel appears and includes the counts of the number of inserted and updated records.

NOTE: For performance reasons, if more than 10k records are inserted and updated, the counts display on the Excel Results panel, but the individual record's changes do not display.

NOTE: Two other scenarios can cause the Excel import to fail:

  • If the Excel import takes longer than the foreground event timeout set in the web.config file, the Excel import will hang. If this happens, the "Thread is aborted" error displays on the Messages page or “The request has been aborted” displays in the Windows Event logs. The foreground event timeout can be changed via these instructions in the Knowledge Base: Foreground Events Time Out After 90 Seconds

  • If the Excel import exceeds the record count configured on the Excel Import Record Limit setting (currently defaulted to 100k) on the Parameters page, under the Page Parameters tab in System Administration, an error displays during the upload. [DSP70-1245]


Previously, fields (used to determine whether records were in sync) that were encrypted on the Data Sources page in System Administration and on the Data Source Registry page in Common would cause the Out of Sync indicator to be populated on the Data Source Registry page. This occurred because the encryption process generates different hashed values even if the unencrypted values are identical on both pages. Since Passwords and Connection Strings are now delivered as encrypted, the Out of Sync indicator is shown after installation. To resolve this issue, Passwords and Connection Strings fields are now excluded when determining whether or not data sources are out of sync. [DSP70-1103]

Enhancement Requests From Users

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4.1

Release Date: 12/10/2020

This topic contains:

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.4.1. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.4.1 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.4.1, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.


Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

A change has been made in version 7.4.1 and later to improve performance. In previous versions, the compilation debug setting in the web.config file on the Stewardship Tier Installation directory (Program files (x86)\BOA\DSP\Web) was set to true. In some situations, this setting resulted in noticeable degradation of Stewardship Tier performance. It also allowed foreground events to potentially run for extended periods of time.

For 7.4.1 and later, the compilation debug setting is set to false. This update will cause all foreground events to timeout after 1 minute and 30 seconds. (A message displays in the Quick Panel on the right of the Stewardship Tier if a foreground event times out). In previous versions, foreground events would not time out unless the user session expired.

NOTE: In large Stewardship Tier installations, there is a possibility that foreground events that previously took more than 1 minute 30 seconds will now terminate before they complete.

To prevent this from happening, a new property (executionTimeout) has been added to the web.config file. To override the default 90 seconds timeout, users can provide their own value. Syniti recommends changing this value to 300 seconds. In the case of a custom application, users could also choose to change specific foreground events to run in the background.

Another update to the web.config file was added to help ensure the proper permissions are applied. The new tempDirectory setting is located after the compilation debug setting in the web.config file. In previous versions the temp directory was in the OS .NET folder structure and not guaranteed to have the correct permissions for the web site to operate. By defining the temp directory, the user can ensure the appropriate Stewardship Tier site permissions are applied. By default, this setting is set to the installation directory, but can be updated.


  • A new source connection type called ODBCPostGreSQL is available to help set up a PostgreSQL connection for data extraction.

  • If the WHERE clause for a SAP RFC or a BOA RFC is greater than 72 characters, the WHERE clause is now broken down into several lines based on the last white space character before the 72-character limit on each line. If there are no white spaces, a new WHERE clause line after the 72 characters is created. In addition, a validation error has been added to the Tables page to warn the user if they have a WHERE clause with 72 adjacent characters and no spaces. To troubleshoot, enable debug logging for Collect to see how the WHERE clause was split into several lines.

  • In order to better support the extraction of large datasets, changes have been made to the Stewardship Tier platform to ensure that datasets in excess of 2.1 billion records can be handled correctly. Notable changes to the product to support this change include the use of BIGINT (instead of INT) data types for fields containing record counts and the use of COUNT_BIG (instead of COUNT) to get table record counts.


  • New Structure Data, Structure Objects and Template Groups are now delivered for Data Quality and Custom WebApps. In addition, the following updates have been made to existing configurations:
    • Structure - Data:

      • Administration—Data Source: DataSourceName is now a Simple Selection value for DataSource

      • Assemble—Package: PackageName is now a Simple Selection value for the CPPPackage table

    • Template Groups: <ADM Configuration>
      • Common—System Type is now part of this Template Group

  • A new security role for Promote has been added, called Promote User. This role can perform basic functions within Promote, such as create, compare and transport packages, but does not have any administrative permissions. Refer to Set Up Security for Promote for more information on security roles.

  • A new service page, called Remove Temp Host Dest Records, is available for Promote. When a Package Group or a Package is deleted, this service page deletes the data in the following tables:
    • PackageObjectDependent_TempDest
    • PackageObjectDependent_TempHost
    • PackageStructureData_TempDest
    • PackageStructureData_TempHost

    This new service page (and all Stewardship Tier service pages) can be viewed from the Services Pages page in System Administration.

  • The Structure Object Focus Database field was removed from the Packages Template page because it was obsolete.

  • Several unused or duplicate pages were removed:
  • Two updates were made to the Structures - Data page:
    • The Vertical View was removed because the associated fields had no functional use.
    • The Packages icon was updated to solely a record count because the previous icon was not linked to an underlying page nor did it need to be linked.
  • To separate application settings by functions that are only performed by a Promote Code Promotion Manager, various fields were moved from the Application Parameterspage to a new page, called Advanced Promote Actions. In addition, this new page also contains a new field: Transform Object Template. This field allows users to select a custom template to be used when the Crawl All Transform Objects button is clicked. The Advanced Promote Actions page is available to Promote Code Promotion Managers and Promote Users; the Application Parameters page is only available to Promote Code Promotion Managers.

Online Help

We have added video tutorials for the following Promote topics:

Advanced Data Migration


A status indicator has been added to the Vertical View of the Process Area: Object page to track the Unit Test status of objects. This indicator will be used in a future release of the Migration dashboards. Refer to Track Report and Load Program Status for more information.

Master Data Management

RFC-based extracts for final finish tables have been added to MDM. Finish Type CranPort has been renamed Collect and users can now use the Collect Finish Type to extract data using SAP RFC or BOA RFC. These new extract methods support the passing of a WHERE clause to reduce data extraction times. The Collect Finish Type continues to support extraction using CranPort.

Resolved Issues

Master Data Management

In scenarios where Stewardship Tier users are logged in using Windows Authentication and Managed Pipeline Mode is set to Integrated in IIS manager, users experienced failures when a request containing validation error was Finished. This issue has been fixed by including an updated version of the RazorEngine.dll in the software installation package. [DSP70-454]

Mass Maintenance

Previously, users received an error message when trying to save an electronic signature record if the Comment exceeded 200 characters. The record was saved when the error was disregarded, but the Comment itself was not saved. Now, a validation message displays when the record is saved if the comment exceeds 200 characters. Users must reduce the Comment to fewer than 200 characters in order to save the record. [DSP70-1189]

Advanced Data Migration


  • An error occurred when syncing from Target Design to Map if the user followed this particular navigation path:

  1. Click Design in the context bar.

  2. Click the Sources icon for a target.

  3. Click the Mapping icon for a source.

  4. Click the Sync from Target Design icon in the Page toolbar.

    The issue has been corrected and the sync process runs as expected when the user follows this navigation path. [DSP70-1101]

  • An issue occurred in Map and a validation warning was thrown when:

  1. Target Design had been completed for a table and a source was added to the table in Target Design.

  2. The target was then synced to Map.

  3. In Map, the user selected a source table from the assigned source to assign to the target on the Target Sources page.

NOTE: The selected sources table had at least 1 primary key and was not currently in the source System Type.

  1. The user saved the record.

NOTE: The validation warning “No key was found for this Source Database Object” displayed.

With the fix, the record saves successfully in this scenario. [DSP70-1177]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

Fixed an issue that occurred when adding a translation to a page in a custom WebApp that had no custom catalogs registered to it. The issue occurred for a user who was not using a Design license. Previously, when the user clicked the Edit Page Help icon for a column on the Pages page, a record could not be added, as the Stewardship Tier required the user to select a catalog from the Catalog ID list box. Because the custom WebApp did not have any catalogs registered to it, the list box was empty. With the fix, users can add a translation to a column property on a page in a custom WebApp by clicking the Edit Page Help icon on the Pages page. [DSP70-365]

Stewardship Tier Upgrade Impact:

  • When upgrading from DSP 7.0.6 or below to Stewardship Tier 7.4.1 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source. After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]


  • Fixed an issue in Collect when adding new tables (on the Tables page) to a Target Source that was configured to use the SAPAPPSERVER Source Connection type. If the default Collect Package Type was set to BOA RFC, newly added tables were being incorrectly created with the "SAP Data Services using RFC" package type. With the fix, the correct "default" package type is used when adding new tables to SAPAPPSERVER Target Sources. [DSP70-1188]

  • Fixed an issue when using SAP RFC or BOA RFC package types to download tables. Even though the Refresh was marked as successful in Collect and in the Job Queue, the process ended with errors that were not displayed. The value in the Record Count field on the General Information tab on the Vertical View of the Tables page and the number of records in the Table in SQL did not match the record count that should have been extracted when the Refresh process successfully completed. With this fix, if there is a failure during the extraction, the extract will terminate and the reason for error will be available. [DSP70-1226]


  • The comparison functionality failed when comparing a table with 40 or more columns. With this fix:

Enhancement Requests From Users

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.4

Release Date: 11/02/2020

This topic contains:

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.4. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.4 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.4, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

New Feature

Stewardship Tier 7.4 introduces Promote - a new platform module that enables Stewardship Tier solutions to be promoted through a multi-tier landscape. Promote works by comparing the data held within Stewardship Tier application tables and SQL objects created by users between host and destination Stewardship Tier instances and informs users of the differences. Users are then able to selectively transport the changes they require. Promote directly replaces the psaTransport tool and will eventually replace the embedded CTS functionality. Refer to the article Top Benefits of using Promote Over CTS for more information. In 7.4, Promote is delivered with configurations to support the Transport of Advanced Data Migration solutions. Refer to the Advanced Data Migration Code Promotion standard operating procedure for more information. Configurations for other solutions will be added in upcoming releases.

NOTE: To use Promote, a new Stewardship Tier license must be installed. Request a new license by opening a support ticket with Syniti support.


Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

The Stewardship Tier is now compatible with Syniti Data Replication 9.7.1.

Online Help

Resolved Issues


  • Fixed an issue related to downloading BOA RFC package types. In version 7.1.3, performance improvements were introduced and these improvements were maintained through version 7.3.0. These improvements were lost in version 7.3.1. For example, a table download of 23K records, with an RFC Records per Call value of 5000 (the default value) takes 42 minutes in 7.3.1, while on previous versions (7.1.3 and later) it takes a consistent 57 seconds. With the fix, the download speed is consistent with the RFC download improvements that were implemented in 7.1.3, and persisted through all versions up to 7.3.0. [DSP70-1197]

    NOTE: Do not set the Trace Level for Collect to Debug on the Debug Logs page in Common. This option generates detailed messages and can slow performance.

  • The table rename option did not work for DBMoto and Data Services package types; the issue has been resolved and table rename now works as expected. In addition, the Table Rename field was removed from the Tables page for Syniti Connect, Excel Import and SAP Text packages because the field was not applicable to those package types. [DSP70-1054]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

Stewardship Tier Upgrade Impact:

  • When upgrading from DSP 7.0.6 or below to Stewardship Tier 7.4 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source. After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]

Enhancement Requests From Users

  • Updated the Collect topic Encrypt CranSoft® DataSource Password with a link to the System Administration topic Encrypt Password for CranSoft® DataSource.
  • Clarified the Page Design Guidelines topic with this note: "A custom page built in the Stewardship Tier will not operate correctly when the framework can’t determine the page’s primary key(s). The framework can determine the key(s) automatically when the page is built based on a table with a primary key defined. The platform cannot determine the key(s) automatically when the page is built on a view or on a table with no primary key. In this case, a key must be assigned to the page."

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.3.1

Release Date: 8/31/2020

This topic contains:

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.3.1. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.3.1 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.3.1, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

7.3.1 Enhancements

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

A new check box format called INFOR LN (Yes or No) has been added. This format is used for pages developed in custom WebApps that integrate with INFOR technology. This check box passes 1 for True and 2 for False.

Syniti Connect (formerly IG Universal Connect)

As part of the continued rebranding effort, “IG Universal Connect” list box options have been renamed to “Syniti Connect” for the following fields:


To clean up unused columns and to resolve duplicate columns between the Data Source Tables and the Tables pages, the Data Source Tables page was removed. The Columns and SQL Commands icons from the Data Source Tables page were added to the Tables page under the General tab.

7.3.1 Resolved Issues

Advanced Data Migration


  • Wave Load Cycles and Milestones are copied as part of the Wave Copy process. However; the copied Milestone used the wave / load cycle GUID from the original wave instead of the new wave. This issue has been fixed; the copied Milestone now uses the GUID from the new wave. [DSP70-1074]
  • Corrected an issue when processing multiple records on the Load Cycle Execution Plan page that had Warning messages. Accepting the Warning message only updated the status of the record on which the warning was accepted. The other records had an unknown status. In this fix, the associated validations have been changed to Messages ensuring that all records have the correct status. [DSP70-1086]
  • The behavior of the View Notice Indicator on the Load Cycle Execution Plan page has been updated to improve the user experience. Previously, the indicator displayed after the user clicked the Run Count Views icon, and only under certain situations. In this version, the icon displays with the tool tip "Opportunity and Defect Views Not Configured" after the user clicks the Update From Template icon. The user then clicks the Run Count Views icon, and the indicator displays tool tips if the views fail to run or if there are missing or changed configurations. [DSP70-1087]


Corrected an issue that caused the generated SQL for the Xref mapping to use an incorrect value for the join when using a look up table with multiple keys. With the fix, the SQL generated for validation reports related to multi value key lookup tables includes the correct table join criteria. [DSP70-1092]


The AutoGen.dbo.boaGetCranPortSelectColumnList scalar function did not work with sources that had spaces in the key field names. The function has been modified and now works as expected. [DSP70-1096]

Master Data Management

Corrected an issue in how due dates for SLAs were calculated when a Begin Date came after a Finish Date on the same day. For example, if a work day on the calendar was from 9:00 to 17:00, then a role started on the same day after 17:00, the Due Date was set to the same day at 17:00, which was in the past. With the fix, the Due Date for the SLA is calculated correctly. [DSP70-1097]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))

In this release, Excel Integration functionality in conjunction with field controls has been updated so that the appearance and behavior of the Excel spreadsheet columns are aligned with the page columns on which they are based. Additionally, when using Excel templates that were not created by the Stewardship Tier, under some circumstances, users were able to add or change data in error.

The key changes that have been made are:

  • Fields hidden by Page Control Views were previously available in Excel Integration templates and could, in certain circumstances, permit data to be updated when a template was imported into the Stewardship Tier. With this update, hidden fields that are not primary keys are excluded from the Excel Template.
  • Under certain circumstances, fields disabled by Page Control Views could update data when a template was imported into the Stewardship Tier. With this update, disabled fields no longer allow update or addition when a template is imported.
  • When using Excel integration, in cases where a Horizontal view included fields that did not belong to the underlying table, the fields were not included in the spreadsheet. With this change, these fields are now included in the Excel template but cannot be edited. The import process also excludes these fields.

NOTE: Pages developed in custom WebApps including MDM (previously dspConduct) and Mass Maintenance (previously dspCompose) that use Excel Integration may now function slightly differently. Therefore, when upgrading to this release or above, all such pages should be thoroughly tested and adjusted accordingly. Refer to Exclude Columns from Excel Integration for more information. [DSP70-1068]

Stewardship Tier Upgrade Impact:

  • When upgrading from DSP 7.0.6 or below to Stewardship Tier 7.3.1 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source. After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]

7.3.1 Enhancement Request From Users

The Maximum Retry Interval description throughout Automate was updated to be clearer with a concise example.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.3

Release Date: 8/12/2020

This topic contains:

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.3. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the Stewardship Tier in version 7.3 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.3, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the Stewardship Tier can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

7.3 Enhancements

  • The Stewardship Tier now supports Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2012 is no longer supported. Refer to the Installation & Upgrade Manual for more information.
  • The Stewardship Tier no longer supports 32-bit mode services. Clients running the Stewardship Tier in 32-bit mode are recommended to switch to 64-bit mode prior to upgrading to version 7.3 to allow sufficient testing before upgrading. If issues occur during the switch to 64-bit mode, it is easier to roll back the architecture switch than the entire upgrade. As a result of this change, any clients that need to extract from systems using 32-bit drivers need to contact Syniti Support in order to obtain a 32-bit version of Syniti Data Replication. This tool enables continued extraction from systems that rely on 32-bit drivers. Refer to the Installation & Upgrade Manual and the 32-Bit Support Dropped for Stewardship Tier 7.3 knowledge base article for more information.

  • The Knowledge and DSP Connectors are now included in the Stewardship Tier installation files instead of being separately provided by Syniti Support. Refer to the Installation & Upgrade Manual for more information.

  • The Stewardship Tier is now certified to run the Microsoft Edge (Chromium) browser while certification against IE 11 has been discontinued. Due to browser technology constraints, functionality to create BDC Script Integrate templates directly from the Stewardship Tier (Integrate and Mass Maintenance) has been deprecated; however, BDC recordings can still be recorded in SAP and imported into the Stewardship Tier to use this functionality. Additionally, support for the creation of new SAP GUI Integrate templates has been deprecated. Existing GUI Script Integrate templates will continue to work. Refer to the Integrate and Mass Maintenance release notes for more information.

Advanced Data Migration


  • A Load Cycle can now have an associated instance assigned to it to tie data in Migration and Data Quality dashboards in the Knowledge Tier to the correct instance in the Stewardship Tier for multi-tier implementations. Refer to Manage Load Cycles for more information.
  • The following items associated with Load Cycle Execution Reporting can now be used by the CTS process:

    • Console—Execution Group

    • Console—Wave Execution Group Values

    • Transform—Execution Plan Template

  • Migration Execution Levels have been added to allow users to define, by object, at what level they want to perform execution-related tasks. For example, for some objects, all target tables are processed and loaded together. For other objects individual target tables may be processed and loaded one by one. Refer to Migration Execution Levels and View Migration Execution Levels for more information.
  • Migration Execution Groups have been added to allow users to specify how execution tasks need to be tracked and recorded to provide the required management insight. For example, a project may want load statistics to be captured by country or business unit. Refer to Add Migration Execution Groups for more information.
  • The Wave Execution Groups and Wave Execution Values pages have been added to manage execution data for an object.
  • The Load Cycle Execution Plan page was added to view Load Cycle Execution Plan load statistics and significant dates for an object’s Migration Execution Groups within an instance’s Load Cycle.


The Object Execution Template page was added to configure Migration Execution Plan Templates to record load statistics for Migration Execution Groups.

SQL AutoGen

In previous versions, if the user clicked the Create All Objects or Create All Rules icons on the Automation page’s Page toolbar, mappings with an Action of Manual Rule or Manual Construction were built and their rule status was set to Complete. Mappings for source rules with this Action must be manually built by developers. When a rule with this Action is saved in Map, the Generate Rule check box on the Field Mappings page’s Vertical View is unchecked by default, and the rules are no longer built by SQL AutoGen.

Online Help

Mass Maintenance

Mass Maintenance templates can no longer be created from a BDC Script or GUI Script recording. Custom templates can be created, as well as templates based on Integrate templates. Refer to Create Templates for more information.

Data Quality

These features have been added to improve Opportunity Views. Users can:

  • View an Opportunity View’s SQL definition
  • View an Opportunity View’s assigned Error reports, providing insight into Data Quality percent calculations
  • Add a Description to an Opportunity View

Refer to View an Opportunity View’s Definition and Error Reports for more information.

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®))


  • Removed the Target User Access page as it has been deprecated.
  • To simplify page design and make changing the schema of target source tables easier, the following changes have been made:
    • Navigation from the Target Source Group page to the Tables page is now direct, and no longer via the Target Source Tables page.
    • The Target Source Tables page has been removed.
    • The Vertical View has been removed from the Table Errors page, and the Package Built check box, and Indices and Rules icons have been removed from the Horizontal View.


    • Recording a BDC script to use as the basis for an Integrate template has been removed from the Stewardship Tier. This functionality depended on Internet Explorer 11, which is no longer supported. To create a BDC script to use as the basis for BDC Script template in Stewardship Tier 7.3, users can:
      • Create a BDC script using the SHDB transaction in SAP and import the script into Integrate. Refer to Import a BDC Script from a File for more information.
      • Copy an existing BDC script. Refer to Copy a Template for more information.
      • Use a BDC script created in a previous version.
    • Recording a GUI script to use as the basis for an Integrate template has also been removed from the Stewardship Tier, as this functionality also depended on Internet Explorer 11 support. New templates based on GUI recordings cannot be created in version 7.3 and later, but GUI templates created in previous versions of the Stewardship Tier can be used, as well as copies of GUI templates. Refer to Copy a Template for more information.

7.3 Resolved Issues

Advanced Data Migration


Fixed an issue that caused a timeout when a view was registered as a target source and it took longer than 30 seconds to execute. With the fix, the timeout does not occur and the execution completes as expected. [DSP70-1039]

Stewardship Tier (formerly Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)))

Stewardship Tier Upgrade Impact:

  • When upgrading from DSP 7.0.6 or below to Stewardship Tier 7.3 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source. After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]

7.3 Enhancement Request From Users

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.2.1

Release Date: 6/10/2020

This topic contains:

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.2.1. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the DSP in version 7.2.1 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.2.1, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the DSP can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

7.2.1 Enhancements

Advanced Data Migration


Object owners can manually track status for an object’s Relevancy, PreLoad, PostLoad and Program Type. These statuses will be used as input to Migration dashboards in the Knowledge Tier in a future release. Refer to Track Report and Load Program Status for more information.

Master Data Management

The Vertical View of the Scenario (Roles) page has two check boxes that, when both checked, are not compatible:

  • Auto Finish Role
  • User Response Required On Warnings

If a role is auto finished, then there is not a user available to provide the response to any warnings. Therefore, a validation message was added to the Scenario (Roles) page to notify users that when both check boxes are checked, they are not compatible with each other.

Data Quality

A Documentation tab with an External Reference field was added to the Vertical View of the following pages:

The External Reference field displays hyperlinks and supporting commentary that demonstrate the connection from data-related assets in the DSP to external references in other platforms and applications. Syniti recommends a report be linked to a term, rule or data set in the Knowledge Tier.

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

The following improvements were made to security auditing:

  • Security events, which can be viewed on the System Logs page, were updated:
    • The target entity name now displays when adding or removing Security Definition key values to roles and users.
    • The role name now displays for role deletion events.
  • Updates made to security (as in, insertions, deletions, and updates to the RoleWebAppGroup table) as a result of updates in DSP Add-Ons are now logged in the security logs and can be viewed on the System Logs page.

7.2.1 Resolved Issues

Advanced Data Migration


Corrected an issue that occurred when adding a Full Construction source to a target. The resulting data construction pages and tables included zLegacy<KEY> columns that were added as keys on the construction page and could not be edited. Users were prevented from creating records on these pages. With the fix, the zLegacy<Key> fields are not included in the pages and tables when adding a Full Construction source to a target. As is standard, full construction expects records to be populated with data in values that relate to the target system. If data is being constructed for a record that has not had a target number generated yet, i.e., not loaded, a legacy record number can be used. During the migration process, this value can subsequently be translated to a target value using cross reference tables. [DSP70-949]

Master Data Management

Two issues occurred on the Request Role page where the Finish button was behaving incorrectly. The first issue occurred when a user clicked the Finish button to finish the role. The button became disabled, then enabled again, even though rules registered to the Finish event were still executing. The user could then click the Finish button a second time, executing the rules again, resulting in errors in the data and posting errors. The second issue related to validations running twice, causing performance issues in scenarios that had long running validations. With this fix, once the Finish button has been clicked once, it is either disabled or overlaid with a spinning icon. Users cannot click the Finish button a second time, and current foreground processing and validations only run once. [DSP70-979]

Data Quality

  • When a report was added to a group on the Your Groups page, in order for the user filter to be applied to the report, the report had to be executed and then either the user filter had to be validated or a new user filter had to be created. This issue has been fixed and user filters for a new report added to a group now function as expected: as long as the user filter has been set up, the filter is applied during the first execution of the report. [DSP70-1001]
  • Previously, if there were duplicate records on the Data Quality Score Thresholds page, then duplicate records appeared on the Target Table Threshold and the Target Table Column Threshold pages. This duplication was caused by incorrect join conditions on the webDQSThrewsholdList view. To fix this issue, the view now has joins on the “Name” field. [DSP70-923]

  • The Process and Process For All Users icons on the Your Groups page were always inactive because the Monitor Group Security Definition Events (webSecurity_GroupUserAdd), which inserts records into the ddGroupUser table, did not have the boaStatus field populated. To fix this issue, the webSecurity_GroupUserAdd stored procedure was updated to default an initial value of 0 (New or Dirty) for boaStatus. [DSP70-925]

  • A report can appear multiple times on the Your Object Reports page because it could be assigned to multiple groups, have different filters applied, and be executed independently. To communicate the duplication to users, a Report Warning icon has been added to the Your Object Reports page with the following options:

    • No warnings
    • Report appears multiple times because it has different User filters in different Groups


  • The Columns button on the Report Target Tables page displayed an incorrect count. The count was the number of target table columns for all reports. The count now displays the correct value: the number of target table columns assigned to the target table for that specific report, i.e., the number of records on the Report Target Table Columns page. [DSP70-1009]

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

DSP Upgrade Impact:

  • When upgrading from DSP 7.0.6 or below to 7.2.1 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source. After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]

7.2.1 Enhancement Requests From Users

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.2

Release Date: 5/19/2020

This topic contains:

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.2. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the DSP in version 7.2 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.2, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the DSP can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

7.2 New Feature

Data Migration Dashboards

Project Managers can gain insight into migration project statuses using the Data Migration Cloud Dashboards accessible in the Knowledge Tier. Configuring and using the dashboards:

  • Allows Design / Mapping and Build Status to be tracked against plan by Wave / Process Area, Object or Target Table
  • Allows for project milestones related to design, mapping and build activities to be set and tracked against using near real-time status information.
  • Provides improved metric reporting and dashboarding, giving project stakeholders better visibility of project status using fact based information.

The dashboards provide the following:

  • An Executive Summary of the migration project, including:
    • Development Status to Plan
    • Target Design Percent Complete
    • Field Mapping Percent Complete
    • Field Mapping & Rule Backlog
    • Field Mapping % Populated
    • Rule Build % Complete
    • Complete Mapping Rule Build % Complete
  • Milestone Reporting including:
    • Project Milestones
    • Target Design % Complete
    • Field Mapping % Complete
    • Rule Build % Complete
    • Number of Objects
  • Object Status
    • Data Object Development Status to Plan
    • Target Design % Complete
    • Field Mapping % Complete
    • Field Mapping Backlog
    • Field Mapping % Populated
    • Rule Build % Complete
    • Complete Mapping Rule Build % Complete

Additionally, there are a series of reports that allow project managers and consultants to drill into status information at Object / Target and Target Source level.

This Data Migration dashboarding capability is supported by the following new DSP features:

  • Planning Groups
  • Milestones
  • Load Cycles
  • Object Planning Data

Refer to Configure Data Migration Cloud Dashboards for more information.

7.2 Enhancements

Advanced Data Migration

Target Design

The Visibility field on the Target Fields page defaulted to “Both - Mapping for Source and Target” for Natural fields, which meant that every active target field required two mappings: one for the source rule and one for the target rule. This default value caused a duplication maintenance effort because a field typically has either a source or a target rule; not both. To alleviate this duplication, the default value has been changed from “Both - Mapping for Source and Target” to “Source - Source only mapping.”

Data Quality

The WHERE CLAUSE MANUAL field on the User (Reports) page was limited to 2000 characters, which often was not enough characters and led to the generated WHERE clause to be truncated. To accommodate larger WHERE clauses, two changes were made:

  • The WHERE CLAUSE MANUAL field was extended from NVARCHAR(2000) to NVARCHAR(MAX).
  • The associated stored procedures that construct the WHERE clause were updated to ensure the resultant where clause supported NVARCHAR(MAX).

Online Help

Added a topic to the online help explaining how to Populate the Bulk Update Tables to Publish Rules and Terms to the Knowledge Tier.

7.2 Resolved Issues

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

DSP Upgrade Impact:

  • When upgrading from DSP 7.0.6 or below to 7.2 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source. After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.1.4

Release Date: 5/4/2020

This topic contains:

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.1.4. Refer to the Syniti Solutions Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the DSP in version 7.1.4 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.1.4, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the DSP can be updated.

Refer to the Product Certification Matrix for the versions of third-party products that this release has been certified against.

Align Column Encryption State for key Target Source column in Collect Before Upgrade

A new feature was introduced in DSP 7.1.4 whereby the SAP connection settings on a Collect Target Source are moved to a dedicated Data Source Registry record. During upgrade, the following DataGarage dgTargetSource table columns are used to create the new DSPCommon Data Source Registry records.



































































As a result of these changes, BEFORE UPGRADING to version 7.1.4, you must review and confirm that the encryption state of these two sets of columns matches. If you do not confirm that the encryption state is identical in these two sets of columns, mixed data could be saved in the column when the DSP is upgraded. Access the Data Source Column Encryption page in System Administration. The Status field indicates issues with encryption that must be corrected before upgrade.

7.1.4 New Feature

Enhanced Migration Reporting

Data Quality is the analytical component of the DSP® that facilitates enhanced migration reporting on the target data staged in preparation for loading into the target system. It allows business users to:

  • Establish data quality thresholds and view data quality scores and status
  • Organize and display quality metric reports via web access or other formats for process improvement
  • Identify and send errors (via workflow notifications) to business users for remediation prior to loading to the target system

Data Quality is delivered with a standard set of reports. Users can also create custom reports to fit their business needs. Refer to Use Enhanced Migration Reporting for more information.

7.1.4 Enhancements

Advanced Data Migration


When adding a wave to the Wave: Process Areas page, if a Target System (which is on the Vertical View) was not selected prior to saving the record, a warning message displayed. If the user canceled the record at this time, the record still saved and allowed the wave to be further configured. This error caused issues later in the migration process because target reports are not generated until a Target System value is set. To alleviate this issue, the insert method for the Wave: Process Areas page was changed from Horizontal Insert / Switch to Vertical to Horizontal / Switch to Vertical, which requires the Vertical View to be saved in order for the data entered on the Horizontal View to be saved, i.e., requires a user to select a Target System before the wave record can be saved.

Syniti Data Replication

  • The DSP is now compatible with Syniti Data Replication 9.6.3. When upgrading to DSP 7.1.4, an additional step is required to upgrade Syniti Data Replication to 9.6.3.


  • The Connection Type field on the Target Sources page now supports a Connection Type of IG Universal Connect as expected. Previously, when IG Universal Connect was selected as the Connection Type, the following error message displayed: “Target Source has Data Services connection type and the Source connection type is not compatible. Correct the Source "Connection Type" or the Source "Data Services Connection Type.” The webTargetSource_ConnectionTypeDataServicesIDVal view was modified to reflect support for the Connection Type of IG Universal Connect.

Online Help

7.1.4 Resolved Issues

  • An issue occurred when performing an import of an .xlsx Excel file: a column with both an Excel format of Number and a defined number of decimal places was sporadically imported with additional decimal places (this was not an issue for .xls Excel files). For instance, an entry of 16.44 on the spreadsheet was imported as 16.44000001 in SQL Server. This issue was resolved by updating the third party library (ExcelDataReader) used by Assemble.[DSP70-905]

Advanced Data Migration


  • An issue occurred when attempting to auto-generate a full construction page using the Sync to Map functionality on the Targets page. Validation rules failed to run when the values for the target lookup table did not match the associated values for the target table. The full construction page is now auto-generated without error. [DSP70-877]
  • Auto-generated list boxes failed to store selected values correctly when the lookup table contained more than one target field. Validation rules run as expected and full construction pages are auto-generated as expected. [DSP70-877]

Master Data Management

An issue has been fixed where an “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error message displayed when the Auto Finish Role check box on theScenario (Role)page was enabled for a role and if the role returned validation messages. A role with Auto Finish Role enabled now works as expected: if enabled and if there are validations returned, the boaStatus icon on the Request Role page is set to validation failed. A user can click the Validate button on the Request Role page to see the validation messages. [DSP70-950]

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

DSP Upgrade Impact:

  • When upgrading from DSP 7.0.6 or below to 7.1.4 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source. After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]


  • An issue occurred with building Data Services packages. When adding a Where Clause to a table in Collect and then building a Data Services RFC package, the Where Clause was not added to the job initially; a second build was required. A similar issue occurred when building an SAP RFC package. The issue has been fixed and these packages now build as expected. [DSP70-837]
  • An issue occurred when adding a target source with connection type SAPAPPSERVER on the Target Sources page and attempting to build an RFC package for a table using this target source. The package build failed. The issue has been corrected and the build now completes as expected. [DSP70-962]

  • Collect was writing Data Services packages to the incorrect repository. Several changes were made to fix this issue:
    • The Target Sources - DataServices Connection page is now read only. The data services connection information is now retrieved from the Data Source Registry page in Common.

    • A validation rule was added to the Tables and Target Sources pages to ensure that the SAP DataSource is populated on the Target Sources page if one or more RFC packages are registered (on the Tables page).

    • A new Data Services connection type, Oracle12c, was added.

    • An error with the Test Connection button on the Targets page was fixed. Previously, when the Data Source was registered on the Targets page and then renamed or removed from the Data Sources page in System Administration, an error displayed when the user clicked the Test Connection button on the Targets page.

    • Logging for namespace override options was added to Common. If the SAP Namespace check box on the Data Source Registry page is not checked, DSP checks for a value in the Rfc Name Space Option field on the Parameters-Collect page. If a value is not set, the DSP overrides the logging configuration settings with “namespace." [DSP70-807]

System Administration

  • An issue occurred when the Set Password And Notify User button on the Users page was clicked for a UserID that contained spaces. As a result, the following error message displayed when the user tried to log in with the UserID and temporary password: "The website could not finish processing the current request due to an unexpected system error." The issue has been fixed; the error message no longer displays in this scenario if the UserID contains spaces. [DSP70-926]

Information Governance Universal Connect

An issue occurred when attempting to create an Information Governance Universal Connect template. When a user clicked the Boomi Process ID list box on the General tab on the Vertical View of the Template page, the expected list did not display. The issue has been corrected, so the list of Boomi processes generates as expected. [DSP70-787]

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.1.3

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.1. Refer to the Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the DSP in version 7.1 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.1, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the DSP can be updated.

NOTE:The following SAP products are compatible with the DSP 7.1.3 release:

  • SAP Information Platform Services 4.2 SP6
  • SAP Data Services 4.2 SP12
  • SAP Information Steward 4.2 SP12

However, these are not compatible with MS SQL Server 2019. For full DSP integration with these products running on MS SQL Server 2019, clients must wait until SAP releases MS SQL Server 2019 compatible versions. This is currently anticipated at the end of Q2 2020.

NOTE: The address for Syniti support has been updated to

Align Column Encryption State for key Target Source column in Collect Before Upgrade

A new feature was introduced in DSP 7.1.3 whereby the SAP connection settings on a Collect Target Source are moved to a dedicated Data Source Registry record. During upgrade, the following DataGarage dgTargetSource table columns are used to create the new DSPCommon Data Source Registry records.



































































As a result of these changes, BEFORE UPGRADING to version 7.1.3 and later, you must review and confirm that the encryption state of these two sets of columns matches. If you do not confirm that the encryption state is identical in these two sets of columns, mixed data could be saved in the column when the DSP is upgraded. Access the Data Source Column Encryption page in System Administration. The Status field indicates issues with encryption that must be corrected before upgrade.

This topic contains:

7.1.3 Enhancements

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

  • Starting with DSP release 7.1.3, the Exclude Client Fields check box on the Vertical View for a system type on the System Type Import page in Common is checked by default. If this check box is not checked and the system type is built with the client included, all target tables and check tables include this field. This means that every lookup table will become a multi-value key value mapping, which diminishes the visibility of true multi-value key lookup tables. Users can uncheck the box to include Client fields if needed.


  • The AddedOn field on the Job Detailpage's Vertical View now displays date and time, so users can review failed records from the Test Connection Service page in time sequence order.
  • The performance of Collect extracts using the SAP RFC and BOA RFC package types has been significantly improved. This performance improvement was achieved through faster data parsing and the use of bulk insert functionality.

Advanced Data Migration


To improve the user experience, the Submit and Submit All events on the Field Mappings page now run in the background instead of in the foreground.

Online Help

  • Added this note to the Validation Rules topic to clarify the use of Warning validations:

    NOTE: When creating an event that will be called indirectly, do not use Warning validations. Use Error validations. Warnings are intended for user interaction. Validations running on events used as business rules of the type WebApp Event or WebApp Event (Private), or as Event Tasks added to a job, are non-interactive. In these cases, validations are only used to stop the business rules of the event from running (or, in the case of a 'Run On Validate Fail' set of rules, to allow the business rules to run). Refer to Set Parameters for a Public WebApp Event, Create a WebApp Event (Private) Business Rule, and the Job Queue Task page for more information.

  • Added topic Track - Changes Per Week.

System Administration

7.1.3 Resolved Issues

Data Quality

  • An issue occurred so that the filter criteria set for one report repository altered the Report View selections for another report repository. If the user set Report View filter criteria, for example, of tv*RptSel, for Repository A and then created Report Repository B with a Report View with filter criteria tv*Sel, the view set for Repository B would be applied to Repository A. When a user created a report in Repository A, the view set for Repository B would incorrectly display along with the view set for Repository A. With the fix, only views set for a particular repository display when creating a report for that repository, as expected. [DSP70-874]

  • An issue occurred that caused some user names not to display correctly in two fields when the user was not assigned to the WebApp group. The User ID field on the Group Users page and the Group Owner field on the Report in Groups page were affected. Instead of displaying the User ID concatenated with the User Name, those fields displayed only the User ID, which in many systems is meaningless information. With this fix, the User ID concatenated with the User Name displays in these two fields as expected. [DSP70-815]

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

If the password for a data source resulted in an encrypted value longer than 128 characters, the Common Service page "Service - DataServices Status" failed with a message of "Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null unique or foreign-key constraints." With the fix, the field length has been updated, and the Service page runs as expected. [DSP70-867]


  • An issue occurred with the Advanced View Builder tool in Collect where, when a user built views for a given database, the views were created with the where clause on every column whose value related to the SAP Client and/or Language field. This rendered the view unusable. The workaround was to use the View Builder tool in Common. The issue has been corrected, so using the Advanced View Builder tool in Collect builds a view as expected. [DSP70-902]
  • In version 7.1.2, there was a Known Issue with encryption if running SQL Server 2019 with DSP. In some cases, values that were set to encrypted in Collect were not encrypted correctly in the table column. This issue has been corrected, and values are encrypted and decrypted as expected. [DSP70-898]

  • An issue occurred where, when a user tested a connection and the test failed for either a target or a target source, the service page execution ended without testing the remaining connections. The issue has been corrected, so that when a connection fails, service page execution continues and completes testing on all connections. Each record in the dgTarget or dgTargetSource tables updates with the appropriate connection status, depending on the outcome of each connection test. [DSP70-561]

  • The Build View process on the Advanced View Builder page in Collect completes without an error message and drops every SQL Server view in the database for views. DSP is then unable to recreate the views since they no longer exist in the DATABASE FOR TABLES list box. To prevent all views from being deleted, a safety check was added to prevent the DATABASE FOR VIEWS and the DATABASE FOR TABLES fields from being in the same database: a view selected from the DATABASE FOR VIEWS list box is removed as an option from the DATABASE FOR TABLES list box. The same is true for a database selected from the DATABASE FOR TABLES list box. [DSP70-878]
  • With the absence of a NUMERIC data type rule, Collect defaulted to the ANY data type, which uses nvarchar with the same length as the source field. If the source data contained a value that was at the character maximum for numeric and was negative, the value caused an error. To fix this issue, a NUMERIC data type rule was added to the SQLSERVERSource Connection Type page and is formatted the same way as the DECIMAL data type rule. [DSP70-464]

  • In previous versions of DSP, Collect copied and used connection information from the assigned target source into the dgTarget and dgTargetSource tables. If the target source was required to connect to an SAP application (rather than database), the SAP Connection details were also populated on the target source record and stored in the dgTargetSource table. To ensure that connection information is stored in a central location, this release introduced the following changes:
    • Collect no longer copies target and target source connection information into dgTarget and dgTargetSource tables. Instead, Collect uses the connection information stored within the Common Data Source Registry page.
    • The ConnectionString column has been removed from the dgTarget and dgTargetSource tables.
    • Instead of entering the SAP Connection details on the target source record, users must select the Common Data Source Registry connection associated with the relevant SAP application / client.
      • With this change, the following columns within dgTargetSource have been removed or made read-only:
        • Client
        • Instance
        • Language
        • RfcNameSpaceOption
        • SAPLogonGroup
        • SAPMsgServerHost
        • SAPPassword
        • SAPServerHost
        • SAPSystemNumber
        • SAPUserID [DSP70-740

        DSP Upgrade Impact:

        When upgrading from DSP 7.1.2 or below to 7.1.3 or above, Collect target sources that include SAP connection details will automatically have the saved connection string details converted into a new Data Source of type SAP Application Server. The newly created SAP Application Server Data Source will then be assigned to the Collect target source.

        After upgrading, it’s important to review and test all Collect target sources to ensure they function correctly. [DSP70-740]


  • An issue has been fixed for 64-bit DSP instances that prevented non-dialog SAP users from creating Integrate BAPI/RFC Templates and posting an Integrate process. With this fix, using SAP non-dialog users/service accounts in Integrate is supported, so long as the user has correct SAP authorizations. [DSP70-915]
  • An issue occurred in 32-bit DSP environment when the same non-dialog SAP user account was used in multiple different data sources, each with different SAP logon languages. This issue occurred when a user posted using one connection ID in language A and then, when that process had completed, attempted to post a second process using a second connection ID in language B. The second post failed, generating an error message: Please logon with a dialog user. This issue has been corrected so that the second background process now completes as expected. [DSP70-872]


  • The View Builder tool in Common has been used as a workaround when the Advanced View Builder tool in Collect does not function properly. The Advanced View Builder tool in Collect now functions properly. [DSP70-902]

7.1.3 Enhancement Requests From Users

As the result of feedback from the online help, the User Template Filter topic was updated to include more detailed information about the VALUE field.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.1.2

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.1. Refer to the Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the DSP in version 7.1 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.1, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the DSP can be updated.

NOTE:The following SAP products are compatible with the DSP 7.1.2 release:

  • SAP Information Platform Services 4.2 SP6
  • SAP Data Services 4.2 SP12
  • SAP Information Steward 4.2 SP12

However, these are not compatible with MS SQL Server 2019. For full DSP integration with these products running on MS SQL Server 2019, clients will need to wait until SAP releases MS SQL Server 2019 compatible versions. This is currently anticipated at the end of Q2 2020.

NOTE: The address for Syniti support has been updated to

This topic contains:

7.1.2 Enhancements

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

  • The DSP, including SSIS, is now compatible to run on MS SQL Server 2019. Additionally, MS SQL Server 2014 is no longer a supported platform for the DSP.

    NOTE: If running the DSP on SQL Server 2019, be aware of the Known Issue.

  • If SSIS packages are used in Collect on a SQL Server 2019 environment, SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (SSDT for VS 2017) must be installed.

  • The delivered Security Role Governance Developer has had the System Administration JobMonitoring WebApp group added to it. This provides users assigned to this Security role with comprehensive access to DSP Monitoring pages.
  •  Electronic Signature authentication enhancements include:
    • The logic for deciding when to render the Electronic Signature panel has been updated so that the panel always appears if custom authentication is enabled, regardless of whether the user has a basic authentication password.
    • When determining whether to accept the credentials entered on the Electronic Signature panel, the logic first checks if the password matches the basic credentials password. Otherwise, it checks for custom authentication, if enabled.


  • Custom Source Connection Types added in Collect are no longer deleted on upgrade.

    To support this functionality, the DSP Supplied check box has been added to the following pages in Collect to indicate those items that are delivered with the DSP and cannot be deleted:

  • Previously, the Collect Target Source Data Services test connection process sometimes failed when the Target Source type was SAPAPPSERVER. The following features were added to prevent failure of the connection test for this Target Source type:

    • The Connection Settings button on the Vertical View of the Target Sources page is disabled when the Data Services connection type is SAP Application.

    • A validation error displays on the Target Sources page if the source connection type and Data Services connection type do not align (for example, if the source connection type is SAPAPPSERVER, then the Data Services connection type must be SAP Application).

    • A validation error displays on the Target Sources page if the source connection type does not align with the Data Services package types registered for that Target Source (for example, if the source connection type is ORACLE, the Data Services package type cannot be DataServicesRFC).

  • The Collect Parameter option Maximum Connections on the SDR Settings tab (Common > Configuration > Modules > Parameters-Collect > SDR Settings) has been deprecated:

Mass Maintenance

The Mass Maintenance Navigation pane displays as expected after a user expands the Navigation pane and later performs a page refresh.

Syniti Data Replication (formerly DBMoto)

  • The DSP is now compatible with and installed with Syniti Data Replication
  • To more tightly integrate Syniti Data Replication functionality into the DSP, the following updates have been made:
    • DSP functionality has been updated so that the Syniti Data Replicator Service no longer stops and then restarts when building and refreshing packages. The application now builds and refreshes packages without starting and stopping.
    • Where Clause functionality has been updated for the DBMoto Download package type so that running Syniti Data Replication filters records as expected. Previously, the Where Clause Override field in the DSP was not passed into the Syniti Data Replication replication Where Clause. Now, both the Where Clause Override and the Client fields are added to the Replication.

      NOTE: The DBMoto Mirror package type only filters based on SAP Client. Other filters must be manually added within the Syniti Data Replication Management Center as a Visual Basic script.

    • When a user clicks the Build package button on the Tables page in Collect, Syniti Data Replication creates the replication but does not run it.
    • Refreshing a DBMoto Download package type runs the package without also rebuilding it.

System Administration

To show unencrypted columns that needed to be reviewed, the DSP sent a daily email and a pop-up message displayed within the DSP. The pop-up message was superfluous and therefore has been removed.

7.1.2 Resolved Issues

Data Quality

An issue occurred that caused the wrong reports to display on a user's Your Object Reports page. If the user had a filter applied, the UserReportFilePath for the Your Object Reports page included the wrong user name in the file path. With the fix, the reports that display on the Your Object Reports page are now associated with the correct user name and the UserReportFilePath includes the correct user name. [DSP70-556]

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

  • The following issues with Electronic Signature authentication have been corrected:
    • Upon proper configuration, Electronic Signature now works with Integrated Authentication. Refer to Use Electronic Signature with Integrated Authentication for more information.

    • Custom authentication no longer allows locked users to log in to the DSP (for example, previously, they could make unlimited guesses at the custom login credentials).

    • The login attempt count is now correct when basic and custom authentication are both enabled.

    • Users are no longer forced to reset their passwords when they do not already have a password to reset.

    • The Integrated Authentication Variable Name option was removed from the Parameters page, resolving potential security issues. [DSP70-771]

  • A DSP-delivered CTS configuration for the DSPCommon WebApp has been updated. In a previous release, the System Type table ztSystemTypeTableFieldCheckTable was deprecated. In this release, this table has been removed from the CTS configuration. [DSP70-861]
  • A DSP-delivered CTS configuration for the Transform WebApp has been updated. The Relationship of ttWaveProcessAreaObject to ttWaveProcessAreaObjectTarget now has the EnableCTS setting checked. [DSP70-861]
  • An issue occurred when importing a System Type using a System Type Model where if there were duplicate data type mappings for the conversion from the data type used in the model to SQL Server then the import created duplicated records in the ztSystemTypeTableField table. With this fix, duplicate records are no longer created in the System Type. [DSP70-830]
  • An issue occurred in several System Type tables, including ztSystemTypeJoin and ztSystemTypeJoinField, where the tables did not have primary keys or foreign key relationships. This caused performance impacts and prevented records from being deleted when a System Type was deleted. With this fix, all ztSystemType* tables have the required primary keys and foreign key relationships, and System Type deletion cascades successfully. [DSP70-851]


  • An issue occurred with the DBMoto Download package type where, when users clicked Refresh on Collect Source, the job timed out. The code for this package type has been rewritten to prevent parallel sessions, which was the issue that caused the timeouts. With this fix, DBMoto Download jobs build as expected. [DSP70-790]

  • An issue occurred when a Schedule Services service page executed during a CranPort package refresh. If the target contained both Syniti Data Replication and CranPort tables, the service page job failed because the service page process was not able to access the CranPort tables specified in the underlying view.

  • The service page table view has been altered so that the deadlock no longer occurs. Running a Schedule Services job simultaneously with a CranPort package refresh no longer causes the Schedule Services job to fail. The concurrently running jobs now execute as expected. [DSP70-791]

7.1.2 Known Issue

If running SQL Server 2019 with DSP, there is a known issue with encryption. In some cases, values that are set to encrypted in Collect are not encrypted correctly in the table column. To resolve this issue, upgrade to 7.1.3 or request the 7.1.3 version of stored procedure DataGarage..webService_EncryptColumns.sql from support by opening a ticket at Syniti Support.

7.1.2 Enhancement Request From Users

As the result of feedback from the online help, the SQL Server Health Charts topic was updated to include more detailed information about the Memory Overview Chart.

What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.1.1

NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below to 7.1 or above, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of Data Quality (formerly dspMonitor), Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct),and Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose) must update security roles when upgrading to 7.1. Refer to the Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the DSP in version 7.1 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.1, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the DSP can be updated.

This topic contains:

7.1.1 Enhancements

As part of the Syniti rebranding effort, the temporary license email, which is sent to users who request a temporary license to log in to the DSP, has been updated from to

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

System Administration

  • To help streamline user management security, User Management was added to delivered security roles. The User Management role includes access to the UserManagement and ContentKeySecurity WebApp Groups. Users assigned to this role can create security roles with a Role Type of Content. They can also assign security definition key values to users and to security roles with Role Types of Standard and Content. The role restricts access to security, only allowing access to the pages used to create users and assign them to Application roles. Refer to Delivered Security Roles for more information.

  • To improve security, the following columns were hidden for the FieldAndValueMapper WebApp Group:

    • Refresh
    • ExportFieldMappings
    • ImportFieldMappings
    • SyncFromTargetDesign
    • UserColumnNotDefined
    • RemoveValues
    • Process
    • Build Reports
    • BuildReportsWithRemediation
    • Create
    • CreateAllRules
    • TargetTableImport

    Additionally, hard-coded UCVs were replaced with a generic webUserSecurityUcv that points to the cMap ztPageGroupColumnStatus table. If entries for AutoGen pages' columns are included in the cMap ztPageGroupColumnStatus table, the generic webUserSecurityUcv will provide correct results. All cMap page-specific UCV registrations were replaced with webUserSecurityUcv, which checks against all aspects of user security.

Syniti Data Replication (formerly DBMoto)

  • The DSP is now compatible with Syniti Data Replication version 9.6.1.
  • New DSP installations now default to the 64-bit version of Syniti Data Replication; the 32-bit version of Syniti Data Replication has been removed from the DSP installer.

7.1.1 Resolved Issues

With Google Chrome version 78, check boxes on Horizontal pages did not work properly; the check box was made invisible and an image rendered on top. Therefore, users were unable to update the check box. This issue has been fixed where check boxes work as expected in Google Chrome version 78. [DSP70-834]

Mass Maintenance (formerly dspCompose)

The User Template Role Access page in Mass Maintenance has been updated to remove functionality to grant and deny users access to templates at a global level as this method of assigning security is not compatible with the centralized security management introduced in 7.1. [DSP70-799]

Master Data Management (formerly dspConduct)

  • Fixed an error that caused a process to fail when the user clicked the Create Control Table button on the Scenario Role Task page under certain conditions. If another ScenarioRoleTask with the “Active In Scenario Role” flag unchecked is associated to the same Task as the ScenarioRoleTaskPage being processed, Invalid column name 'FieldName' errors displayed and the process failed. The failure occurred because the Control Table was created with only the key fields, missing all the non-key fields. With the fix, the Create Control Table button creates and populates the control table including both key fields and non-key fields and the process ends successfully. [DSP70-813]
  • In previous versions, when copying a position, that position’s users could be copied to the new position. Since 7.1, users are assigned to positions using centralized security, and can no longer be assigned to positions as part of the position copy process. [DSP70-823]

Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

  • An issue occurred where the DSP displayed a red “service stopped” icon even when all services were running. This issue occurred when the database and app servers were not located in the same time zone. With the fix, this difference in time zones no longer triggers the “service stopped” icon to display. [DSP70-831]
  • Collect

    • An issue occurred in the Vertical view of the Target Sources page when users populated the SAP Settings with data that included the string 'PWD'. When a user clicked the Test SAP Connection button, this error displayed:
    • Test SAP Logon Failed: Argument Length must be greater than zero.

      With this fix, including the string 'PWD' in the SAP connection information no longer triggers the Test SAP Logon Failed: Argument Length must be greater than zero error message. [DSP70-844]

    • An issue occurred with the Test Connection process on the Collect Targets page where, when more than one Cransoft Service was running in the General Queue and the user clicked Test Connection for a target, an error message displayed:
    • Internal Error - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the plugin.

      Supporting views have been changed to prevent the issue. With this fix, the exception no longer occurs and the Test Connection process completes as expected. [DSP70-500]

  • System Administration

    • The Role Content Access Download report displays the friendly name of the key assigned to a role. However, the table joined in this report is SecurityDefinitionKeyValue, which has a two-column key for some components, such as Mass Maintenance. The view used to create this report was modified to de-duplicate the values for multi-column key assignments. [DSP70-814]
    • An issue occurred on the Security Role Compare page where the page and group comparisons were displaying incorrect results. With this fix:

      • The Role Page Comparison Dynamic SQL determines the Access Matches based upon the page’s inclusion in both roles, and based upon the Allow Select/Insert/Update and Delete indicators. If the page is not found in one of the roles, then the Access Matches field is set to NO.

      • The Role Group Comparison Dynamic SQL determines the Access Matches based upon the page’s inclusion in both groups. If the group is not found in one of the roles, then the Access Matches field is set to NO. [DSP70-816]

    What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.1

    NOTE: If you are upgrading from 7.0.6 or below to 7.1 or above, you may need to migrate your security settings to use centralized security. Users of dspMonitor, dspConduct,and dspCompose must update security roles when upgrading to 7.1. Refer to the Centralized Security Migration Manual for important information about using security in the DSP in version 7.1 and later. Consult this manual BEFORE updating to 7.1, as an analysis of current security assignments must be completed before the DSP can be updated.

    This topic contains:

    7.1 Enhancements

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    System Administration

    Centralized Security

    In DSP releases of 7.0.6 and below, the management of a user’s access to different application functionality and content is done from within System Administration and the individual applications. For example, to grant a user access to dspCompose, administrative tasks were required in both dspCompose and System Administration. This fragmented approach resulted in these challenges:

    • New-user onboarding and change of user access was not efficient.
    • Users responsible for user onboarding needed training in all DSP applications that were being used.
    • Integration of DSP with third-party identity management tools was limited and, without extensive customization, would still require actions to be performed within DSP.

    With the centralized security model introduced with 7.1, a user’s access to both application functionality and content is managed in System Administration.

    Refer to Set Security for an overview of the updated process.

    Role Types Drive User Access

    To support this functionality, 7.1 also introduces a Role Type concept. There are three role types:

    • Standard roles allow access to both application functionality via WebApp Groups AND Content via Security Definition Key Value assignments.
    • Application roles only allow access to application functionality via WebApp Group assignment.
    • Content roles only allow access to Content via Security Definition Key Value assignment.

    As in previous versions, users are given access to applications through assignment to WebApp groups. In 7.1, users are assigned to WebApp groups directly, or are assigned to Standard or Application security role that has the WebApp group assigned.

    Separate User Provisioning Tasks

    Syniti recommends that Application and Content access is provisioned through separate security roles. With 7.1, it is now possible to create security roles that ONLY permit application functionality access to be granted. This offers the most efficient method by which to maintain security. Users who administer content can be assigned to the System Administration ContentKeySecurity WebApp group. Users who administer application access can be assigned to the System Administration User Management WebApp group.

    Security Definitions Restrict Access to Content and Run Rules

    Security definitions have been added to the platform that restrict access to content and that run rules when certain security-related events occur. Use a security definition to:

    • Assign a key to limit a user’s access to content.

      NOTE: Security definitions are assigned to content roles. When a user is assigned to a role, the key value(s) assigned to the role’s security definition(s) restrict the user’s access to that content only.

    • Tie rules to events, so that for example, when a user is removed from a security role, the user is removed from associated template roles in dspCompose.

    Delivered security definitions cannot be updated, but users can register custom security definitions for custom WebApps. Refer to Delivered Security Definitions and Register Custom Security Definitions for more information.

    Automatic Updates to User Access to Content with Security Definition Events

    Security definition events provide the capability to assign users to application content that previously required direct application maintenance. When a specific security-related task is performed in DSP, these events run stored procedures that insert, update or delete data specific to a user and piece of application content. For example, when a user is deleted from a security role, the user is also unassigned from the relevant application content items as a result of the security definition event rules.

    The DSP is delivered with security definition events. Refer to Delivered Security Definitions for more information.

    NOTE: There is no change to the existing security definition functionality that allows security definitions to be assigned to a WebApp page and for the data on the page to be filtered based upon the user Security Definition Key value assignments.

    New WebApp Groups

    The following WebApp groups have been added. For a complete list of delivered WebApp Groups, refer to Delivered WebApp Groups.


    WebApp Group


    • PowerUserLite — Enables users to create, change, delete and execute CranPort Packages. Users cannot change any Assemble configuration-related settings.
    • ExecutionOnly — Enables users to execute CranPort packages only, not to create or edit them.


    • PowerUserLite — Enables users to add tables to Target Sources and to build and run packages.
    • ExecutionOnly — Enables users to execute Automate Interfaces only. Users cannot create or edit them. 


    • AdvancedDeveloper — Intended to be used for Migration Advanced Developers. It enables users to maintain module-specific settings, maintain data sources, and add automation engine tasks.
    • AnalyzeLite — Enables users to execute profiling, tracing and duplicate detection activities.
    • UserCredentials — Designed to be used by Integrate Roles, allowing users to maintain their user-specific application credentials.


    • UserManager — Access to the User Settings page in dspConduct to update a user’s workflow notification settings and back up user information.


    • ExecutionOnly — Ability to post in Integrate, but not to activate or deactivate templates or processes


    • FieldAndValueMapper — Enables users to maintain Field and Value Mapping. Intended for use by non-migration developer resources who are responsible for documenting mappings requirements.
    • PowerUserLite — Enables users to perform all Field and Value Mapping activities needed to build a data object end to end. It's recommended for use by Migration Developers. Users with this Group cannot change any Map configuration-related settings.

    System Administration

    • ContentKeySecurity — Provides restricted access to a type of security user, usually a SME or Data Steward, that can:
      • Create security roles with a Role Type of Content and
      • Assign security definition key values to users, and to security roles with Role Types of Standard and Content 
    • DesignerPlus — Provides experienced DSP users with access to some advanced System Admin setup and configuration tasks.
    • JobMonitoring — Provides users with comprehensive access to DSP Monitoring pages.
    • UserManagement — Provides restricted access to security, only allowing access to  the pages used to create users and assign them to roles.

    Target Design

    • PowerUserLite — Enables users to perform all Data Design activities needed to build a data object end to end. It's recommended for use by Migration Developers. Users cannot change any Console or Target Design configuration-related settings and cannot create Waves, Process Areas, or Objects.


    • ExecutionOnly — Designed to be used by:
      • A user whose role is to only process data objects or 
      • Users that are running migration load cycles from within non-development environments. Users in this WebApp group can:
        • Execute Objects, Targets, Sources, Rules and Reports
        • Publish / Unpublish Objects / Targets / Sources and Reports
        • Segment Reports 
        • Assign users to reports or report segments.
    New Security Roles
    • The following security roles have been added to the platform:

      • Governance Business User—users assigned this role can be added to WebApp groups that allow them to submit requests and process roles in dspCompose and dspConduct and to receive reports and remediate failures with dspMonitor. Users with the Governance Business User have access to all DSP Data Governance Application functionality intended for use by end users. Depending upon which applications are in scope for a project, this role will need to be tailored to meet project requirements.
      • Governance Developer—users assigned this role can be added to WebApp groups that allow them to register data sources, add system types, configure templates, and perform other development and configuration tasks in Collect, Common, Construct, Assemble, dspCompose, dspConduct, dspMonitor, Integrate, Sys Admin. Users with the Governance Developer role have PowerUser access across all the DSP Data Governance Applications and most shared cross application components (Common, Collect and Integrate). They also have wide access to System Administration functionality. They do not have access to maintain DSP Security. Depending upon which applications are in scope for a project, this role will need to be tailored to meet project requirements.
      • Migration Business User—users assigned this role can be added to WebApp groups that allow them to maintain data design and field / value mapping. They should also be able to view the migration reports to which they have been assigned.
      • Migration Developer Advanced—users assigned this role can be added to WebApp groups that allow them to have access to all waves, process areas, objects, targets and sources and can set up security for dspMigrate. Users with the Migration Developer Advanced role are senior resources on a project and are responsible for not only designing, developing and executing data objects from start to finish, but also for troubleshooting, supporting other consultants and managing some platform level settings that control DSP’s behavior. Users with this access must have a deep understanding of the DSP platform and associated implementation methodology.
      • Migration Developer Lite—users assigned this role can be added to WebApp groups that allow them to configure dspMigrate but cannot set up security. Users with the Migration Developer Lite role are developers on a project that are responsible for designing, developing and executing data objects from start to finish. This role should permit them to perform all tasks required to design, build and execute the data objects they are responsible for. Users assigned this role should have limited access to any setup / configuration areas of DSP, including Console where they are not permitted to alter the Wave setup, because such changes impact project scope and should be determined by the project lead.
      • Migration Executer—users assigned this role can be added to WebApp groups that allow them to have limited access to perform tasks within a designated wave and process area. Users with the Migration Executer role can view data design, field/value mappings and execute Transform / Integrate processes. This role is intended for use on projects that have a multi-tier DSP environment where changes made in the development environment are transported into the Quality / Production instances. This role is also intended for use by projects that have a team that is responsible solely for executing the migration process.
      • Security Administrator—users assigned this role can be added to WebApp groups that allow them to either manage security and users or manage DSP Addons. Users with the Security Administrator role can maintain all aspects of the DSP security layer. They can create roles, security definitions and custom webapp groups. They can also create users and assign them roles. This is a privileged role and must be assigned to only a few select users.
    • The Security Role Compare page has been added so that users can compare security roles to determine the groups and pages to which certain security roles have access. Refer to Compare Security Roles for more information.
    Security Reports

    User Security reports have been added to System Administration to provide details about how centralized security is configured, including:

    • All users in the platform
    • All security roles in the platform
    • WebApp Groups assigned to security roles
    • The pages and content security roles can access
    • The pages and content users can access
    • Security roles assigned to users
    • The Security Administration Reconciliation with Governance Applications report has been added to show instances where a user’s security is out of sync between a WebApp and security settings set in System Administration. The report compares a user’s access to dspConduct Positions,dspMonitor Groups and dspCompose Template Roles within the individual applications with the expected access based upon user assignment to security roles that have associated Security Definition Key Values and User Specific Security Definition Key Valus. Refer to Compare User Access to Content Between WebApps and System Administration for more information.

      To access the reports, select Admin > Security > Security Management > User Security Reports

    • A new set of report pages are available under Security Management, called Security Pages, to allow Security Administrators to see what pages are assigned to which WebApp groups, Security roles and Security Definitions. This new set of reports enables users to effectively and efficiently create new custom security roles and to grant security access to appropriate security roles. Refer to View Security by Page for more information.
    Add Multiple Users Quickly with User Role Staging
    • The User Roles Staging page has been added so that Administrators can stage user role assignments, either manually or using Excel Integration. Staging user roles allows a user to add multiple user role assignments in one process.Processing the records in this staging table adds and removes role assignments for selected users. If the roles have any security definition key values with associated events, these events will be run. Refer to Stage User Roles for more information.

    Additional Enhancements

    The following tasks that were once performed in Common are now performed in System Administration:

    NOTE: The ability update the text in the password reset email has been removed. Additionally, the View Log In History icon has been removed from the Users page. This information is now accessible in System Administration Logs.

    • The DSP is now delivered with a set of encrypted columns, such as passwords and connection strings. This feature allows Security and Data Source Administrators to monitor columns where encryption is either required or suggested for encrypted. Refer to Monitor Columns for Encryption for more information.
    • To maintain consistency across DSP pages, the E Mail Address field on the Users page now displays as Email Address.
    • The Excel Integration feature for mass user creation on the Users page now has additional fields available, facilitating the completing of users’ profiles.

      Previous fields available: UserID, Name, Password, Anonymous and Language ID

      New fields available: UserID, Name, WindowsUserName, ExpirationDate, Anonymous, Telephone, TelephoneExtension, EMailAddress, LanguageID, DefaultPageID, StyleID and LocaleID

    • The Security Definition menu and all sub-pages are now nested under a new menu option, titled Security Management. Under this menu, Security Administrators are now able to better manage security related to the platform and individual applications. They are also able to gain deeper insights into the overall DSP security setup.

    • The following pages have been modernized by utilizing fly-out pages, enabling users to access the pages with fewer clicks:

    DSP Add-ons

    • When creating custom WebApp groups with DSP Add-ons, an Administrator user can use two new methods to quickly add pages and page permissions to it:
      • Copy a WebApp group to use the pages and page permissions (the ability to view, add, update or delete records on a page) as the basis for the new WebApp group.
      • Use Excel Integration on the Group Pages page to import a spreadsheet of pages and permissions for the new WebApp group.
        Refer to Customize Security Using DSP Add-Ons for more information.
    • Custom WebApp groups created using DSP Add-Ons can now be updated after they are published. After the group is published, the Administrator user can:
      • Assign new pages to the WebApp group
      • Delete pages from the WebApp group
      • Change page permissions
      • Change security roles assigned to the WebApp group
      • Rename the WebApp group
      • Delete the WebApp group
    • WebApp groups added in DSP Add-ons are no longer deleted on upgrade. In previous versions, users were required to republish any WebApp Groups created in DSP Add-ons after upgrade.
    • Users can now CTS custom WebApp groups added to delivered WebApps that were created in DSP Add-ons.


    • The JDE System Type model is no longer delivered with the product.
    • The trace level setting is used to indicate when the DSP should log information about DSP processes. This severity is now set to Debugging Disabled (0) for Common and dspCompose debug logs. Refer to Configure Debug Logs Settings for more information.
    • The new User Calendar page allows users to view and change the calendar for a user, either individually or in bulk by utilizing Excel Integration pages. In dspConduct the pages that use that use Calendar ID (for example, the Position User, User Position and My Positions pages) were updated to continue to work.



    Users can now purge inactive target report segments that do not have records returned on all reports. The segments with no records display on the All Business Reports (All Waves and Process Areas) page until they are manually purged. Refer to Purge Inactive Segments for more information.


    • From DSP release 7.1 onwards, users will no longer be able to be assigned to a Template or Template Roles from directly within dspCompose. It will still be possible to view user assignments to Positions. It will also no longer be possible to copy a user's template role assignment, this functionality. Instead, users will have to be assigned the corresponding Security Definition Key Value, either directly to their user, or via the assignment of their user to a Role that contains the key value.

      Watch the video for an overview of changes do dspCompose template roles for 7.1.

    • The order of items in the dspCompose Navigation menu has changed. The Configuration menu in dspCompose contains:
      • Roles
      • Org Units
      • Users
      • Change Request Status
      • Archives
    • The Setup menu contains:
      • Parameters
      • External Data Email Accounts
      • Workflow Message
      • Email Validation
      • Request Status
      • Mass Change Exclude Column
    • The Troubleshooting menu contains
      • Request Role (Finish Download)
      • Roles (Execute)
      • Data Services Job Executor
    • When a user is copied in dspCompose, the user no longer inherits dspCompose Template Roles from the user selected in the 'Copy User ID' field. Only org unit assignments are copied to the new user. Refer to Copy Org Unit Assignments for more information.


    • Users will no longer be able to be assigned to Monitor Groups from directly within dspMonitor. It will still be possible to view user assignments to Groups. Instead, users will have to be assigned the corresponding Security Definition Key Value, either directly to their user, or via the assignment of their user to a Role that contains the key value.

      Watch the video for an overview of changes to dspMonitor groups for 7.1.

    • The Data Quality Score Thresholds page is now accessible via dspMonitor > Configuration > Data Quality Score Thresholds.


    • Permissions on pages assigned to the dspConduct Read Only WebApp group have been updated so that read only access is applied correctly.
    • From DSP release 7.1 onwards, users will no longer be able to be assigned to a Position from directly within dspConduct. It will still be possible to view user assignments to Positions. Instead, users will have to be assigned the corresponding Security Definition Key Value, either directly to their user, or via the assignment of their user to a Role that contains the key value.

      Watch the video for an overview of changes to dspConduct positions for 7.1.

    7.1 Resolved Issues



    Fixed an issue where a target report, target source report, or target Data Services report did not display on the All Business Reports (All Waves and Process Areas) page in certain cases. If the report had segments, but there were no records returned for the segments, the segments were deleted in error. With the fix, when a segment is added and users are assigned to it, even if a report has no records for a segment, the segment is not removed. Additionally, segmented reports display on the All Business Reports (All Waves and Process Areas) page, even if the target report segment contains no records. Segments with no records must be purged to be removed. Refer to Purge Inactive Segments for more information. [DSP70-552]


    • Previously, when a duplicate source table was added to the Target Sourcespage, the validation rule should have prompted the user to override the source table name. Instead, the validation rule failed. The validation rule has been fixed to properly prompt the user to override the duplicate source table name. [DSP70-776]


    • When using comparison approvals, the Approve page did not display all changes to the data entry page in certain cases. If the data entry page contained a list box, and the list box was updated to the value None, the Approve page did not display an arrow next to the list box, indicating that a change had been made. With the fix, an arrow displays next to list boxes with this update on the Approve page. [DSP70-696]


    • There were several dspConduct dashboards that did not include archived data. The impacted charts referenced the views webDashboard_RequestMinStartTimeSel and webDashboard_RequestMaxFinishedOnSel. This issue has been fixed by replacing the table ttRequestRoleLog (active requests) with apiRequestRoleLogAllSel (active and archived) in these two views. [DSP70-698]
    • An issue occurred where the Count Metrics displayed week counts that did not take the year into consideration, so two years with week x would both display, causing each year’s Count Metrics to display a different week count. With this fix, the dashboard shows the correct number of week / year records. [DSP70-707]

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    An issue occurred where, when users enabled page logging for a data source and performed concurrent actions that produced log files, a concurrency error caused those log files to be written to a fallback file path. This frequently produced a logging file path error message. With this fix, the NLog versions were replaced in the library, which stabilized the concurrency error that was forcing the logging files to write to the fallback file path. [DSP70-759]

    System Administration

    An issue occurred when users registered a security definition and added more than one key column for a multi-part key. In these instances, the system created duplicate entries in the SecurityDefinitionKeyValue table and incorrectly processed the multi-part keys. Old values for multi-part keys are now properly removed when the security definition's key columns are modified.

    In addition to this fix, a System Provided flag has been added to delivered security definitions. Security definitions with this flag cannot be changed by users. Refer to Register Security Definitions for more information. [DSP70-743]


    In previous versions, if multiple background posts were executed from Integrate, they ran single threaded (one at a time). These postings worked this way because they were saved with a JobQueue GroupName of 'Integrate - Post,' which indicated to DSP that they should be run single threaded. With this fix, the Integrate 'Process Name' is used for the JobQueue GroupName, and now posts related to different processes run in parallel. [DSP70-671]


    With User Management being moved from Common to System Administration, a new method to default a calendar to dspTrack users was designed by creating new the security definition events Plan Role and Project Role. Now, when a user is assigned to a role containing a Security Definition Key Value that belongs to one of these security definitions, or when a Security Definition Key Value that belongs to one of these security definitions is added to the user, the calendar defined by the Default Plan Calendar field on the Parameters page in dspTrack is assigned to users with no calendar set.

    What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.0.6

    This topic contains:

    7.0.6 Enhancements



    To facilitate the mapping process, two changes have been made:

    1. The SOURCE DATABASE OBJECT field on the following pages now includes the description along with the table name:
    1. The SOURCE TABLE and the SOURCE FIELD fields on the Field Mappings page now include the descriptions along with their names.

      NOTE:For the name and description fields to display in the format NAME (DESCRIPTION) (for example, ITEM(MATERIAL NUMBER)), a user must define the description fields. In the System Type assigned to the data source, set the description field for the source table on the System Type Tables page, and the description for the source field on the System Type Table Fields page. If a description field is not defined, the Source ID displays the table or field name only.

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)


    • To prevent processing backlogs and inefficient DSP usage during the execution of large Collect refreshes, the queue ID can be set at the target, target source or table level. Adding a queue ID prevents processing backlogs. By assigning Collect refresh jobs to different queues, you can distribute the jobs across multiple processing threads that can run in parallel. Refer to Assign a Queue to a Refresh for more information.


    • Previously, Integrate postings did not support the usage of an SAP Message Server. This meant that posting processes could not take advantage of load balancing across available application servers. With this change, users can now use a Message server via Integrate postings and thus make use of load balancing capability. Refer to Establish a Connection to a Target System and Establish a Connection via a Message Server for more information.
    • SAP GUI version 7.4.3 Patch Level 8, 7.5.2 Patch Level 10, and 7.6.1 Patch Level 1 are now supported.

    Online Help


    A page designer can streamline request processing by allowing users with the Review role to reject requests from inside a Content WebApp page, instead of rejecting them on the Reviewer Workbench in dspConduct. Refer to Reject Requests from a Content WebApp Page for more information.

    7.0.6 Resolved Issues


    SQL AutoGen

    Corrected an issue in SQL AutoGen that prevented rules from being dropped and rebuilt for a target. With the fix, when the user sets the Report AutoGen Level to New Reports, then clicks the Create All Reports button on the Automation page, rules already generated for the target are dropped and rebuilt. [DSP70-578]


    An issue occurred where theTask page did not open when users added a button or toolbar that linked a task back to its parent page in order to avoid clicking the browser back button multiple times to return to the parent page. The LinkToPageID function has been fixed so that the Task page no longer gets looped and opens as expected when users add a button or a toolbar to return back to the parent page.[DSP70-684]

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    System Administration

    • CTS components for dspConduct Role Level and Category Role Type event rules are now included. [DSP70-628]

    • Fixed an issue when installing Integrate archives using the CTS process. If records in the archive updated records in the target system, the following fields with a blank value were converted to a NULL value:
      • ProcessTemplateLoop.LoopName
      • ttBAPIField.LoopName
      • ttBDCScreen.LoopName
      • ttBDCScreen.ScreenTitle
      • ttBDCScreenField.LoopName
      • ttBDCScreenField.Fval

    With the fix, blank values remain blank when the archive is installed. [DSP70-161]

    7.0.6 Known Issue

    When viewing fields that are HTML area controls on Vertical views with tabbed layouts, the display of buttons on the tab is left aligned. This occurs if the user clicks Edit on the Vertical View with a tabbed layout, then clicks the tab containing the field that is an HTML area. The External Reference field, which displays on multiple DSP pages, is an example. To correct the display, click the tab containing the HTML area control field before clicking Edit. [DSP-8202]

    What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.0.5

    This topic contains:

    7.0.5 Enhancements


    • The Request Post Workflow Notification page allowed Name fields to remain NULL and when the notification emails were sent, a blank email was sent to any user on the Request Post Workflow Notification page that had the Name field populated with NULL. Now, users must enter an appropriate value in the Name field when adding users to the Request Post Workflow Notification page.
    • The Count Metrics Chart was not considering the year when determining the week, so if dspConduct had requests from previous years, all years were combined into the respective week. Now, the year is included in the chart label with its corresponding week.
    • Archived requests are now included in the calculations in the following charts:

      • Category Request Duration

      • Business Process Request Duration

      • Scenario Business Process Request Duration

      • Role Scenario Request Duration

      • Category SLA Percent On Time

      • Category, Business Process SLA Percent On Time

      • Business Process, Scenario SLA Percent On Time

      • Scenario, Role SLA Percent On Time

      • Business Process Predictive
      • Request Predictive
    • The calculation for the charts Category Request Duration, Business Process Request Duration, and Scenario Business Process Request Duration has been updated to use the average request duration, and not the average request role duration as in previous versions. Additionally, the baseline used in the request duration considers completed requests from the active and archived request table. The request start for the calculation is the earliest start time of all roles. The average duration calculation uses a rolling history that is set by the dspConduct parameter Preceding Weeks Count.

    • A page designer can call the public events Validate and PreFinish from the dspConduct Request Role page from any event on dynamic pages in the Content WebApp. This allows users to run these events via a button on Content WebApp pages. Refer to Add Validate and PreFinish Events to Content WebApp Pages for more information.
    • A new Completed column was added to the Request Status page to indicate which statuses relate to completed requests.

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    • The following usability improvements have been made to the UI:

      • Font sizes are now consistent across Horizontal and Vertical views

      • Line spacing has been reduced to allow more information to be available on the page without scrolling

    • The DSP is now packaged with both versions of DBMoto: 32-bit and 64-bit. Previously, only the 32-bit version of DBMoto was packaged with the DSP and clients had to request the 64-bit version from Support. Refer to the Syniti Installation and Update Manual for DBMoto installation and upgrade instructions.

    System Administration

    • A new site parameter called Support Workflow Authentication is available on the Parameters page to allow site administrators to enable/disable the ability for users to be automatically logged in to the DSP when they click a link in a workflow email. By default, this parameter is enabled.

      If Support Workflow Authentication is enabled:

      • Users are automatically logged in to the DSP when the workflow link is clicked.
      • The following disclaimer text appears in workflow emails:

        "Any user who clicks the workflow link in this email will be automatically authenticated based upon your user account. Any actions performed in the DSP will be tied to your user account, and any information associated with your account is accessible to that user."

      If Support Workflow Authentication is disabled, users who click the workflow link must log in to the DSP to access the DSP page. If a user forwards their workflow email to another user, this new site parameter prevents the recipient of the email forward from automatically being logged in to the DSP when the workflow link is clicked.

    • The DSP User Interface (specifically, menu links) can now be easily customized to support language-specific requirements without the need for a DSP design license. This is done by creating a custom catalog, adding the phrases that need to be translated, and assigning the new catalog to the System Catalog ID field on the Language support tab of the Parameters page.


    • Business Rules are now included by default in the bulk execution processing capability on the User Management page. Users on this page now have an option to execute validations and business rules after executing Excel uploads for users. Refer to Use Bulk Execution for more information.

      NOTE: The User Management page was removed with 7.1.

    • To prevent incomplete System Types or those of a poor quality from being sent to the Entota Cloud, an 'ENTOTA Cloud Ready' check box has been added to the ztSystemType table and the associated Vertical view of the System Types page. This check box is unchecked by default, and can be updated by users.

    • To support the transfer of metadata from registered systems in the DSP to the cloud, and to maintain the original data types to describe the system in its original format, the table ztSystemTypeTableField now includes the following fields:

      • Original Data Type
      • Original Length
      • Original Decimals

      These three new fields have also been added to the Vertical View of the System Types Table Fields page.

    • The newly added Source Metadata fields, Original Data Type, Original Length, and Original Precision, are now included in the System Type Model Import process.
    • Now all fields will be included in a SAP System Type Model Import, even fields that do not have descriptions in table DD04T.

    Online Help

    Added the topics:

    7.0.5 Resolved Issues


    • dspConduct has a process that scans the Content Application Database Audit Tables to produce a Review Role Audit Details report. This process selects a table's keys and other configured fields with a pipe delimiter into a single Key To Record field in the Report. When any of those fields used a different database collation, an error would occur. To resolve this issue, the aggregation process now converts the results of the select into the database_default collation. [DSP70-510]
    • Previously, incomplete development of dspConduct Tasks (missing child pages and audit tables) prevented request data from being added to the ttReviewRoleAggretate table. This in turn prevented Review Role Audit data from displaying on theReview Role Audit Details page, resulting in time-consuming analysis work to identify the problem. To help consultants identify tasks that may have pending development work, the TASK PAGE LIST UPDATED field has been added to the Taskpage to identify tasks that have missing child task pages. Additionally, the AUDIT TABLE CREATED field has been added to the Task Page page to identify pages that do not have auditing set up. [DSP70-478]



    Previously, after installing a full Wave CTS package in another DSP landscape, the wave registration was not available on the Wave Lookup Table Refresh page. This meant that users were not able to refresh Target Values. Additionally, after installing a CTS package containing Wave Process Area Object Target Mappings or the Wave Process Area Object, users were unable to view mappings on the Field Mappings page. These issues could be worked around by syncing a target table to Map.

    These issues were resolved by making the following changes to the CTS configuration:

    • Added a new shippable item: cMap - Wave Service Check Table
    • Added new SQL Object Relationships from table ttTarget to ttTargetField [DSP70-563]


    In dspCompose, when the Force Reject Severity list box was set to Warning or Message at the template level, the Reject check box on the Reject page was not automatically checked for rows that failed both the Error and Warning/Message validations. With this fix, the Reject check box is checked for every row that fails the Error validation including rows that also fail Warning/Message validations when the Force Reject Severity list box is set to Warning or Message. [DSP70-519]

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    • Corrected an issue with the delivered CTS configuration for Integrate. The CTS process now includes custom fields assigned to the template when building the archive. [DSP70-477]
    • Syniti Transport RD2K9A00XW is not compatible with S/4HANA version 1809. Clients that are running this version of S/4HANA will need to contact Syniti Supportto obtain a compatible version of the transport. [DSP70-458]


    • The contents of ztTargetSourceConnectionType conversion table and ztTargetSourceConnectionTypeDataConversion table have been modified to allow DB2 and Oracle tables to be downloaded correctly and to allow DB2 BIGINT values to be downloaded correctly. [DSP70-580]
    • Previously, the Collect build of tables with more than 1 column failed with a primary key error when using an ODBCTERADATA source. This issue has been resolved by modifying the delivered Download SQL field for the ODBCTERADATA source connection type (on the Source Connection Types page). [DSP70-434]
    • When users would select to build packages or refresh Oracle tables, they received duplicate column errors because of hidden or virtual system columns. With this fix, users can build packages or refresh Oracle tables without errors. [DSP70-553]

    System Administration

    • Previously, when a user forwarded a workflow email to a second user, the second user could click the link and be automatically logged in to the DSP as the first user. A site parameter, Support Workflow Authentication, was added to the Parameters page to allow site administrators to enable/disable the ability for users to be automatically authenticated when they click a link inside a workflow email. Support Workflow Authentication works for both Basic and Integrated Authentication. [DSP70-448]
    • An issue with header detail pages that only had a Vertical View with tabs has been fixed. Previously, with this specific page setup, despite the tab the user was trying to edit, once in edit mode, the page would automatically jump to the first tab and inactivate the remaining tabs. [DSP70-528]

    7.0.5 Enhancement Requests from Users


    In dspConduct, when users clicked the Finish icon (or Validate button) on the Request Role page, the validation pop-up did not bind on the current UserID and the validations sometimes displayed duplicates. With this fix, the pop-up binds on the current UserID so that duplicate validations are never displayed.

    Online Help

    • The Enable Required Validation documentation in dspCompose has been clarified to state that validations are not run on required fields with data types other than nvarchar.
    • The dspCompose topic,Create Teams was clarified to indicate that a user must be added to dspCompose before being added to a team.

    What's New in Syniti® Solutions 7.0.4

    This topic contains:

    7.0.4 Enhancements

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    • The DSP® assists clients with corporate or regulatory compliance by logging all events related to processing personal data in a data source identified at the client site. The logs are created daily as .CSV files. The DSP creates a log entry every time an event executes in DSP in any application, including each page load. A log retention period has been added to the Logging Options tab on the Parameters page in System Administration. Using this field, a user can set a date by which these logs are deleted. Refer to Log Events and Access to Personal Data for more information.

    • When connecting to a HANA data source, the DSP now creates a session variable called APPLICATION and sets the value to VBR_DSP_HDI.
    • A Previous Password field has been added to the My Profile page. When users reset their passwords, they must enter their current password into this field, along with the new password and a confirmation, to reset it.
    • The DSP installation package now includes a user prompt to create and confirm the administrator password as part of the installation and users do not need to change the password immediately after installation as part of the configuration of the application.

      NOTE: This enhancement does not apply to upgrades as the administrator account password will already be set and known.


    Since all tables in DSP are required to have primary keys, if the Download Keys Indexes field on the Target Sources page's Vertical View was not checked during registration of the source, many tables got created without primary keys and had to be rebuilt and refreshed later. Now, the Download Keys Indexes field is checked by default.

    Online Help

    Added the topic Extraction Methods for End-to-End Integration Solution.

    7.0.4 Resolved Issues



    Fixed an issue where Target and Source reports were failing because they were being executed against the Migration Object Database Data Source Name instead of the Migration Object Database Data Source Database Name. [DSP70-498]


    • Corrected an issue where, when archiving requests, the Posted On, Posted By and Post Start Time were not included in the archived record. With the fix, these values are captured so that the archived request's data is complete. [DSP70-509]
    • Fixed an issue where the X and Y axis on the Request Time Taken chart in dashboards overlapped at a 200% font zoom. To fix this issue, the following text changes were made to increase space on the axes and therefore avoid overlapping:
      • Renamed the page from Request Time Taken to Active Requests Time Taken (Days).
      • Renamed columns from Longest Days Active, Shortest Days Active and Average Days Active to Longest, Shortest and Average.
      • Changed the date to a numeric format, e.g., 01/2018 instead of Jan 1, 2018. [DSP70-411]

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    • The CSV download/export feature assumes files are opened by a spreadsheet program that allows formulas (such as Excel). When not opened by a spreadsheet program, an issue occurred with CSV files where formulas that should be displayed as text were being executed, and therefore displayed warnings to the user. To resolve this issue, an apostrophe was prefixed to the first character of cells that start with an equal (=), plus (+), minus (-) or “at” sign (@). [DSP70-476]
    • DSP user email addresses have historically been limited to 50 characters. This limitation has been removed in this release. With this fix, user email addresses used to access the DSP can be up to 255 characters in length. [DSP70-480]


    Fixed an issue with file delimited CranPort packages (of any Target data source with a text delimiter defined) where the last column displayed as NULL under the following conditions:

    • At least 1 column other than the last column was delimited by the defined text delimiter
    • The last column did not have a text delimiter
    • The last column was a single character (such as A or 1)

    All rows now populate as expected: with values and with the text delimiters dropped from the delimited values. [DSP70-506]


    • Fixed an issue where Data Services package builds failed with the error “The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded." A large number of jobs being built in a single Data Services repository caused the issue. To correct it, target sources can now have a Data Services repository assigned. In prior versions, the repository could only be assigned at the target level. Data Services jobs for different source systems can be registered and created in separate repositories, and the issue that causes the error no longer occurs. Consider creating and registering an additional repository for separate target sources to minimize the chance of overloading the communication between Collect and Data Services. Refer to Configure Source for SAP Data Services for more information. [DSP70-453]
    • Fixed an issue where if the data in the Connection String field at the target source level was encrypted, any refresh would result in the data being decrypted. Now, whether the refresh is at the target or target source table level, manual or scheduled, the data in the Connection String field remains encrypted.[DSP70-538]
    • An issue occurred on the Target Source (Tables) page where builds failed with a PRIMARY KEY error when trying to build a package for a table that existed twice in the source for two different schemas. With this fix, the schema owner is included when pulling the table definitions, allowing packages to build successfully. [DSP70-430]

    • An issue occurred on the Job Detail page where scheduled refreshes that had successfully completed were recorded as having a Cancelled status. With this fix, successful refreshes are now recorded as having a Completed status. [DSP70-433]

    What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.0.3

    This topic contains:

    7.0.3 Enhancements

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    • Session ID values no longer appear in any URL string created as part of navigation around the DSP and are no longer visible in IIS logs, decreasing session handling vulnerabilities and improving security.
    • To improve accessibility, the Messages in the Quick Panel now display READ and UNREAD to indicate the status of the message rather than an R.

    Online Help

    Added the topics:

    7.0.3 Resolved Issues


    Target Design

    An issue occurred on the Target Source Full Construct page where the Drop and Build Construct Page button was hidden instead of dimmed until the Target Source was synced to Map. With this fix, the Drop And Build Construct Page button is dimmed until the Target Source is synced to Map. [DSP70-490]


    • For charts that displayed mapping status, the metrics displayed incorrectly in some cases. If a target had more than one source, and one of the sources was inactive, the mapping would display 0 on the charts, even though mappings had been completed. With this fix, charts display mapped fields correctly when a target has an inactive source. [DSP70-320]
    • The following charts did not display data under certain conditions:
      • Process Areas were missing from the Field Mapping by Wave & Process Area chart when no targets in that process area had any completed mappings.
      • Objects were missing from the Field Mapping Summary by Object chart for a process area when no targets in an object had any completed mappings.
      • Targets were missing from the Field Mapping Summary by Target chart for an object when a target did not have completed mappings.

      With this fix, these objects now display on dashboards, though they still show no data (as the target mapping has not been started). [DSP70-323]

    • An issue occurred when users submitted mappings for approval; the Mapping Status icon turned green in Map but dimmed in Automation. With this fix, mappings submitted for approval cause the Mapping Status icon to turn green in Automation as well, correctly representing the mapping status in Map. [DSP70-431]


    • When importing data from IGC into dspConduct, the cloud import failed if the DSP password was encrypted. With this fix, the cloud import does not fail in this situation. [DSP70-493]

      NOTE: This feature was deprecated in a later version.

    • Corrected an issue that caused Late Summary emails to be sent to roles even though the Late Summary workflow message was disabled for the category. [DSP70-200]
    • Corrected an issue where the ability to activate and deactivate the Late Summary workflow in dspConduct for a specific category did not work. The Late Summary workflow can now be set as active or inactive for individual categories. [DSP70-487]
    • In dspConduct, the Request Post Workflow Notification page allowed Name fields to remain blank and when the notification emails were sent, a blank email was sent to any user on the Request Post Workflow Notification page that didn’t have the Name field populated. With this fix, users will be required to enter values in the Name, Email Address, and Language fields when adding users to the Request Post Workflow Notification page. [DSP70-452]
    • An issue occurred where when users added Scenarios to Business Processes and Roles to Scenarios, the drop-down links for SCENARIO ID and ROLE ID opened to pages with all Categories displayed. With this fix, the drop-down links open pages filtered by the Category in which the user is working. [DSP70-432]


    When adding a Request to dspCompose, the Vertical View displayed both the Template and Template Name fields until the record was saved at which point the Template list box was removed and only Template Name was visible. Furthermore, when using keyboard navigation, the Template Name field took focus even though no entry was possible. With this update, only the Template field is displayed at the point of creation and this field remains displayed and editable on the page once saved. [DSP70-440]


    In dspMonitor, on the Your Groups page, if all of the reports were Info reports, the status displayed yellow with an exclamation mark and a tool tip of "Report Configuration Incomplete". With this fix, if all reports are Info reports, there is no check for an Opportunity View and the status at the group level is green with a tool tip of “Complete”. [DSP70-460]

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    • Fixed an issue where users who logged in to the DSP were not given unique session IDs. Now, these IDs are generated for each user per session. [DSP70-456]
    • The sort order was corrected throughout various charts in the DSP. As a result, the order of values on some chart pages has been updated. [DSP70-405]
    • Fixed an issue with the focus on the Close button in the Quick Panel. The user can now tab and back-tab through the items on the Quick Panel, and close the window by pressing the Enter key when the Close button is in focus. [DSP70-438]

    • Corrected the border color of non-required list boxes when they are in focus across pages in the DSP. List boxes now have the same border color as other focused fields. [DSP70-439]
    • Fixed an issue that prevented tool tips from displaying on the Edit, Status, Vertical, Audit and Delete icons on the Horizontal View on DSP pages. Tool tips display for these icons in all supported browsers. [DSP70-443]

    • The header bar did not change when different high contrast styles were applied as it was a fixed image. With this update, the header bar image has been replaced with the base color of the style applied to the Navigation pane, and a light or dark version of the DSP logo is applied to the header bar. Furthermore, the text color for context menu items displayed in the header bar as well as the up / down navigation arrows follow the coloring of the Navigation pane text. [DSP70-442]
    • When users opened the online help by clicking on the “?” icon on a page, any subsequent navigation to the help from the DSP in the same session would open a new tab. With this update, after users have opened the online help in a tab, any subsequent navigation to the help from the DSP in the same session re-uses the open tab displaying the help. [DSP70-369]

    • When downloading an Excel template through Excel Integration with the Data Type in the header, the data type DECIMAL displayed the length in bytes of the field in the header. This was confusing as most users are more familiar with precision and scale when working with this data type. With this fix, only char-based data types display length. Fixed length data types including decimal, numeric, money and smallmoney, display the data type and the number of whole digits and decimals, for example decimal (10,4). [DSP70-450]


    • Fixed an issue where Data Services package builds failed with the error "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded." A large number of jobs being built in a single Data Services repository caused the issue. To correct it, target sources can now have a Data Services repository assigned. In prior versions, the repository could only be assigned at the target level. Data Services jobs for different source systems can be registered and created in separate repositories, and the issue that causes the error no longer occurs. Consider creating and registering an additional repository for separate target sources to minimize the chance of overloading the communication between Collect and Data Services. [DSP70-453]
    • When setting up data type conversions using a source connection type of ODBCDB2, ODBCDB2AIX, ODBCDB2AS400, OLEDB2, OLEDB2AS400 and ODBCIM, the BIGINT data type was converted to INT. The data type is now converted correctly. [DSP70-435]

    System Administration

    • On the Vertical View of the System Administration > WebApps > Pages > General tab, when a user hovered over the Vertical View field, there was a typo in the Hover View Pane text. With this fix, the typo has been corrected. [DSP70-451]
    • An issue occurred on the Customization Review page where it failed to load on SQL Server 2017. With this fix, changing the CranSoft database compatibility level from 140 to 130 is no longer needed as a workaround. [DSP70-475]
    • Required text boxes had a blue border for On Focus while the border for On Display was green. With this fix, the border of required text fields when On Focus is now green, making the color for all required fields the same when On Display and On Focus. [DSP70-491]



    Fixed an issue where duplicate interface instances were sometimes created by Automate when queues were full. [DSP70-412]

    7.0.3 Enhancement Requests from Users

    What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.0.2

    This topic contains:

    7.0.2 Enhancements



    The process for building tables, views, pages and objects for Full Construction sources has been updated. For a Full Construction target source, the Construction table, view and page are built when the Full Construction target source is synced to Map, not when it is saved. For Enrichment Construction, the table, view and page are built when the Construction mapping is submitted, not when it is saved.

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    • Users can now generate a URL to link to a specific page in the DSP by using the Copy URL to Clipboard option in the Settings menu. The URL takes them to the page where it was generated with the same drill through and the same filters applied. Refer to DSP® Navigation and Menu Options for more information.

      NOTE: The Copy URL to Clipboard option uses the value that is set on the System Administration > Configuration >Parameters page, in the Web Site Root field to generate the correct URL.

    Online Help

    Updated these topics for clarity:

    Added the topics:

    7.02 Resolved Issues

    The default Email From address for workflow notifications has been updated in Console (for dspMigrate), dspCompose, dspMonitor, dspConduct, and Common (for Collect) to This address must be replaced with a valid email address at the client's site. [DSP70-428]



    An issue occurred that prevented AutoGen from creating rules for Xref actions in Map in certain cases. When a target was synced with Map, then a lookup table was added to the target in Target Design that had not been used in other mappings in the source, then the mapping was reset and submitted again, AutoGen did not create the xt views in the database when the user clicked the Create and Complete icon for the rule in AutoGen. AutoGen displayed a message that it had completed successfully. The rule was not created as it was not validated. With the fix, when the user clicks Submit in Map for an Xref mapping, the record is validated and AutoGen can then generate the xt view. [DSP70-444]

    Target Design

    Fixed an issue that caused duplicate icons to display on the Targets page. [DSP70-429]


    • Fixed an error that occurred ("The service was unable to evaluate the non-query statement.") when the user clicked the Submit button on the Field Mappings page when mapping a target source field with the Construction action. [DSP70-338]
    • Fixed an issue that caused duplicate icons to display on the Wave Lookup Table Refresh page and the Value Mapping page. [DSP70-429]
    • The Value Mapping by Wave & Process Area chart showed a bar for each Process Area in the Wave, but all of the bars displayed the same values for the selected Process Area. With this fix, only one bar displays with the correct selected Process Area values. [DSP70-321]
    • An issue occurred that caused an error to display when setting the Source Database Object on the Target Sources page in Map. If a source used a System Type that had a table with multiple joins, and the source was added to a target in Target Design and then synced to Map, attempting to add the source database object in Map resulted in a Primary Key Constraint error. With the fix, this error no longer displays, and source database objects can be added to the target source in Map. [DSP70-388]
    • An issue occurred that caused validating or adding a source based on a system type on the Target Sources page in Map to take over a minute in certain cases. When there was a large amount of data (for example, over six million fields and over one million joins), the performance was slow. A stored procedure that was no longer needed was removed from the OnValidate event for the Target Source record, which greatly reduced the time it takes to add or validate a target source. [DSP70-389]


    • Fixed an issue where, when generating documentation for target source reports in Transform, an error occurred if the report Description was longer than 50 characters. [DSP70-280]
    • Fixed an issue that prevented multiple target sources from being executed at the same time in certain situations. If two targets used the same source ID, the Process icon on the Target Sources page was dimmed for one of targets while the other target was being processed. With the fix, target sources of this type can both be processed at the same time. [DSP70-406]


    • When multiple Final Finishes were run, sometimes the Final Finish and the Business Create Processes failed. With this fix, users can run multiple Final Finishes without failures. [DSP70-279]
    • The finish process used to be able to create multiple Finish Packages and refresh tables multiple times per request. With this release, tables refresh once per unique WHERE clause regardless of the number of Tasks that they are registered to. For example, if LFA1 (Vendor General Data) is registered to 2 tasks that are in the same request with the same WHERE clause, then LFA1 only refreshes once during the Finish process.[DSP70-142]


    • When users clicked View on a report, the report displayed with a Report Name column that repeated the same information for each row. With this fix, this extraneous column has been removed from the page. [DSP70-371]
    • Am error displayed when running a report that had the Order By field populated that also used a File Delimited output type. With the fix, the report executes successfully under these conditions. [DSP70-385]

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)


    • RAW Data Type conversions often produced errors in delivered Connection Types. With this fix, RAW Data Type conversions work as expected. [DSP70-408]
    • An issue occurred on the Tables page where CranPort packages no longer appeared in the Package Name list box. With this fix, the CranPort package names appear for the Target Source tables.[DSP70-186]


    • When an SAP System Type was imported using the model views included in Common (DSPCommon.dbo.tvDataBaseModel_%), tables with a TABCLASS of "POOL" in DD02L were not imported into the System Type. With this fix, tables are imported as expected. [DSP70-386]
    • The Add option on the Debug Log page was not supported for custom WebApps, so users were not able to create a Debug Log. With this fix, users can create a Debug Log for custom WebApps. [DSP70-384]
    • A service page has been created in Common to automatically delete dspCommon.dbo.ttMonitor records based on the retention days configuration on the Monitor Overview page. [DSP70-277]


    The No Data Symbol, which represents no data in a post, did not display when posting a BDC process in the background using the BDC Post Method BOAFileCreation. With the fix, if the field is blank, Integrate uses the symbol correctly to represent no data in the posting record. [DSP70-361]

    7.0.2 Known Issue

    There is a known issue with SQL Server 2017 running at Compatibility Level of 140. Dynamic views that have SQL and reference functions that return tables can cause the SqlDataAdapter.FillSchema method to fail to return the schema. If WebApp Customization > Page Customization is used, the Compatibility Level must be lowered to 130 for the Cransoft databas. In SSMS, execute the following statement:


    7.0.2 Enhancement Requests from Users

    • When Excel Integration was enabled, the dynamic column help was written into a row of the Excel sheet and due to the length of the help text this could contain, it was not an ideal way of providing the information to the user. Now, users can choose whether the help text goes into a header row of the sheet or is attached as a comment. When the Excel Help Text as Comment check box is checked on the Excel tab of the Vertical View of the Pages page, the column help text is displayed in comments when hovering over the second row in the downloaded Excel template.
    • When users select Download from the More Actions menu on a DSP page, the default value selected is Microsoft Excel Document (XLS)
    • A note was added to the field description for the Rule field on the Scenario Role Event Rule page: "NOTE: When adding a custom business rule, the Designer selects the rule from a list of stored procedures from the selected data source. These stored procedures can only accept the inputs RequestID and RoleID.

    What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.0.1

    This topic contains:

    7.0.1 New Feature

    Use the Agent Interface to Configure the Migration Dashboard

    The Migration dashboard, visible in Syniti, provides visibility into progress and status associated with enterprise Data Migration efforts by giving you access to the most important migration project metrics.

    Using this dashboard you can:

    • Understand the current status of migration waves
    • Identify any waves that are running behind schedule
    • Ascertain go-live readiness for a wave

    Before waves, milestones and threshold data can display on the Migration dashboard, each must be configured in the DSP. Refer to Configure the Migration Dashboard for more information.

    NOTE: You need an additional license to access the Agent Interface and the Migration dashboard. Contact your Syniti Sales contact for more information. If you do not have contact information, then submit a request in the Product Support site.

    7.0.1 Enhancements

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    Online Help

    The help now has an enhanced feedback section at the bottom of every page, where users can indicate whether a page's content was helpful. The Documentation team uses this feedback to monitor and improve the quality of the help.

    The Online Help now features video use cases for the following topics:

    7.0.1 Resolved Issues


    Target Design

    Fixed an issue that caused an error to display when a user clicked the Drop and Build Data Construction Table and Page icon on the Target Sources page’s Vertical View. [DSP70-395]


    • Users used to be able to run Finish Packages even when the package generated without a WHERE clause, which resulted in a full target system table refresh. With this release, the DSP prevents Finish Packages from running if they generate without a WHERE clause to prevent the full target system table refresh. [DSP70-141]
    • An issue occurred on the Request Roles page where the Finish button was behaving incorrectly. When a user clicked the Finish button to finish the role, the button became disabled, then enabled again, even though rules registered to the Finish event were still executing. The user could then click the Finish button a second time, executing the rules again, which would result in errors in the data and posting errors. With this fix, once the Finish button has been clicked once, it is either disabled or overlaid with a spinning icon that indicates current foreground processing. [DSP70-144]


    An error occurred in dspMonitor, on the Workflow Parameters tab of the Parameters page, where the Registered Sign was displayed incorrectly as a unicode fallback value in the Email Attachment Body text. With this fix, the Registered Sign displays correctly. [DSP70-398]

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP)®

    The following related issues were resolved involving the reliability of the DSP site after an extended idle period. The problems found were related to the erroneous generation of records in the LogEntry and Setting tables for background events and multiple licensing concurrency errors being unhandled. [DSP70-154, 155, 156, and 157]

    System Administration

    An issue occurred in CTS where unresolved aliases that existed in SQL Objects were causing builds to fail. With this fix, CTS packages are created for the SQL objects ignoring unresolved aliases and the builds complete successfully. [DSP70-374]


    An issue occurred where the Common Service page Data Services Status produced failures due to a RunID that could not be found as a Job in Data Services. With this fix, the Common Service page Data Services Status no longer produces these failures if there is a RunID referenced in DSP that does not exist in Data Services. [DSP70-281]

    What's New in Syniti Solutions 7.0

    This topic contains:

    WARNING: Any additions or changes users have made to CTS configuration (Admin > CTS >Configuration) may be lost when upgrading from DSP 6.6.x or earlier.

    Prior to any upgrade backups should be taken of all databases. Once the upgrade is complete, if any custom CTS configurations are found to be missing, then the backup of the CranSoft database should be restored to a new database (DO NOT restore it to the CranSoft database). The missing custom configurations can be merged into the CranSoft.dbo.CTSConfig% tables from the restored backup.

    Please contact Syniti Support if you would like assistance with this activity.

    7.0 New Features

    Updated User Interface

    • The look and feel of the DSP® has been updated for 7.0. All pages and functionality are still available. Refer to DSP® Navigation for more information.
    • The Styles page in System Administration has been updated with additional options. After upgrading to 7.0, custom styles may have to be updated by an Administrator. Refer to Add a Style in System Administration for more information.
    • Images in the DSP have been updated to svg format. Refer to Add or Update Custom Icons for Custom WebApps for more information about working with svg images.

    Updated Online Help Interface

    • The look and feel of the online help has been updated. Refer to How to Use Online Help for more information.
    • The online help is now hosted and accessible via a URL, instead of being installed on site with the DSP. This allows for updates and improvements to help to be made independent of a product release.

    7.0 Enhancements

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®)

    The DSP now supports SQL Server 2017.

    System Administration

    • Administrators now have an avatar icon in the Site toolbar that displays the Administrator’s initials and has a service light. The service light continuously displays the current status of background jobs. When admin users click the avatar, depending on the service light color, the icon directs the user to different linked pages. The service light colors indicate:
      • Red — Service down; links to Resources page
      • Yellow — Service job failed; links to Jobs (Failed) page
      • Green — Nothing in failed job queue; links to Resources page
    • The Styles page has been updated to reflect the additional interface elements that can be styled with 7.0. Elements that are no longer styled have been removed.

      NOTE: Custom styles may need to be adjusted after an upgrade to 7.0. Refer to the Styles page for information about each option.

    Online Help

    7.0 Resolved Issues


    • Corrected an issue where the request status displayed in the Content WebApp incorrectly. When a request displayed the “Scheduled” request status in dspConduct, it displayed the “Request in Process” status in the Content WebApp. With the fix, the request status displays correctly in the Content WebApp, and users can view which requests are scheduled to post in the future. [DSP70-185]
    • Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, records were not written to a log table when a role was not used in any of the later dependencies in a request. For example, if role 1 had roles 2, A, B, and C dependent on it, and role 2 had roles B, C, and D dependent on it, when role 2 completed, no log entry was created for role D. Additionally, if role D was dependent on any other role, no log entry was created. Now, records are written to the log table without issues. [DSP70-202]
    • Fixed an issue when using the Group Post feature where the user ID of the person triggering the posting process was not recorded correctly against each of the posting steps. The user ID stored as the request's Posted By value is now used for the individual posting processes in that request. [DSP70-203]



    Deadlock errors occurred and duplicate fields displayed on the Target Source Schema page in Map when a user selected multiple fields and clicked the Reset button. With the fix, the Reset icon is active when one field is selected, and is dimmed when multiple fields are selected. [DSP70-198]

    SQL AutoGen

    Fixed an issue where, in certain situations, DSP did not map the correct SQL Server data type to a System Type field’s data type when building tables using AutoGen. With the fix, all relevant data types can now be mapped for System Type field’s data types, and tables are built correctly. [DSP70-201]


    An issue occurred and users could not execute target reports that had key field names that contained special characters. With this fix, users can execute target reports in Transform, even if the key field names contain special characters. [DSP-6552]


    Postal code formats for validations used in dspMonitor™ have been updated as a result of SAP OSS number 1381564. [DSP70-199].

    Data Stewardship Platform (DSP)®

    An issue occurred where SSIS packages took too long to process. With this fix, the code for processing SSIS packages was changed back to and is processing quickly; users no longer need to use the ManualSSIS Package workaround. [DSP70-270]


    An issue occurred where Lookup Table values were not being populated when System Types were imported into Common. With this fix, System Type Import populates Lookup Table values for System Types Table Fields as expected. [DSP70-282]

    Online Help

    • The navigation for the field description topic describing the Target Source Copy To page in the DSP was improved. Also, both a field description and use case topic were added to the help that explains the Target Rule Copy To page in the DSP. [DSP-9544]
    • Improved the RANGE LOW and RANGE HIGH field descriptions on the Sample Sizes (Setup) page in Transform.

    IG Universal Connect

    Fixed an issue with the plugin used by Integrate and Collect to call Boomi that caused an error when the number of processes in a single account was greater than 400. [DSP70-87]